Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 881 The biggest and most desperate bargain hunting event in Daxia history (2-in-1 6K4)

If we must rank the strong men in the thousand-year history of Daxia.

Wu Lianyue is definitely qualified to be among the top three, second only to Penglai Island Master and Luohou.

Such an enemy is undoubtedly terrible.

Penglai Island is his cage and his shackles, which trapped him for a long time and years.

Penglai Island Master could not have been unaware of Wu Lianyue's danger. His failure to choose Wu Lianyue as the successor to the throne has proved that his wolfish ambition has long been exposed, but Penglai Island Master was ultimately unable to deal with Wu Lianyue. It is likely that he did not want to, but could not.

The Penglai Island Master was too seriously injured that year, and if he wanted to choose a suitable successor, he had to spend a long time to cultivate him.

It is still unknown whether anyone was chosen in the past, and the last one to be chosen was Bai Xinghe.

I think no one can understand Wu Lianyue's inner resentment and resentment.

Penglai Island Master has suppressed him for thousands of years, and even after his death, he is still suppressing him.

Even if the throne is close at hand, he can never sit in that position.

To be more specific, Wu Lianyue's plan was not a sophisticated one, or even a plan, just because he stood too high and was too powerful, and a speck of dust that fell from his sleeves could kill people.

During the years of guarding the Cangtianjing, Wu Lianyue had already regarded the throne as his own, which was something that no one else was allowed to get involved in. Therefore, no matter who was chosen, he would become a target that he needed to kill, even if that person was his student.

After waiting for hundreds of years, he finally got the opportunity to dissipate the will of the Penglai Island Lord.

But it was just like fate, when he was about to accomplish his mission, someone stopped him, and it was the cause and effect he planted himself.

Wu Lianyue couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Maybe this is really a kind of fate?

God was not willing to see him get the Penglai throne.

Until this moment, Wu Lianyue didn't really regard Bai Yu as his enemy in his heart.

It's not that he cares about the old relationship, but he doesn't take the other person seriously at all.

After all, he is just a young boy under 20 years old.

It has been less than three years since he became a superhuman.

From the beginning, since Bai Yu entered Penglai Academy, he didn't take this boy seriously... He would pay attention to him occasionally, but that's all.

He is too young and too weak, lacks precipitation, lacks strength, and knows nothing about the past.

Wu Lianyue is not very interested in things like cutting the grass and eradicating the roots, and he doesn't have the bad taste of deliberately stepping on the ants at his feet.


Watching this kid grow up at a very fast speed, he was only at the second level when he first entered Penglai, and he was able to attract the attention of the island owner's residual will when he entered the Dragon Country, and he was able to escape from the hands of the tyrant; later he went to the capital, and soared to the sky, won the palace examination, won the top three, and became famous in Daxia... Later he went to Europe for a tour, and when he came back a year later, he was able to kill ten evils. Such a growth rate is like he has walked through the life of others in just a few years.

This growth rate is too abnormal, as if someone deliberately arranged it.

It was obviously an ant that he could easily kill with a little ruthlessness at the beginning, but he grew step by step to the point where he could threaten himself and make himself bleed.

When Wu Lianyue saw his bleeding wound, he couldn't help but reveal a trace of confusion and astonishment in his eyes.

It felt like waking up from a dream.

He was too strong.

And after becoming so strong, ordinary enemies were not considered opponents in his eyes.

He is not invincible, but his opponents are no longer some physical existence, but something more abstract and higher-level, something that some mortals can only sigh at. Since he has achieved the highest position in the world, he must deal with the strongest enemy in the world.

For example... destiny.

Most people in Daxia say something like "my destiny is determined by me, not by heaven" or "man can conquer nature", but many times they say this only because they have not hit a wall, and have not really encountered a time when they are unable to do it.

Wu Lianyue waited for hundreds of years for the perfect opportunity, but encountered a roadblock like Bai Yu... Originally, he only needed to kick it away with a light kick.

But now, what is blocking his way is no longer a stone, but a mountain.

Even if he really intended to deal with him, to calculate him, even if he had cooperated with other strong people, he could not stop him from appearing... A young man under 20 years old actually has the strength to fight against himself, a congenital creature of the Wu clan who has lived for thousands of years!

