Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 883 The Penglai Island Master comes to close the game (2-in-1 6K7)

When he saw Bai Yu holding the meteorite heavy sword, Wu Lianyue had already anticipated how difficult the next battle would be.


He didn't expect the battle to turn into an overwhelming defeat.

In fact, Wu Lianyue also had a trump card.

The blood of the witch clan, the innate creatures, was originally a race blessed by God, how could they not have one or two top-level secret techniques.

He revealed three trump cards alone.

The first one was to fully activate the blood of the great witch and strengthen their own body to the extreme. In this state, the witch clan would exert 500% of their physical strength, but it could only last for a relatively short time and would damage themselves.

The second trump card was to awaken the beast spirit through the blood of the witch clan... Don't forget, Wu Lianyue is the dean of the Yuling Academy. In the ancient times, when the innate creatures were in power, the Yuling itself was also one of the special power systems. The system that flourished back then has actually been seriously degraded now.

The third trump card is the ultimate mystery of the Wu clan, the incomplete Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art passed down through blood memory. Practicing this art means embarking on the path of proving the truth with strength, but the art Wu Lianyue obtained is not complete, it is only a fragment of the fragments. The only benefit brought by the inheritance he obtained from it is a short period of elementalization.

Transforming oneself into energy is actually a prerequisite skill for the extremely high-level great magical power of the sky and the earth.

However, due to the incomplete inheritance, Wu Lianyue did not learn it.

Even so, the ability of elementalization alone is already quite terrifying, which means that Wu Lianyue can grab the energy of heaven and earth at will to feed himself, and all the damage he suffers can be quickly recovered.

Draw a knife to cut the water, and the water will flow more.

Originally, Wu Lianyue should have been invincible easily with these trump cards, but... these trump cards he has, the Penglai Island Master also has.

But Wu Penglai still died under this Tianxing heavy sword.

Elementalization is precisely restrained by this heavy sword...

Because it comes from the sky, the blade is attached with mystery, and it can even cut off the thunder with a slash!

So, when the trump card was declared invalid, Wu Lianyue inevitably fell into a losing trend.

And it was a crushing defeat.

Originally, if this heavy sword was in the hands of others, Wu Lianyue had a thousand ways to lock it, avoid its edge and directly attack the enemy itself, but he happened to meet the one who was the saint of the soul after Luohou in the past thousand years.

Bai Yu, who can control the acceleration and deceleration of time at will, can maximize the power of this sword. Because he is very fast, he can pass the sword to any place he wants to pass it. When the unmatched speed is matched with the indestructible attack... defense becomes a joke.

'It can't be avoided——! ’

Wu Lianyue looked at the heavy sword that was slashing towards his forehead. His mind was in a mess and adrenaline began to be secreted in large quantities. He hadn't had such a rapid heartbeat for many years. He raised his arms and took the heavy blow at the cost of his arms being disabled.

Accompanied by the sound of bones breaking and flesh flying, Wu Lianyue retreated all the way, his feet stomping on the ground and sliding, his back hitting the cracked stone wall, and the bones and flesh of his broken arm could be clearly seen.

He was just a little bit away from being slashed to his knees.

He was almost unable to hold on, but Bai Yu's attack continued.

The murderous intent was pervasive. Bai Yu swung the heavy sword at a high speed. As an offensiveist, he really enjoyed the fight. It was not often that he could press a master like the second of the Ten Evils against the wall and beat him up.

The threat of death poured down on his head like a flood, and Wu Lianyue's face was bloodshot... Endless anger and humiliation surged in his heart, and a lot of emotions surged out, as if countless mouths around him were laughing at his waiting for so many years, which was just a waste of time, and also laughing at him dying here.

Humiliation, rage, and then madness.

Wu Lianyue raised his broken arm, and the blood that flowed out of the wound floated up, and then transformed into terrifying elemental energy, catalyzing combustion, and the blood turned into a terrifying bomb. His whole body of bones trembled in this violent elemental energy turbulence.

This is not a move, but a suicidal behavior launched for mutual destruction.

Wu Lianyue roared loudly: "Want to kill me! You little brat is worthy!"

With Wu Lianyue's pride, he would rather commit suicide than die at the hands of Bai Yu.

