Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 834: The Great Xia Sword Master

Is there anything wrong with the idea of ​​a gun-eating ghost?

There is nothing wrong with looking at it from the perspective of the parties concerned or a third party.

Who would believe that Bai Yu's archery skills could rival those of a sainted archer?

So what if they are comparable?

But the focus is never on the bow, but on the arrow.

Everyone only saw Bai Yu using the Black Demonic Spear as an arrow, but they did not realize that he added some seasoning to the arrow.

It is this condiment named "Jidu" that makes this originally mediocre "melee combat into long range attack" combination skill become charming, imaginative and even exciting.

The finishing touch needs to be the finishing touch.

Missiles alone are not enough, guidance is also needed!

So Bai Yu chose to shoot the arrow first and then draw the target.

The moment the arrow made of the black magic gun was shot, its hit was already a definite fact.

Because what it hit was not the current gun-smoking ghost, but the gun-smoking ghost a few seconds ago.

Precisely because this arrow hit the gun-smoking ghost a few seconds ago, his unique skill was forcibly interrupted.

Gu Ming was shot through the heart, and even if he was canonized, he would not be able to survive for long.

He is a martial saint and lacks defense.

In addition, the black magic gun directly penetrated the heart and destroyed half of his body... which was equivalent to basically tearing down the foundation of his Martial Saint.

Not only is the vitality, but also the realm is falling crazily.

The third golden roc among the top ten evils who died in Baiyu can survive by attaching his soul to other people's bodies because his soul is quite special and he is a seeker; and Wu Sheng, as a dominator, pursues The ultimate form is the flawless Martial God.

If the goal of a seeker is to make the world grow into a star, then the God of War is to temper himself into a star.

This means that once the body is destroyed, it will never survive forever.

Therefore, he won't live long.

While there is still some strength left, maybe there is still a chance to exchange lives with Bai Yu.

It’s not that Gu Ming doesn’t know this.

But he lacked the courage to fight to the death.

He had killed so many people in the past and was waiting for his own death, but he couldn't even muster the courage to change his life.

His lips trembled, and he wanted to say something more, but in the end he did not speak. Instead, he waved his hand to break the space, jumped into the clouds below, and escaped in a streak of blood.

He looked as embarrassed as an old dog with a broken back.

Bai Yu glanced at it and did not choose to chase him. Instead, he turned around and galloped in the other direction.

The gun-eating ghost can't live much longer, even if he uses other means.

The Jidu arrows severely damaged the soul, and the black magic spear severely damaged the body... If he could still survive, then he wouldn't be called a Martial Saint. He could be renamed a Martian alien species.

He still needs help in two places, so he can't waste any more time.

Of course, there is one more thing...

Bai Yu glanced at the broken Heisha bow in his hand and sighed silently.

Although the move is good, it requires too much bow.

Most of the counter-shock force of the three thousand Black Devil Guns fell on the bow, and the Black Devil Bow that was picked up could not hold up at all and became a disposable item.

The good news is that he wasn't seriously injured. Minor injuries can be repaired by just drinking a little red bottle.

Next time you have a chance, can you catch a fish, wait for the Black Demon Archers to come to you, and then hang them up one by one and confiscate their crime tools?

His ability to kill the Martial Saint with just one move was enough to make him go sideways in Daxia and Rome.

A thud.

In Nanling City, a hole was smashed into the top of the teahouse.

Gu Ming, who was in a state of embarrassment and bleeding all over his body, rolled down the stairs.

He had almost no strength to stand. After all, his spine was broken, so he relied on his soul and strength to support his body.

But even if I covered it with both hands, I couldn't stop the huge hole in my chest.

He put his hands on the ground, lay on the ground, and called for help to the fat woman behind the counter of the teahouse: "Elixir, give me the elixir to extend my life..."

The fat woman is like a puppet, indifferent.

After a few seconds, he seemed to be connected to the Internet. He turned his head, glanced at Gu Ming, and said softly: "How did it happen like this? You can lose your life against a junior?"