If this is not destiny, what else can it be?

He is the one sent by God to win, in order to grow to the point where he can defeat himself in the shortest time.

One thing conquers another.

After hundreds of years of waiting, what he got was not freedom, not the coronation of the throne, but such an enemy. Anyone would feel stunned and confused...

After all, in Wu Lianyue's eyes, he is not someone else, nor a villain, but the protagonist of his life.

Whoever hinders him is his enemy!

And Bai Yu is the last test and trial destined by fate to him.

Wu Lianyue slowly clenched his fists and refocused his eyes on the young man, without any contempt.

The well keeper was looking at Bai Yu, but not at him. He stared at Bai Yu, as if he could see the magnificent will of heaven and the power of destiny from behind him, which was some kind of majestic trend in the dark.

Those were his shackles, and they were also what he had to conquer.

"I changed my mind." Wu Lianyue said in a deep voice: "I will kill you with my own hands to complete the road to conquering heaven!"

He could only say that he was testing before, not going all out, and he did not fully concentrate.

At this time, Wu Lianyue was like a monster that had completely torn off his disguise. The terrifying aura and spirit like a mountain emanated from him. Even if this person suddenly transformed into a monster as huge as dozens of meters, no one would be surprised.

The monster awakened...

Everyone could not help but flash this sentence in their hearts.

The next moment, a dazzling flash burst out from the sky.

Wu Lianyue took a step forward, and his body turned into lightning. He literally controlled the thunder. With a bare hand, countless ions were pulled out from the sparse clouds and the flowing wind. The principle of releasing thunder is very simple, but there are almost no people who can truly hold the thunder.

This is the gift of the Wu clan, which can control and master most of the elemental energy in the world.

The lightning spear pierced Bai Yu and instantly pierced his body, but it was just a residual image.

Bai Yu turned sideways and avoided the thunder projection.

Even the attack that the Martial Saint could not react to was completely predicted by him.

The more exaggerated scene was still behind.

Wu Lianyue completely swung his arms and chased all the way, showing absolute battlefield suppression over Penglai Island. His physique was extremely strong, and the energy between heaven and earth was endlessly requisitioned. The thick blood bar plus the same thickness of physical strength, plus the unlimited blue bar.

Bai Yu couldn't help but sigh... This might have been caused by the Wind Spirit.

The attack and defense of both sides were completely disproportionate.

Wu Lianyue was like a game boss in mad dog mode, with all kinds of gorgeous and simple moves that were amazingly powerful. Bai Yu was like a player who responded calmly and predicted the moves. He responded to all the attacks with his exquisite positioning and prediction of the moves.

He should raise his feet when he should raise his feet, and should shrink his head when he should shrink his head.

Even Wu Lianyue's annihilation handprint that overturned the world in a snap of his fingers was still caught by Bai Yu's only flaw... No, it couldn't even be called a flaw, but a gap was forcibly opened, allowing him to drill out.

Of course, just dodging could not defeat the opponent, so Bai Yu seized the flaw in Wu Lianyue's violent attack and used an ordinary stealing knife... It was to dodge and counterattack at the same time. He did not take the method of bombarding with big moves, but looked for flaws and waited for the opportunity in an extremely calm manner.

In less than a minute, the two sides have fought for more than a hundred rounds, but Bai Yu did not make a single mistake and was completely unharmed. On the other hand, Wu Lianyue's body was covered with scars and gaps, and he recovered again after being injured.

It seems that Wu Lianyue has the absolute upper hand, but anyone who is not stupid can see that the party that has been using big moves frequently is Bai Yu who is dancing on the tip of the knife and has no way to deal with it.

After such a violent attack, Wu Lianyue's arms are surrounded by thunder, his hair stands up, and the shadow behind him is like a giant spirit wearing thunder and golden armor. After warming up, he continuously releases more and more combat power.

"So that's it... I understand."

Wu Lianyue touched his fists and struck thunder again in the air. Just like before, Bai Yu passed by the lightning, leaving only a residual image.

The second of the Ten Evils, who saw it clearly, immediately shouted: "So this is your foundation! You slowed down time!"

