Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 844: Great Suffering in Silence

East China Sea Bay.

The two parties are facing each other here.

One side is Yama Luosi, and the other side is Heisha Bowen.

It can't be said to be very tense, but it is also unyielding.

As one of the Ten Divisions of Daxia in the official organization, Yan Luosi's authority has always been in conflict with the Black Evil Bow Envoy.

Therefore, it is normal for them to have conflicts regarding Bai Yu and Huang Qixia.

Yan Luosi would rather imprison Huang Qixia in a hell prison than harm her life.

Although female evil spirits are extremely dangerous, it is difficult to judge whether Huang Qixia, who has no criminal record, should bear the karma for her identity in the previous life.

The Gongshi wanted to get rid of it. As a highly armed civil organization, if it weren't for Rahu and Feng Sheng, it would have been impossible for it to be tolerated to this day.

Because of this, the two sides formed a confrontation here.

King Yama, the speaker of Yama Luosi, and the two saints of Antarctica and Arctic were all received here, and no large-scale conflict directly broke out.

"So..." Nanjixing said: "Is it really possible that King Nanling is the incarnation of Tai Sui?"

"The possibility is very high." King Yama said calmly: "He is very well prepared, and even arranged space transfer and shielding tracking formations and rare objects in advance..."

"The importance of Tai Sui is no less than that of Nu Xie, even more than that of Nu Xie." Polaris put his finger on his chin: "Compared with Nu Xie's soul that can reincarnate continuously, Tai Sui has an entity, and it is also the incarnation of the three demon ancestors. One of the easiest to it is also one of the most cunning incarnations."

"I didn't have a clue in the past hundreds of years, but this time I finally showed some clues." Nanjixing clenched his fists, seeming to have seen the goal he had been aiming for for thousands of years.

"In that case, do you still need to thank Bai Yujing?" Polaris said with complicated eyes: "If he hadn't discovered the identity of Tai Sui's incarnation through this flaw, imagine that the other party could act as the King of Xiling. This subtle use How many variables will the influence of canonization bring? ”

"It's a good thing to be able to kill a clone of the opponent." Nanjixing looked directly at King Yama: "But when it comes to the female evil spirit, we can't back down..." He paused and added: "We can't back down either. After all, this matter is not decided by us..."

Just when he was about to speak, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a black light flying in the distance. When the light lit up, a pit more than one meter deep appeared on the ground.

There was a dark arrow stuck in the center of the pit.

King Yama raised his hand to stop the nervous people behind him.

Polar Star pulled out the arrow, and when his five fingers touched it, the remaining projection on it disappeared between his eyebrows. It was a message from Rahu.

After a brief moment, he stared at the arrow in his hand in silence, his expression becoming somewhat depressed.

He saw the result of that battle.

The archer raised his head and looked in the direction of the East China Sea, his eyes a little lonely and desolate. He shook his head and threw the arrow to the Antarctic Star aside.

After reading it, the latter also let out a sigh of regret, and many emotions surged up for a while, some of which were like a lump in his throat.

Nanjixing looked at King Yama and threw the arrow in his hand towards him.

"The female evil spirit has been sent to reincarnation by Rahu."

He turned around, took three steps, and stopped.

"Bai Yujing... the same thing."

Polar Star stared at the pitch-black arrow and said one sentence at a time.

"Only a few people in the world can catch Rahu's first arrow."

"Bai Yujing not only caught it, but also forced Luo Hu to shoot the second arrow."

"Rahu showed respect to him by keeping this arrow... I hope you will return it to his relatives."

He pressed the brim of his black robe: "We are very sorry for this result..."

King Yama interrupted him and said calmly: "Where is the body?"

"...East China Sea, the traces of that battlefield are easy to find."

King Yama nodded. His emotions were weak, as were all the employees of Yama Division around him.

The reaction of this group of Yan dolls was not violent, they were very calm, like silent sculptures.

On the contrary, the bow made one party's reaction stronger.

Fei Lianxing, who had just arrived here after traveling thousands of miles away, almost stumbled and fell to the ground when he heard this.

On the other side, Earth Tribulation Star turned around and rushed out of the crowd, flying directly towards the East China Sea.

There were also several archers chasing after him from behind.

No one could stop him from leaving the team so abruptly.

The Black Demon Archers are not emotionless people, they just hate the devil and give up everything in order to eliminate the devil.

They know very well that they are not walking on the right path, and they are already ready to accept all the blame.

Even so, after the predetermined results came out, everyone's hearts still became extremely heavy, as if a huge burden had been placed on them.

"There are so many great ways in the world, and the cycle of life and death cannot erase all causes and effects."

"So Yan Luosi wants to set down laws for all those who use force to rebel against the ban, and tell them what they can and cannot do."

King Yama held the arrow and said calmly: "Luo Hu has committed too many murders, and as his accomplices, you will be taken to the underworld to be judged sooner or later."

In the past, North Star and South Pole Star would have sneered disdainfully, leaving behind a couple of trash talk that they didn't like each other.

But this time they didn't say anything, they all turned around and lowered their heads, resigned themselves to it, and left the scene lonely.

After walking some distance.

North Star suddenly said: "Search for the whereabouts of the incarnation of Tai Sui, Xiling King, at all costs..."

"Ziweixing fell, Bai Yujing died...these two things are inseparable from him."

"If this is considered taking out your anger, then let me be impulsive for once."

Nan Jixing asked: "Are you regretting?"

