Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 827 Return to Nanling

That night.

A small boat floated quietly on a lake, the waves were sparkling, the moonlight was quiet, everything was quiet, and there was no light on the boat.


The sound of treading water suddenly sounded, and the moon shadow in the middle of the lake was trampled to pieces. A figure floated into the cabin at an incredible angle like a dead leaf, without even the wind curtain covering the outside of the boat. Lift up half a minute.

There was indeed no one inside the boat, but the man lifted up the wooden planks at the bottom of the boat, jumped over, and jumped directly into the water. The floating boat was just the entrance to the passage, and the entrance here led directly to the safety below the center of the lake. Room.

The safe area is not large, only about 60 square meters. The room is clean and has only one bed and a medicine cabinet.

Sitting on the bed was a naked old man with bandages wrapped around his upper body, and his whole body exuded a strange smell of Chinese medicine.

Lu Shuihu used to be a member of the Cao Gang. Over the years, he would habitually hide in the water after an accident. The environment here is quite secluded, so the safe house that has been there for more than 20 years is still there.

The identity of the ten evil men cannot be revealed. He has been away from society for too long, so he must be careful.

Lu Shuihu stared at the man in black robes who entered the safe house, and could smell a strong smell of blood from him.

But when the man in black robe raised his hand and threw it, a jar the size of a water bottle landed in front of him. The liquid in the glass jar was quite turbid, and it could be vaguely seen that it was some kind of medicinal wine.

"Drink it and you'll get better faster." The man in black robe said calmly.

"What is this?"

"The dragon's embryo, the dragon's womb contains tremendous vitality. You have lost too much vitality this time, and ordinary methods cannot make up for it."

"You woke me up from seclusion." Lu Shuihu said in a low voice: "Now you have given me various medicines to help me recover quickly. What are you planning?"

"You and I have the same goal, so you can't die before you complete it." The man in black robe said.

"Do you also have a grudge against Huang Qixia?" Lu Shuihu asked.

The other party didn't answer.

Lu Shuihu snorted coldly, raised his hand and tore off the bandage on his body, revealing the scars left after the flames burned. Most of his face had been disfigured, as if the skin and flesh were turned out, and his appearance was quite ferocious and terrifying.

"How many percent of your combat strength have you recovered so far?" the man in black robe asked.

"About seventy percent."

"After absorbing this can of wine, you can recover to more than 90%." The man in black robe looked at the healed wound, and then threw out an old flip phone: "Go to this address tomorrow, and I will arrange for you to meet another person. "

"who is it?"

"If you go, you will naturally know that...he will help you kill Huang Qixia."

"I will avenge myself." Lu Shuihu touched the scar on his chest and sneered: "If you think I can't do it, let him try it first."

"His target is not you, but Bai Yujing." The mysterious man said calmly: "You can cooperate. He will help you entangle Bai Yujing and create opportunities for you to deal with Huang Qixia. But even so, it is not safe enough. I have further arrangements.”

"Can you guarantee that Huang Qixia will die this time?"

"The gun is in your hand, and the choice to pull the trigger is also in your hand. Whether you can kill her or not depends entirely on your own ability." The mysterious man said with half of his face hidden under his black robe. It was a mockery: "You have already missed an excellent opportunity. If you fail again this time...heh, you will probably not be able to come back alive by then."

Lu Shuihu said nothing, but silently released the saint-level pressure.

Seeing this, the mysterious man said no more and was about to turn around and leave. He walked out three steps and then stopped, leaving behind a crane-mouthed bottle two fingers wide.

"Just to be sure, if you get really desperate, swallow it."

"The Heavenly Demon Disintegration Pill activates itself after taking it, and operates the Heavenly Demon's Disintegration Method."

"It will directly burn up your hundred years of life, but it can exchange for the strength of a stick of incense."

The mysterious man disappears into the safe house.

Lu Shuihu stared at the white jade bottle and glass jar. After a moment of silence, he opened the seal.

He is already a ferocious tiger crossing the street. The sky and the earth are so big that he has no place to stay and no place to return. He just wants to have a "good death" as a warrior in the end.

After leaving the lake, the mysterious man appeared in an abandoned park more than ten kilometers away.

The rusty swing swayed, and the iron chain made a tooth-gripping sound.

An old man with white hair and a stooped back like a gibbon squatted on the swing, looking drowsy.

When the mysterious person approached, the old man nodded, then raised his head, and turned back to look at the person slowly. A ray of light shot out of his dim old eyes, and then he narrowed again.

The eagle stands as if it is sleeping, and the tiger moves as if it is sick. This is where it takes advantage of people and bites them.

Dangerous people will not let you see how dangerous and deadly they are before they show their fangs.

The mysterious man got straight to the point: "Bai Yujing will be the next generation of gun leader. If you don't kill him now, I'm afraid you won't have a chance."

The old man opened his mouth, yawned faintly, and showed his steel teeth: "It's not you who has the final say who I want to die, but me... I came this time because of the past, between you and me For the sake of cooperation.”

He spoke slowly and leisurely, with a strong local accent, rising and falling, as if he had a piece of iron in his throat, or a piece of razor.

The mysterious man said: "If you don't believe me, just go over and have a look yourself."

"Well, that's fine. It's time to go over and have a look... the young man who is qualified to take over Chen Bu Ren's Hongying Gun." The old man said, using his fingers to pick out a piece of meat from between his teeth, then threw it into his mouth and swallowed it. , said with an afterthought: "The last young man was really good at using that big Liuhe gun."

He patted his shriveled belly, and a smile that made people look at the uncanny valley effect appeared on his wrinkled old face.

"Oh, I haven't eaten meat for decades..."

"I'm really hungry."

