Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 837: One wave has not yet subsided, another wave has come

Rahu appears?

Bai Yu was shocked: "Are you serious?"

"Would I make such a joke to you?" Dijiexing looked ugly: "You shouldn't, why so early..."

As the top ten evil spirits, Rahu represents a kind of crushing and destruction of social order once it appears in this world.

No matter who he wants to kill, that person will definitely die, and there is no way to stop him.

Therefore, almost everyone resisted Rahu's appearance in Daxia.

Even the black evil archers are reluctant to have Rahu appear in this world, because it will make the situation of the overall followers more difficult.

The most iconic feature of Yama Luosi is that...its internal members have almost no living members.

If Yan Luo really didn't care how many employees would lie down here, then Bai Yu wouldn't hold back either...

The King of Xiling sneered: "Bluffing may be useful, but not today - you'd better seek blessings for yourself first. Rahu has already moved, and I want to see how you can survive from the hands of the evil star."

Tearing the void apart, it was like countless intertwined ferocious fangs sprouting from the cracks in space, vaguely outlining the roaring shadow of a ferocious tiger.

"Please don't embarrass us." The judge's tone showed no emotion at all.

It's a pity... Bai Yu stood on the opposite side of Yan Luosi this time.

The pomp and circumstance of this appearance was truly overwhelming.

Bai Yu said loudly: "I have thousands of magic guns... Can you stop three thousand and five thousand, can you stop them all? Take your subordinates back to Yama Luosi, otherwise..."

This voice is really familiar.

Bai Yu couldn't hold it any longer and cursed in a furious voice: "Prince Xiling, you have the guts to get out of here -!"

"Because Lord Yama has already arrived in person."

He pressed his palm down, and the black magic gun vibrated first, like an army of thousands raising their guns in shock.

The person who answered instead was not King Xiling, but Yama.

It is the high-end control of space power. In the eyes of Eastern people, this is the great magical power of the canonization level.

The space is like a mirror. The back of the mirror seems to have received some kind of beating, becoming fragmented and full of fine cracks, but it did not collapse immediately... This is another use of the destructive power of the Martial Saint that is completely different from that of the Martial Saint.

It is highly similar to the Black Evil Archer, but it belongs to a completely different system from the Archer.


After beating the gun-eating ghost, beat the crazy owl; then a fifth-level Yama will pop out, and then a Xiling King will pop out.

"That was true before, but it's hard to say now."

"Could it be..." Dijiexing thought of a certain possibility and his scalp went numb: "Ziweixing, is he dead?"

"You're welcome, Bai Yujing!"

"Other than that, I can't think of any other possibility." Dijiexing was also sweating on his forehead and extremely nervous.

Daxia stated to the outside world that on the surface it was the establishment of the Yan Luo Division, but in fact it was adapted and absorbed, turning it from a non-governmental organization that was outside the management into an official organization.

Business is business...

"What's the meaning?"

But to this day, Zhonghu's control over Yan Luo Division is not strong enough, at least far less than that of the other nine divisions.

At the same time, Yama Luosi is also responsible for the affairs of the fallen demon body. All the crimes committed by extraordinary people in the four regions of Daxia and Kyushu are all handled by the Yama Luosi inspector.

In other words, there are principles and rules, and rules and principles can be exploited.

The ruins that were originally flowing with the wind suddenly fell into silence.

The Shenwu Division only has management functions and does not have the functions of trial, arrest, or detention. All these functions are in the hands of the Yama Luosi Division.

Evaluated by the standards of a penal and prison administrator, it is indeed trustworthy.

"This is true."

Bai Yu was silent.

On the clouds, the King of Xiling fell from the sky. He seemed to have recovered from his injuries. He ran over to join in the fun, which also caused Baiyu trouble.

The Yama Division, one of the Ten Divisions of Daxia, is responsible for punishments and determining life and death. Anyone who commits a major crime is subject to his jurisdiction. Extraordinary, evil, and demonic creatures cannot escape from the laws of Yama. They are born in a prison and die in reincarnation. .

The only way left for both sides is to fight to the death.

Even if it was such a serious matter as the female evil spirit, Luo Hu did not take action immediately, but handed the matter over to the three saint-level archers under his command.

"I advise you not to rely too much on your own force." The judge spoke again.

Therefore, Yama easily does not appear in this world.

The employees of Yan Luosi hardly feel any human touch. After all, most of the emotional memories will be erased. They are similar to the employees of the Time Management Bureau when Loki arrived in Marvel. They stand out as mechanical and efficient.

"Rahu is already on the way. If you continue to delay, you will die."

Three of the ten divisions of Daxia were inherited from the previous dynasty, namely the Yama Division, the Strange Objects Division and the Star Observation Division... The latter two were founded by the previous dynasty and were developed after the establishment of Daxia. The Yama Division is an exception. It has existed since the previous dynasty, and it maintains the balance of the world secretly, without being affected by feudal imperial power. It has been inherited and iterated to this day... Even Yama Luosi was not founded by the previous dynasty, and its history may have exceeded two thousand years.

They were covered in black robes, but no outward features could be seen.

He will definitely not lose money.

"Master Shence Mansion lives up to his reputation and eliminates harm for the people. I admire him..." The leader of the Yan Luosi family slowly spoke, raised his head, and a mask appeared under the black robe: "It's just that one thing comes back to the same thing. Your merits will be judged by Zhonghu. We are here to deal with the matter of Huang Qixia. Could you please stay out of it?"

However, the house leaked and it rained all night.

Originally, there should have been some room for maneuver and negotiation.

Yama's voice echoed with metal: "Purple Star Meteorite..."

Bai Yu also witnessed the appearance of the legendary Ten Yama for the first time... Even though there was only one person present, he was filled with a strong sense of oppression.