Bai Yu said calmly: "Do you still need to be proud of such a simple thing? It took me so long to figure it out. It turns out that I am a Liminxin warrior with an average IQ of less than 9 points."

After entering the canonization, each canonization will gain its own unique mystery, which is the manifestation of Tao.

Those who seek Tao will gain the inner world.

The tyrants will gain peerless skills.

The bloodline can be awakened as an innate creature and completely master the racial talents.

And the soul canonization...can feel a great way.

This great way is not necessarily related to time.

It's just that Bai Yu's soul was shot through by Jidu Arrow twice, and the remaining things were refined and provided him with an excellent reference object.

Bai Yu saved a lot of effort by crossing the river by feeling Luohou, and was able to directly get the perception of time from the fragments of Jidu Arrow, and successfully solidified it into his own unique ability, no longer relying on Jidu Arrow.

There are many ways to use time... Several generations of villains in JOJO have demonstrated this very well, time pause, time deletion, time acceleration.

The key to Luohou's Ketu arrow is that it hits the target at the same time as it is shot, which is achieved by deleting the time from shooting to hitting.

Time acceleration is not difficult. Bai Yu can accelerate himself to sixty times the original speed at the fastest, because it is easy to adjust the physical sense of time, which only affects himself.

When he first started training, he also started with time acceleration. At first, he was completely unaccustomed to it, and even caused himself to use too much force and knock over two walls, getting stuck in the middle of the wall, with his upper body hanging in Su Ruoli's dormitory and his lower body stuck in Tao Rusu's dormitory. As a result, he was held down by two girls who were taking a shower and executed on the spot.

So Bai Yu doesn't like to use time acceleration because it is a huge burden on the body.

On the other hand, further slowing down time is much easier to control.

At present, Bai Yu uses it to form a unique domain, and the flow of time in this domain will slow down. The closer it is to himself, the slower the flow of time becomes, until it approaches time stopping.

This is why Wu Lianyue can't touch him with all his attacks. The closer the attack is to Bai Yu, the slower it is, even the swift thunder is the same. Even if it is only the last bit of distance, it can't touch Bai Yu because it is frozen there by time.

Then Bai Yu can easily avoid it.

In the previous battle in Zhonghu, Qianji Luosha said that as long as he cracked Bai Yu's cleverness, he could win, but that was also a delusion.

Because no matter how fast his knife is, he can never catch up with Bai Yu.

Just like Wu Lianyue at this time, he can't catch up with time.

No matter how exquisite the moves are, no matter how powerful and continuous the attacks are, as long as time is slowed down, even armor-piercing bullets that are deadly enough can be easily avoided.

Therefore, Bai Yu was invincible from the beginning.

He did not mind fighting with Wu Lianyue.

Now that both sides knew the strength of the other, the next question was...

How to win?

Bai Yu controlled time, and Wu Lianyue could not stop him as long as he wanted to leave; but he also lacked the attack power to kill Wu Lianyue directly here.

The main reason was that the recovery ability of the Wu clan bloodline was too exaggerated.

This was also the first time that Bai Yu encountered an enemy with infinite blood recovery.

Even though he had just opened dozens of times the acceleration and rushed over to give the opponent a knife, the injury had recovered within a few seconds after the acceleration ended.

How to play this?

His own time ability was undoubtedly a cheat, but the opponent's physique was also a cheat.

The soul versus the physique, not taught by the same master, but it could not be broken.

It was quite humorous that he opened the cheat of infinite blood bottles and was ready to show his skills, but found that the boss also drank blood bottles infinitely.

Unless we can find his weakness...

But the Wu clan is an innate creature, and there is no innate weakness. If not having a soul is also a weakness, then perhaps...

Bai Yu had an idea, but paused and decided that it was not necessary to do so for the time being. It was too risky. He had not yet reached the last step, so there was no need to use this method.

Wu Lianyue said coldly: "Your ability is very good, but how long can you hold on?"

His strength comes from his physical strength and bloodline strength, which is much less than Bai Yu's consumption of strength.

"It's no problem to hold on for another three days and three nights." Bai Yu held the hilt of the knife.