"Elixir, give me the life-sustaining pill, cough, give it to me!" The gun-smelling ghost's eyes turned red.

"That's the reward you get after you accomplish it." Tai Sui raised his finger and shook it: "You failed to kill Bai Yujing, so the transaction was not completed."

"Give me, please, save me... I can do anything..." The gun-smelling ghost covered the wound, but could not stop the blood flow. His eyes were full of panic and he begged.

"Hey..." Tai Sui knelt down and looked into Gu Ming's eyes: "Even if I give it to you, it's of no use. The life-sustaining pill is a pill that increases longevity. Accept it as soon as possible. Old ghost, you are going to die. Originally, you still have I had the opportunity to trade my life with him, but to come here a waste of my plan."

The gun-smelling ghost's face became paler. At this point, he also understood. He realized that he was seeking skin from a tiger, and now that he had lost his use value, Tai Sui would never be able to save him.

Gu Ming was silent for two seconds and let out a desperate roar.

He pulled out the black magic gun stuck in his chest and stabbed Tai Sui in the face with the gun in a rage.


A corner of the teahouse collapsed, and the fat woman's head instantly exploded into a mist of blood.

But soon, a figure stood up in the corner of the first floor. Holding a teacup in his hand, he walked to the side of Gu Ming, who was about to die, and poured the dim yellow tea on his head: "Useless thing. If you die, you have to take a bite."

The mysterious man incarnated by Tai Sui straightened his collar and walked out of the teahouse. Suddenly, he heard a strange sound behind him.

He turned sideways and saw a shadow passing by.

The man tilted his head to avoid the flying spear. Xiangliu's spear pierced straight into the pillar behind him, and the tail of the spear trembled continuously.

Gu Ming's right hand dropped down. He sat on the ground, and there was no spirit in his eyes.

The gun-eating ghost swallowed his last breath and stared at the front before he died.

The mysterious man incarnated by Tai Sui raised his thumb and wiped the blood from the wound on his cheek that was scratched by the weapon.

"Even the sneak attack failed, what a shitty spear leader, you deserve to die with your eyes wide open!"

With a sneer, Tai Sui turned around and pulled out Xiangliu's spear.

This weapon cannot be left behind. If you want to kill Bai Yujing, you must keep it.

Holding the weapon, he also felt a little uncomfortable and moved his shoulders unnaturally.

Then he disappeared in the teahouse.

Artificial ski resort.

It was also a contest between martial saints, but this side was more delayed than the other side.

Lu Shuihu's attack method was quite retro. He had no weapons. As a martial saint, all his abilities were in his fists and feet, but he was neither a boxing champion nor a palm champion. As a martial saint, he relied on his solid basic skills to get to this point.

Every martial saint had his own unique skills.

And Lu Shuihu's peerless skills were called "Chuan Liu Bu Xi".

As the name suggests, his peerless skills were different from the big moves of other martial saints that scared people as soon as they showed up, but were a passive skill.

Even for a grandmaster who could pry the power of heaven and earth, his own true qi had limits. He could pry one hundred with one move, but he only had one hundred, so he could only move ten thousand at most. This was the limit of the lever.

Because the Martial Saint took the route of domineering, his inner world was formed, which was equivalent to expanding his private treasury, greatly increasing the upper limit and durability, and no longer relying on the external power of heaven and earth, he himself was the walking world, but because of this, the consumption was also huge.

And the endless passive skills were constantly increasing Lu Shuihu's attribute upper limit... Unlike other Martial Saints, he had a standard enhanced talent, and as time went by, he continued to expand his inner world.

So Lu Shuihu was a standard late bloomer, and he became stronger with age. The longer he was, the stronger his attributes became. This was the fundamental reason why he could improve his realm by retreating.

If other Martial Saints did this, even if they sat for a hundred years, their realm might not improve much, but he only needed to wait for the water to drip through the stone, and he could actually reach level 60 or above.

This was the advantage.

The disadvantage was that Lu Shuihu's attack method was very retro, and he lacked the means to make the final decision.