"Regret?" North Star shook his head: "There is no regret medicine in the world."

"I just..."

"Some guilt, some regret..."

"And some admiration."


On the frozen sea.

Di Jiexing rushed to the sea, shouting the young man's name loudly, running all the way.

In the increasingly dense fog, he saw a person lying on the ice.

Di Jiexing hurriedly slowed down, slid for dozens of meters, rolled and crawled to a few steps away, and then stopped suddenly.

Bai Yu lay quietly.

A little ice fog and water vapor filled his body.

His neat short black hair turned into waist-length white hair, a gap appeared between his eyebrows, blood was spilling, and his clothes were torn.

He was like sleeping, motionless.


Di Jiexing slumped on the ice.

The last time he felt such a loss was when he saw his relatives being torn apart by the fallen demon body decades ago.

But at that time, he was still able to transform all his emotions into hatred, to hate the demons, to hate the damn demon realm.

But this time, who could he hate?

He only felt endless emptiness and sadness.

"I told you a long time ago..."

"Why don't you listen."

"I just want you to live... Is this too much! Is this difficult!"

"Why don't you listen!"

He punched the ice, white debris flew everywhere, punches fell, his palms were scratched, and blood stained the ice.

There was a bow user approaching from behind.

Tianliangxing looked at this scene and was silent for a long time.

In fact, the current result was predictable as early as when he made the choice.

Tianliangxing walked up and pressed Dijiexing's shoulder: "This is his own choice."

"He is my friend... He saved my life... He is a good man, a very good man... Why is it him?"

Dijiexing held his head with both hands, his fingernails almost sinking into his scalp, kneeling on the ice, curled up in pain.


Footsteps sounded again on the silent sea.

The silent archers looked back and saw Tao Rusu rushing over.

She still arrived here.

But she arrived with the tacit consent of the hegemon.

Zhen Shifang had already guessed that the result would be like this, so he waited until everything was over and let Tao Rusu come to see the end and ending of his beloved with his own eyes.

She came.

She couldn't not come.

She ran very anxiously along the way.

But when she got closer, she stopped and slowed down.

Because of fear.

Because of panic.

Because of anxiety.

The figure lying there was a little strange. The young man in the snow seemed to be asleep, as if he would sit up and say hello to her at any time, and smile at her like in the past.

But she had walked so close, but she still couldn't hear his breathing and heartbeat.

So quiet.

Why is it so quiet?

Tao Rusu felt that her body became so heavy. Every step forward required great strength. Uncontrollable pressure came from all directions, forcing her to turn back, forcibly squeezed, let her turn back, let her leave, don't look, don't face... that bloody and heartbreaking fact.

But she still had to face it after all. No matter how scared she was, no one could take their eyes away from reality.

The cruel truth showed its fangs to her.

At a glance, her heart was torn apart, and endless emptiness permeated the huge void.

She held her palm, which had become cold, and couldn't feel a trace of heartbeat.

Even if she put her palm on his cheek, it was still piercingly cold.

Tao Rusu continued to inject true energy, even cutting her wrist and letting blood stick to his lips, trying to wake up the sleeping young man with the powerful vitality in the blood power.

Until a dull voice sounded, stopping her from continuing her crazy behavior.

"Enough... He is dead!"

This sentence was like a heavy hammer, and all kinds of noise sounded in her ears, pulling her back to reality.

Tao Rusu raised her eyes blankly, refusing to accept the reality. She moved her expression, her pupils contracted, her eye sockets dilated, and her expression management was out of control, like a ghost, with a terrifying and hideous expression.

Everyone, when facing the pain of loss, will have completely different performances and have completely different stages, but in the end they all go from resistance to acceptance.

She bent down and hugged the young man.

Yesterday and last night, his body was still so warm, just like the home she had longed for.

Tao Rusu opened her mouth, but she couldn't make a sound in her throat, not even crying.

She was screaming.

A silent scream of pain.

She remembered their first encounter, in that summer with the chirping of cicadas, in the corridor of the school, in the sound of students reading aloud, in the smell of soda with the fragrance of oranges...

She remembered the hand that held her at the most helpless moment, the sense of security that she felt when she embraced her...

She believed that they would be able to grow old together, and it was only a matter of time before they reached that point...

She imagined everything about the future, although she would occasionally feel annoyed by having too many rivals in love...


She lost him.

She also lost everything.

The sudden arrival of the farewell announced the death sentence of her ideal life, and there would be no beautiful vision for the rest of her life.

I can endure the darkness if I have never seen the sun.

The sun went out, so Tao Rusu, who had been taken away from everything, finally learned to hate.

The flame of hatred grew from her broken heart and ignited in the beautiful fragments of the past. The shattering of beautiful dreams was the best nutrient for the fire of hatred. After it devoured all the beautiful memories of the past, it would overflow and could no longer be suppressed.

The past self died, and the brand new self was born in the flames.

The sadness of loss turned into a raging fire of resentment, which would eventually ignite the world.


She really had this potential.

Even more unfortunately...

Many people like her had it.

Tao Rusu silently carried the body of the young man on her back and walked towards Nanling City.

She wanted to take him back.

She wants to take him home.

The archers dared not disturb her, nor did they dare to say a word. They could only watch her go away.

"I actually always thought that I represented justice." A young archer said.

"Then you should put aside your naivety now." Another archer said in a low voice: "We are all executioners."

"Is this all over?"

"No, this is just the beginning."

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