"Then when the sun rises on the fourth day, it will be your death!"

After a brief adjustment, the two sides were about to fight again.

At this time, a crisp sound of breaking was heard...The sound went from low to high.

The two of them stopped at the same time and looked up in the direction of the Cangtianjing.

The Cangtian Well was covered with cracks, and golden streams of light overflowed from the cracks, releasing infinite light, like a reactor that was about to dissolve and explode after reaching its limit.

Bai Yu's expression changed, and he immediately opened the Holy Land.


The light burst, and the Cangtian Well was broken, and the flowing light wove an illusory afterimage.

At this time, a collapsed passage appeared on the sky, just like a piece of paper was punctured, opening up a road to somewhere in the sky. A huge cave emerged, and a black shadow went upstream in the aftermath of the explosion.

Wu Lianyue tore through the torrent of light with his bare hands, and rushed towards the passage on the sky with a fiery face.

He had waited for so long, and finally waited for the Cangtian Well to be broken, opening the road to the throne of Penglai!

After hundreds of years of waiting, Wu Lianyue no longer had the patience to wait any longer, and turned his head and rushed to the sky.

Just as he rushed in, a force pulled his ankle, slowing down his forward speed.

Wu Lianyue turned back and glared: "Bai Yu, you are looking for death!"

"Want to ascend the throne? Do you have a key?" Bai Yu restrained him from a distance: "You can't get through!!"

The two men who fought again fought back and forth in the huge hole between heaven and earth, and the sky collapsed and the earth cracked.

This time, Bai Yu was no longer obsessed with stealing the knife, and directly fought in close combat, relying on time acceleration to suppress Wu Lianyue madly.

At one point, he almost kicked him back to the ground.

But Wu Lianyue's late experience was too deep. He knew that he couldn't catch Bai Yu in this state, so he simply broke the void directly. He couldn't catch people, but he could catch space, and he broke the void, widened the crack, and forcibly shortened the distance.

During the fight, Bai Yu sensed that the world was inverted, and the gravity was switched. He was originally flying upwards, but now he was falling down.

The two landed almost at the same time, and each exchanged a blow and pulled away again.

The landing point was in the hall in front of the throne.

At this time, the situation in the hall was also quite complicated.

Bai Potian, holding the Azure Dragon Claw, was suppressing Zhen Shifang; Zhen Shifang was waving a giant sword made of meteorites in his right hand and roaring.

Not far away, King Xiling was lying on the ground, motionless, with his head blasted.

The Ascetic Monk and Augustus were not so lucky, and were directly knocked out by the violent vibration. At this time, they were floating in the air, like fried rice grains in a spoon, being swept up to the sky and falling to Penglai Island.

Bai Yu took a quick glance after landing. He didn't even have time to say hello to Bai Potian, who had been missing for so long. He turned into a flash of light again and blasted towards Wu Lianyue. In the lightning and flint, the two continued to collide in front of the throne several times.

Wu Lianyue is like a player who wants to score a goal, but encounters a goalkeeper who has developed an indestructible body.

Every time he gets close, he will be blocked, but Bai Yu has an absolute advantage in terms of speed!

On the other side, the aftermath of the confrontation between the two also attracted attention.

Bai Potian's expression changed after just one glance. The Overlord took the opportunity to swing his meteorite iron sword towards Bai Potian. The power of this blow actually bounced the Azure Dragon Claw away.

The Green Dragon Claw has the characteristic that it will not loosen once it is fixed. The reason why Zhen Shifang was chased and beaten by Bai Potian in the past was because of the weapon's strength.

Now the tyrant was finally proud, and his heavy sword swept across, suppressing Bai Potian in turn.

"Without the power of weapons, let me see how you can defeat me!"

The origin of this heavy sword is unknown, but its power is indeed extraordinary.

The owners of Penglai Island all died under this weapon.

Zhen Shifang was unyielding when he gained the upper hand. He suppressed Bai Potian continuously and stopped defending. He directly exchanged injuries for injuries and managed to steal a lot of space from the old man.

Not far away, Wu Lianyue also noticed this scene, his eyes lit up, and he said in a low voice: "Join forces——!"