He has lived for so many years, so naturally he will not lose his courage because of the difficulty of life and death, nor will he kneel down and beg for a way to live.

To describe Wu Lianyue's thoughts at this time with a not-so-fashionable witticism, it would probably be...

- Damn it, I'll fight him!

So the cracks formed by countless thunders spread out on Wu Lianyue's body like a tree diagram, and the thunder patterns that spread out quickly covered every corner of his body. The shrill blood light was squeezed out from the cracks on his body, as if it was forcibly squeezed out by high pressure. A large amount of blood mist floated up to the sky, and then attracted thunder. The pure white lightning seemed to be dyed a shrill bright red by the blood.

Behind the great witch's desperate fight, a huge phantom transformed by energy soared into the sky, and a palm made of pure thunder slapped the ground. The half of its body that was revealed was magnificent to the extreme. The lower half of its body was hidden in the clouds of thunder, and the other half of its body was hundreds of feet high. People looked up, and the upper half of its body was wrapped in thunder clouds, with its arms raised high, and a thunder dragon wrapped around its arms and shoulders.

The extremely majestic statue has a green face and fangs, and the mythical God of Thunder is far less majestic and majestic.

This is the incomplete Dharma, Heaven, Phantasm and Earth.

After Wu Lianyue risked his life and put life and death aside, he went one step further. At least at this moment, he reached the height of Penglai Island Master, and even surpassed him.

But this also means that the blow before his death will push the destructive power to the extreme.

The magnificent thunder light gathered in the hands of the Thunder God's Dharma Elephant, and the surrounding light became dim. It became eclipsed in the layers of gathering thunder, and was robbed of its brilliance. Heavy pressure fell from the sky, and the space was blocked. No entry, no exit, absolutely suppressed.

The energy level of this blow may have reached the level of a little boy. Even saint-level experts would have weak legs when they saw this scene, and they would drop their weapons and give up resistance.

Except for one person.

Bai Yu went upstream without hesitation, like a pure white meteor, galloping into the absolute realm controlled by the Dharma Image.

He knew that this blow must be stopped. If Wu Lianyue was allowed to self-destruct successfully, the entire Penglai Throne would disappear, and he might not be able to survive.

This time, he simply gave up all the extra defense, his only target was locked, and he focused all his energy and energy on accelerating time...

He was going to be fast, faster than ever before.

Faster than Wu Lianyue, faster than Thunder.

...Time is accelerated a thousand times!

While thinking silently in his mind, Bai Yu's speed began to skyrocket. Perhaps no one in this world could be faster than him.

With just a flick of his fingers, his soul power was completely drained. Speed ​​seemed to have lost its meaning at this moment. After he disappeared on the ground, his figure had reached the top of the thunder god's elephant.

No one could see the process, they could only see the route left by the attack. On this route, there remained a ray of residual light left after countless thunder lights were knocked away and shattered.

Wu Lianyue raised his hands high, destroying the sky and the earth, and the heaven and earth returned together... The power that could destroy everything was abruptly interrupted before it touched the ground.

A heavy sword pierced his chest and abdomen from behind, turned in a circle and then swept across, splitting half of his body, leaving only half of his shoulders and a head falling to the ground.

The Thunder God's Dharma Image has stagnated at 99%... Just one more second, and the Penglai Throne will be razed to the ground.

But he really shouldn't try to compete with a time walker for speed.

"It's over." Bai Yu unilaterally declared the end.

Wu Lianyue fell to the ground, and he saw half of his body being split open, as well as the stagnant thunder god image.

He wanted to stretch out his hand, and the elemental energy slowly gathered on the broken arm, turning into the shape of a hand, and then collapsed and dissipated.

Boom boom boom…!

The thunder god's image began to collapse.

Wu Lianyue finally realized that he was defeated and the end was about to come, just like his compatriots.

A carousel began to flash in the eyes.

A long life is like a movie playing back, slowly and quickly.

Then his recollection was interrupted.

A heavy sword was thrust right in front of his sight.

"Where is Bai Xinghe?" Bai Yu asked.

"There is a secret room in the office of the dean of Yuling Academy. Through there, you can enter the subspace where he is imprisoned." Wu Lianyue answered calmly. He seemed to have figured something out and was very cooperative.