"I'm really looking forward to it. What will it taste like this time?"

The mysterious man cursed the old madman in his heart.

Then he threw out a Bagua array diagram.

"You know how to use this wonderful thing."

He said in a low voice: "We will never meet again."

Whether it succeeds or fails unilaterally is irrelevant.

For a person who bets on both ends, he only needs to win one end.

On the national highway, the RV encountered a huge traffic jam.

Because of a large-scale traffic accident ahead, the forward speed this time was slowed down a lot.

The expressway that was originally reachable in a few hours was changed to a national highway, and then there was another traffic jam. It is said that someone in front of us overturned the car, turned 720 degrees in the air, and flew onto the telephone pole. People passing by have to marvel at how they got up there.

Because Huang Qixia couldn't drive, Bai Yu could only stick her buttocks to the driver's seat.

He didn't feel tired, just dull and bored.

Many people will be nervous and nervous when driving at first, but as time goes by, the posture will become boring and boring, and their attention will be distracted unconsciously.

Therefore, the probability of accidents for novice drivers in the first three years of driving is not as high as that of drivers with three to ten years of driving experience.

While the latter has a sense of luck, they also have a kind of inertia towards the posture process. Naturally, it is difficult to concentrate on everything.

Of course, the above cases do not include long-haired male drivers and other natural-born road killers.

Huang Qixia unknowingly fell asleep sitting in the passenger seat until she was woken up by some dazzling lights.

Several traffic policemen were checking driver's licenses and ID cards.

Huapenglei was very reliable in handling matters and even prepared customs clearance documents in advance, but they were only temporary and only valid for a few months.

Bai Yu drove through the inspection gate and looked at the road ahead, feeling as if he was in another world.

"What's wrong with you?" Huang Qixia noticed the change in his mood.

"It's nothing, we are in Nanling." Bai Yu said softly, "This is my hometown."

I was here at the beginning of time travel. Although I didn’t stay too long, this is the starting point of everything. If you wander outside for too long, you still have to come back and take a look.

What I miss is not necessarily a specific place, but the past times.

When he determined the route, he unconsciously regarded Nanling as a node on the way to Penglai.

Huang Qixia sat upright and looked out the window with curious eyes.

"Actually, there's nothing special here." Bai Yu looked at the Nanling city after nightfall, with neon lights flowing on the windshield: "It's just a very ordinary city. Before I was targeted by the outside gods' lackeys, I was just a lonely person. Just a nameless ordinary person.”

"Well..." Huang Qixia sat in the passenger seat. She leaned back on the chair, picked up an orange, peeled and removed the tendons, and handed a piece of orange to Bai Yu's lips: "Tell me about your past. "

Bai Yu took a piece of green orange and said, "They are all ordinary stories."

"It's okay, I want to hear it." Huang Qixia turned her cheek, her golden-red-rimmed eyes couldn't hold the lights of thousands of houses, but they were like a mirror. When you looked at her, she was always there. Looking at you: "I want to get to know you better."

Bai Yu felt that his throat was a little itchy.

The longer I stay with this person, the more deeply I feel what it is like to have a clingy cat. He may become depressed even if he can't see you for a minute.

"I'm probably sick..."

Tao Rusu held her forehead, sat on the bench in front of Chang Yesi and sighed: "I would actually believe in the driving skills of a black evil bowman...and it was obviously you who drove the car over the telephone pole, why did you have to do it for me? Taking the blame?”

Di Jie Xing looked away in embarrassment: "I don't have a driver's license, but my driving skills are always good."

"Isn't the car you are driving floating in the air?" Tao Rusu glared: "It's still a rented car, and now the deposit is gone!"

Di Jie Xing frowned: "What is your identity... you care about such a small amount of money."

Tao Rusu gritted her teeth: "No matter how rich I am, I still have to save a dowry for myself! And that bully overlord doesn't even pay living expenses to this girl! I earn all my private money by myself when I go out to run commissions. Clean!”

Di Jie Xing did not expect that Tao Rusu was a child from a poor family: "Ah this..."

"If you want money, you can get it, I just don't want to owe him." Tao Rushu said coldly: "I am using Zhen Shifang, and I have never regarded him as a father... He is also a cold-blooded person. If you have to give up, you should give up. If you encounter a crisis, you won’t have time to take care of me.”

Di Jie Xing nodded: "After all, the person who can fight for you is Bai Yujing... so he is more like your father than your father."

Tao Rusu was silent for two seconds, then grinned: "Put your head over here."

Earth Tribulation Star waved his hand: "Just kidding."

…Even if I would call him daddy, I would call him in bed to add interest.

Tao Rusu kicked him: “Go pay the fine!”

Di Jiexing had no choice but to take out his wallet and ran to pay the money in shame.

After he could no longer see the back of the archer, Tao Rusu sat on the bench and looked into the distance: “I’m back to Nanling again…”

This place is also full of memories for her, both good and bad.

Should I go back and take a look?

She thought about it, and then did it.

While Di Jiexing was paying the fine, she sneaked away and left a note before leaving, telling him to meet at a certain location tomorrow.

She wanted to go to the school, but it was already dark and the school was closed.

She wandered along the roadside for an hour or two.

Aimlessly walking around, as if collecting fragments of memories everywhere.

In fact, it was nothing. Most of her past in Nanling City was repetitive and boring.

In this way, she unconsciously came to the downstairs of Bai Yu’s house.

She looked up at the dark floor.

She knew that no one lived there, so she just came to take a look.

After seeing it, she was satisfied and prepared to leave.

Just as she stood outside the community and was about to look away and leave, the lights of the residents on the sixth floor suddenly lit up.

It also lit up her eyes that were covered with a layer of gray.

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