Huang Qixia's fingertips burst out with sword energy: "The person Luo Hou wants to kill is me, what does it have to do with him?"

The name of Bai Yujing had been famous in Daxia for more than half a year, and now it has become even more well-known after several battles. Although it is not clear whether there will be no successors to the Tianjiao who stepped on the heads of the Ten Evils, there will definitely be no ancients in the past.

Black official uniform, white jade crown, large Nuo mask, gender is difficult to distinguish, and ghosts follow.

The people of the surrounding Yama Division witnessed this scene, and even if they were emotionally weak, they felt a lot of pressure.

Urging him to leave is to hope that Bai Yu can reach Penglai Island as soon as possible. Under the protection of the owner of Penglai Island, there may be a glimmer of hope.

The Yama Division has the Day and Night Wandering God, the Ox-Headed and Horse-Faced God, the Black and White Impermanence, and the Civil and Military Judges. They have a unique promotion route for the Yellow Springs Path, which is completely different from the conventional warriors and canonization. After reaching the fifth level, they can be canonized as Yama.

But once Luohou comes out of the mountain, he will completely crush the last space that is left.

The wind stops and the clouds stop, but the countless flying snow in the ruins rolls up like flying catkins, condensing and gathering in the air.

In a sense, Yama, who has reached the fifth level on the Yellow Springs Path, can also be regarded as an alternative belief canonization, but it is more advanced and belongs to the canonization of merit... Just like the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva who made a great wish back then, voluntarily trapped in the underworld of hell to suppress the 80 million evil ghosts and evil people.

The ten divisions of Daxia are managed independently, but they are also connected... Only the Yama Division, he clearly distinguishes between life and death, can achieve complete independence.

Anyway, if the Yan puppet is broken, it can be repaired again.

"Then there's nothing to talk about?" Bai Yu put his hands up and said, "But can you stop us from joining forces?"

"I think my quality needs to be improved. I gave you some dignity last time by not killing you. Since you don't want it..." Bai Yu said coldly: "When today's matter is over, I will wait for you in the life and death arena!"

The forest of thousands of demons spread out.

Now Bai Yu finally understood who called Yan Luosi.

"Yan Luosi..."

He didn't want Bai Yu to protect the evil girl, and he didn't have any sympathy for Huang Qixia...Now that Luo Hou took action, Huang Qixia would definitely die, and all he wanted to do was to try to save Bai Yu's life from Luo Hou.

He had gone through two battles, but because of his consecutive victories, his momentum was still at its peak.

There were three meanings hidden in one sentence, one was a tease, one was a reminder, and one was a question.

Bai Yu planned to take Huang Qixia away directly, but when he turned around, a large group of people in black had gathered around.

The Yama Division really didn't need to give face to Bai Yu, because the actual manager of the Yama Division was already present.

Not every one of the ten divisions of Daxia has a saint in charge, it also depends on functionality... and as a place as crucial as the Yama Division, it is naturally impossible to lack a saint in charge. As for how many saints there are, it is not known at all.

Otherwise, at least it would be impossible for dozens of Yama Division elites to block Bai Yu and Huang Qixia here without even a word.

There are only a few saints in the whole of Daxia, why are all the black and white gangs running over to block the road.

He said: "I'm in a hurry. If you don't give way, I can only force you to give way."

Bai Yu said frankly that he had just killed two saints on the Ten Evils List and completed the target that the Yama Division had not completed for so many years. It doesn't matter if you don't thank me, but you shouldn't treat me as a soft persimmon.

He didn't know why.

The Earth Robbery Star also proved this point in an uncharacteristic way. He urged: "Leave here immediately, go quickly--!"

Its existence is the most mysterious one among the ten divisions of Daxia, without a doubt.

A gentleman can be deceived by his own methods!

Bai Yu looked directly at Yan Luo floating in the sky. To be honest, he didn't want to do anything.

Bai Yu also knew that most of these people could not be reasoned with.

The patrol officers of the Yan Luo Division were essentially dead. They were souls separated from their bodies and attached to the bodies of Yan Ou, and their bodies were all handmade by Yan Shi of the Tiangong Division.

It's just that there was no blood bar on the other party's head, which made Bai Yu realize that the Yan Luo Division had no killing intention or hostility. They were just doing their official business. The matter of the female evil involved too many people. The Yan Luo Division had reason to intervene, but in fact, they could just take a step back and not intervene.

"Oh?" Bai Yu raised his eyebrows, waiting for the other party to speak.

He greeted them elegantly and casually: "I *your whole family of immortals!"

"Alas..." Bai Yu sighed: "What crime did she commit that she must be treated as a rat by the whole Daxia?"

"Yan Luo can do whatever he wants, he can't make any waves."

Because he had dealt with them before, Bai Yu saw the background of this group of people at a glance.

The King of Xiling looked at the sky not far away and said: "Why did Luo Hou appear at this time?"

At this time, a faint voice came from the clouds.

Yan Luosi is a criminal department that specializes in extraordinary people.

"What does this mean?" Bai Yu asked knowingly, retaining a glimmer of hope and said: "Did you come here to congratulate me and give me a banner reward because I eliminated two of the Ten Evils?"

"What?" Bai Yu turned back suddenly: "Are you sure?"

"Everything will become clear when we return to Yama." The judge of Yama said calmly: "Before that, we can only ask her to go with us."

King Xiling held the golden mask and said: "Low quality..."

However, without a physical body, it is extremely difficult to step into the canonization of saints with only the cultivation of the soul. All the dead walking on the road of Huangquan do not want to enter the reincarnation, so they can only constantly capture criminals and fight demons to gain merit for themselves and build a golden body of merit.

"Who did it?" Bai Yu blurted out.

As soon as the question was asked, all eyes quickly gathered on the two of them.

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