Bai Yu said, "Okay, I'll give you the money to buy you a coffin and a cemetery."

Wu Lianyue said to himself: "I remembered what happened a long time ago. Wu Penglai was my brother, but when he was born, our treatment was completely different. He was a talent that the tribe had high hopes for, but I was A freak who was born with a disability, if I think about it, I have already hated him since then..."

"If I can really ascend the throne of Penglai, I will not be an enemy of others. On the contrary, Daxia will usher in a new prosperous age... I revived the spirit control system not for my own selfish gain... I admit that I have selfish motives. But I never think of myself as a bad person."

"Everyone is complicated. Good and evil are never so clear. There are only winners and losers."

"I didn't lose to you and Wu Penglai, I just lost to Tianming."

Bai Yu said calmly: "Everyone thinks that others are bad people, and he is just a complicated good person, but..."

"What do your thoughts and difficulties have to do with me?"

"Why do I have to understand and agree with your ideas?"

He raised his middle finger and breathed fragrance.

"I wish you a quick death and a quick rebirth."

Wu Lianyue was stunned.

The Guo Zhen in front of him is still a young man, and he doesn't even know how to give his enemy a chance to regain his respect.

Instead, while he was still breathing, he came up and stepped on his feet to relieve his anger.

"Wu Penglai is so stupid," Wu Lianyue left the last words: "You chose this family... you are blind."

After watching the red blood bar above Wu Lianyue's head disappear, Bai Yu just took a breath and slowly sat down on the ground.

Although he didn't look injured, he was already running out of gas.

His physical fitness is still good, but his soul power has been depleted by more than 90%, leaving almost nothing left.

The thousand-fold acceleration of time puts a considerable burden on the body.

The inside and outside of the body have become dilapidated... Even with the Nirvana method of the Phoenix Body, it will take a lot of time to recover.

He opened the big red bottle and took a sip.

The recovery effect of the Big Red Bottle is actually not very strong for canonization.

Although Bai Yu's physique is at the saint level, he is not a martial saint or a saint after all. The physical enhancement is not much, a big red bottle is enough... but he drank the fatigue potion that can restore his mental power three times in a row. Da Ping also felt that he had barely recovered about 30% of his soul power.

He glanced at the Star Meteor Iron Sword in his hand and sighed secretly... If it weren't for the strength of the weapon this time, it would be impossible to kill the second among the ten evil men.

This weapon is truly terrifying.

I have to say that its characteristics are not as special as those of Falling Stars. Just like its heavy sword appearance, it is ingenious but not workmanlike... It has only two characteristics, one is that the material is tough enough, and the other is that it is durable. destruction effect.

It is tough enough that even the full body of the Witch Clan cannot break it into pieces; the continuous destructive effect can destroy even elements, blocking Wu Lianyue's self-healing.

When Bai Yu held it, he could even vaguely feel where it came from.

Sky stars, meteorites...all imply that their origin lies in the outer chaos beyond the planet.

However, now is not the time to think about this. It is not too late to study it slowly later.

When he was about to get up, he heard footsteps and a familiar fragrance.

Tao Rusu came closer, gently held his shoulders, looked down at Wu Lianyue, and said in shock: "Did you really kill him?"

"There is a certain amount of luck." Bai Yu nodded: "Now it's all grudges... I'll pack up his body later and find a place to bury it on Penglai Island."

"Why don't you crush the bones and scatter the ashes?" Tao Rusu suggested: "The corpses of the Wu clan are quite valuable for research."

"He is the dean of Yuling Academy after all, and he has worked hard for Penglai for so many years, and... he controlled Bai Xinghe but didn't kill him, which surprised me." Bai Yu shook his head and said, "So Let’s give him some dignity.”

He turned around and asked, "Where is the Overlord?"


"You did it?"

"Yes." Tao Rusu's tone was calm, as if he was talking about the foreseeable sad fate of an unrelated person: "I burst his illusions and shattered his dreams. He couldn't bear this blow and has already I have completely fallen into illusion...I may not wake up again in the future.”

"Isn't this considered an escape?"

"Zhen Shifang is like this. He just uses cruelty and cold-bloodedness as a disguise to cover up his inner cowardice and weakness. He is not even willing to take a look at what he has now and what he can grasp in the future." Tao Rusu shook his head and said: " He deserves his own fate, do we need to hand him over?"