Even if he fought at the same level, he would definitely be the one who suffered a loss, and because of the lack of means, he could not attack Huang Qixia for a long time.

Huang Qixia possesses the Nirvana method and the Phoenix True Body, and has mastered the compound secret. If she is determined to delay time, Lu Shuihu will not be able to take her down even if he wastes a few more hours.

This situation is not the result of accidental causes.

I think it is also the result that Tai Sui needs.

On the one hand, Tai Sui hopes that Huang Qixia will be in danger, and on the other hand, it is impossible for him to really send Huang Qixia to reincarnation and wait for another five hundred years until the next female evil is born.

In the battle at Fenghuangtai, it was not Lu Shuihu who forced Huang Qixia into a desperate situation, but the Black Evil Archer.

But Lu Shuihu is not a fool.

When he saw that the other party was reluctant to confront him head-on, he provoked him.

"Are you waiting for Bai Yujing to arrive?"

"Then you don't have to wait."

"The fifth of the Ten Evils, the Gun-Eating Ghost Gu Ming, came here to kill him... If you continue to delay time, you will only wait for a corpse in the end."

After hearing this, Huang Qixia really stopped.

Kuang Xiao rushed forward when the time was right, intending to tear her hand off with brute force.

But just as he grabbed Huang Qixia's wrist, he found that he was also locked by the throat. Her three fingers were like the claws of a phoenix, digging into the sides of her neck and throat, and at the same time, a very fierce knee hit Kuang Xiao's abdomen.

Lu Shuihu used one hand as a knife and slashed at Huang Qixia's shoulder. After hitting, a burst of Nirvana fire bounced up, and the whole arm was ignited by the fire line. Then Huang Qixia wandered around him, avoiding the violent force that shattered the space one after another, and kept getting close to him and leaving wounds.

Kuang Xiao had no idea that Huang Qixia was so proficient in close combat. Her body skills were so advanced that even the Martial Saint could not touch the corners.

So the last time the Phoenix fought in Taichung, she didn't use her full strength at all?


Feeling humiliated, Lu Shuihu directly slammed his right foot into the ground, crushing the ground and shaking up the ice and rocks. The cracks spread nearly a hundred meters. Then he caught the direction where Huang Qixia was retreating and chased her relentlessly, punching with the power of dragon and tiger.

But in just three rounds, Huang Qixia had already squatted on his shoulders, with her two feet stepping on both sides of Lu Shuihu's shoulders, her knees and calves clamping his head, and turning her whole body with force, as if she wanted to treat him as an unopened red wine, unscrew the cork and open the bottle to drink.

However, Lu Shuihu's physique was extremely strong. He grabbed one of Huang Qixia's feet and pulled her down. He dragged and threw her like a strongman trampling a rag doll, and finally stepped on her Huang Qixia into the frozen soil.

In the huge pit, Huang Qixia stood up again. Her broken bones and broken body were reborn and recovered in the flames. She looked at her tattered coat and showed a trace of heartache. This coat was a set and she had only worn it for a few days.

"Who the hell are you?" Kuang Xiao clinked his fists: "But I don't believe that there are people in this world who can't be killed or crushed."

Huang Qixia put a strand of hair behind her ear, her expression was cold.

She never got too excited, and always remained calm and rational.

Lu Shuihu forced her to confront him head-on, and she was also testing the other party's realm and strength, in order to adapt herself.

"You are just a pawn in the hands of others."

"You entered this game willingly, and you took the initiative to think that killing me is easy."

"Tai Sui definitely didn't tell you my true strength..."

In front of Lu Shuihu, Huang Qixia raised her white wrist, and gently put her two white fingers together to cut off a strand of troubled hair.

With a slight shake of her fingers, she threw out the three-foot black hair.

In an instant, the flame of Nirvana attached to it.

With black hair as bones and flames as body.

A unique black hair sword is dazzling.

In the heavy snow, the swordsman's figure is stunningly beautiful.

"Five hundred years ago, I was the leader of the top ten martial arts masters."

"Five hundred years later, I am still the number one swordsman in this world!"

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