After that, he changed direction and attacked Bai Potian, planning to attack from the east to the west!

Bai Yu had to go to the rescue.

Attacked by these two people together, Bai Potian would never be able to withstand a single move.

The white shadow flashed past.

The tyrant flew backwards, and Wu Lianyue's attack failed.

Bai Yu dragged Bai Potian back to the other side, breathing rapidly and cold sweat dripping from his forehead... This time, it was a bit too much.

In front of the throne.

The two sides confront each other.

Neither launched a rash attack.

Although Wu Lianyue wanted to attack directly, the Overlord had no intention of fighting here.

He secretly looked at the corpse of Penglai Island Master, intending to snatch the bones and run away.

Tai Sui is already dead, and it is only right to leave as soon as you get the loot.

He has his own purpose and will not sacrifice his life for others... He doesn't care at all about who owns the throne.

Likewise, on the other side...

Bai Potian looked at the reborn Bai Yu and said with emotion: "It seems that I have become a burden to you, Yu Jing..."

"There's no need to talk about this now." Bai Yu shook his head and said, "We'll talk about the specific things later. The situation is not favorable now."

"What are you going to do?" Bai Potian said, "Now that the master of Penglai Island has died, the throne is already empty."

"At least we can't let him sit here." Bai Yu looked directly at Wu Lianyue: "That is not what the Penglai Island Master wants, and it is definitely not a blessing for Daxia..."

Wu Lianyue calmed down instead. The throne was so close that it was almost in the palm of his hand: "You can't stop me. If you leave now, at least you have a chance to escape!"

Bai Yu said to Zhen Shifang again: "Why don't you get out of here?"

The Overlord really wants to leave...

"He can't leave." Wu Lianyue said calmly: "Before I came, I smashed the entrance space. No one can get in in a short time, and even if they can get out, they will be besieged by other saints once they get out! Outside But they are all your helpers!”

Bai Yu continued: "I told you to leave, so you can leave. After all, I don't want to interfere between you and Tao Rusu."

Wu Lianyue warned: "Zhen Shifang, your only way to survive now is to stay and help me. When I sit on the throne, I will naturally ensure your safety!"

The Tyrant let out a dull breath: "You don't need to warn me!"

Some words just hit the mark.

Zhen Shifang made a choice. He couldn't trust Bai Yu... Or maybe he wanted to control his fate in his own hands.

The two sides were once again at war with each other.

Bai Potian silently drank the potion handed over by Bai Yu, regaining his physical and mental strength. When he stood up, he subconsciously held the throne with his right hand.

It was this inadvertent touch that made the Penglai Throne shine brightly.

Bai Potian was shocked, and felt an echo being stuffed into his head.

‘——Just you! ’

There are five parts of helplessness and five parts of reluctance in this sentence... The word "just" fully expresses the inner entanglement of the person involved.

Before he could say a word, Bai Potian was completely sucked into the throne!

The largest and most desperate leak-picking incident in the history of Daxia happened just like that.

The three people at the scene had different expressions.

Zhen Shifang was confused, then retreated, wary of changes.

Bai Yu was surprised, then secretly happy, then joking and gloating: "Oh haha~"

Wu Lianyue was shocked, then angry, and then very damn angry.

"Wu Penglai——!"

Wu Lianyue looked ferocious, and her voice changed from a suppressed whisper to a sky-high roar: "You have imprisoned me for five hundred years! You actually stopped me from getting it in the end! Why, why wouldn't you give it to a passing beggar? with me!"

"Okay! You don't know how to praise me, but you have to do such a great job! Then don't blame me!"

"Since this throne does not belong to me, then I will completely destroy it!!!"

The furious great witch completely transformed into the God of Destruction, and no longer cared about the destruction here. He looked directly at Bai Yu and the throne with cold eyes: "Today, you will be destroyed!"

Bai Yu exhaled, raised his hand and transformed the weapon into a large bow as long as his body.

"I know you are angry, anxious and want to cry, but don't be impatient and listen to what I have to say..."

An arrow was attached to the lion's heart bow.

“My philosophy is called Ketu Arrow.”

“Take a step forward if you are not afraid of death!”

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