"What do you think?"

"I listen to you." Tao Rusu hugged the young man's shoulders: "If you want to let him go and give him the rest of his life, prove that you love me and don't want me to be charged with patricide; if you want to He executed him and cut off everything, proving that you love me so much and hope that I can have a clean break with the past."


It's all about love.

"So what do you want to choose?" Tao Rusu really didn't have any idea.

"It is not an easy task to judge and canonize, and it is even more difficult to execute a person who has a mental breakdown." Bai Yu said: "Even if he is handed over, there is a high probability that he will just sleep in another place."

He already had a preliminary idea and planned to discuss it with others.

Tao Rusu nodded and asked, "Wu Lianyue is dead... the commotion should be over."

Bai Yu raised his hand, opened the mission log of Chronicle of Heroes, and took a look at the event notes on it.

[Major event ‘Five Danger and One Shock’ is ongoing]

[Please clear all hostile targets in five locations]

【Current process: 4/5】

[Luoyang Longxiang Temple has been completed, Beijing Zhonghu has been completed, Beijing Beiming Family has been completed, and the Su Family Ancestral Land has been completed]

[The fifth location: Penglai Island]

[Current cleaning progress: 70%]

Bai Yu: "?"

Wu Lianyue is dead, Zhen Shifang has also lost his combat effectiveness, but the completion level has stopped at 70%.

Why is it only 70%?

But as a time traveler, everyone knows that the system's prompts are never wrong. Although they occasionally come early, they are rarely late.

This means that 30% of the targets have not been cleared.

Who could it be?

Is it Zhen Shifang?


"What's wrong?" Tao Rusu felt Bai Yu's body tense up again, and subconsciously entered a state of alert: "It's not over yet?"

"It's not over yet."

Bai Yu was very sure. After taking a look at the log, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have ignored someone from the beginning.

That person has been here since the beginning of this battle, but he has never exposed any aura or trace.

Regardless of Zhen Shifang or Wu Lianyue, they are not the culprits and masterminds behind the commotion in this incident.

The real mastermind…

"Where is Tai Sui?"

Tao Rusu immediately closed her eyes, sensed her surroundings, and quickly found her target. She flicked her fingers, and the clear light bursting from her fingertips opened up the collapsed ruins, and rummaged through the pile of rocks to find the target. A corpse.

That was the body of King Xiling. He was lying on the ground, his head had been broken.

"It's like this, it's impossible to still be alive, right?" Tao Rusu took a look and said.

"The old man's Azure Dragon Claw killed King Xiling with one strike..." Bai Yu frowned and said, "I didn't feel anything wrong before, but when I think about it carefully, it's not right at all. Tai Sui's body is a saint, it's impossible for him to avoid the old man's attack. Even if his realm has improved, it's impossible for him to kill him with one strike..."

He thought of something, opened the body, and turned it from a prone position to the front.

The next moment, the two people's faces changed.

In addition to the fatal wound on the head, there was another wound on the body of King Xiling, located in the center of the chest.

His ribs were turned outward, as if something broke through the question and formed a tear wound.

"The heart is gone." Tao Rusu said, "His heart..."

"Tai Sui is one of the three incarnations of the Demon Ancestor. The soul of the Demon Ancestor reincarnated into a female evil, and the body of the Demon Ancestor turned into the Taiyin Demon Realm, and the heart of the Demon Ancestor...became the incarnation Tai Sui walking in the world."

Bai Yu thought of the origin of the incarnation mentioned by Di Jiexing, and at this time the disappearance of King Xiling's heart seemed to prove that the heart of the Demon Ancestor was located here.

This might be the perfect time to destroy Tai Sui's body.

But Bai Yu didn't feel relieved or excited at all, but felt a chill.

This means... Tai Sui still has a back-up plan that has not been revealed!

It brought the heart of the body here at all costs and risks, and it is obvious that there is a huge plot!

For this plot, he was even willing to take the initiative to abandon a body of the canonization level.

After abandoning the account of King Xiling under the pretext of Bai Potian, the heart crawled out of the body in the aftermath of the chaos.

At this time, Tai Sui was no longer protected by the body and was extremely fragile.

If Bai Yu noticed this, it would have been completely torn apart.

Unfortunately, neither side realized that Bai Yu's full attention could not be distracted at all at that time.

Although everything was planned, Tai Sui also paid a huge risk for it. It was willing to take the huge risk of being destroyed and causing the Demon Ancestor to sink forever, and also wanted the heart to leave the body. What is its purpose?

Bai Yu thought about it, looked around, and then he realized...

There was something missing at the scene, a crucial thing.

As mentioned before, there were three treasures in the Penglai throne hall...

The first one was the throne;

The second one was the Tianxing meteorite sword;

The third one was the corpse of the Penglai Island master.

The body of Tai Sui was the heart, and the body was just the shell of a hermit crab to it!


Bai Yu felt his scalp tingling in an instant.

The remaining 30% of the completion had been found.

But he didn't want to stay, he just wanted to leave the hall directly, because he no longer had the strength to fight.

Just when he was about to stand up and jump, a dull pressure fell on his head.

It was like a heavy hammer that pressed Bai Yu and Tao Rusu to the spot. Their knees sank, and the surrounding space collapsed, like a compressed towel, folded into a small cube by some force.

In the sky, a somewhat broken figure stepped down step by step in the space folded into a square. His steps were a little staggering, just like a person who had not ridden a bicycle for a long time and was a little crooked when he got on the bicycle again.

The brokenness of the figure was also in the literal sense.

The clothes were torn, and the flesh was also torn.

The skin was dull, and the blood seemed to have been drained away long ago, and the whole body was withered and skinny.

But even such a mummy skeleton had the same oppressive force as the living Wu Lianyue.

There was the sound of heartbeats in the chest of the broken figure. After each beat, the blood would flow and the skin would become fresh and alive again, just like a rusty machine was being injected with oil and kinetic energy to start running again.

[Tai Sui Incarnation (in Penglai Island Master)]

[Danger Level: 70]

[Even though it is just a dry and damaged body, he was once the strongest in Daxia]

[The power of the Wu Clan will not completely dissipate due to death, because their powerful origin is the body, which is this body itself]

[Now that Tai Sui has obtained this legacy, it was originally the heart of the Demon Ancestor. No one knows better than it how to use the great power contained in this body]

[Note: This may be the best time to kill it]

Even without the detailed description in the note, Bai Yu can clearly understand the current situation.

If his state is full, he will definitely take action directly, but... after the war, the chances of winning in the current state are really not great.

Want to delay time?


Bai Yu's thinking was forced to interrupt. Tai Sui knew that Bai Yu was the weakest at this time. How could he not take the opportunity to add insult to injury and kill him while he was sick?

"Bai Yujing, you finally fell into my hands! Just let me suppress you!"

A fist smashed down from the air, and the fist shadow was highly compressed. The momentum alone was not weaker than Wu Lianyue's full-strength attack when he was fully in full state before, and even more so.

Bai Yu silently prepared to speed up time. Even if he couldn't get out, he had to at least send Tao Rusu out first... He still had the Tianxing Heavy Sword in his hand, and he felt that he could at least delay for half an hour.

Suddenly, a rebuke resounded through the throne hall.

"Dare to attack my grandson!"

The burly back of a white-haired figure flashed out and instantly broke through the fist shadow formed by the compression of space.

With a wave of his hand, he shattered it into a sky full of light.

Bai Potian stood with his hands behind his back, looked up at the sky, raised his eyebrows and said angrily: "Evil demons and evil spirits, desecrating the corpses of the predecessors, how dare you be rampant!"

Compared to Bai Potian's appearance, Bai Yu noticed that the signs of collapse in the throne hall had disappeared, and even the cracks began to heal automatically. The bricks and stones began to return to their original positions, the cracks began to be repaired, and even the space was gradually corrected.

This means that the throne hall is returning to a will and an order.

Obviously, Bai Potian is back, and he is back with a brand new identity.

Today, Bai Potian has completed the inheritance ceremony and is already the real master of Penglai Island.

And what he is facing at this time is also the master of Penglai Island.

The new and old masters of Penglai Island looked at each other, as if they were both masters of Penglai Island, but it seemed that neither of them was completely.

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