Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 889 Bringing her home as a wife (2 in 1 7k6)


Huang Yanxia's reaction was seen by many guests and has become a kind of proof.

The guests who thought someone was here to cause trouble subconsciously stopped their actions.

If someone came to Fenghuangtai to cause trouble today, they, as outsiders, could give face to Fenghuangtai and the new sword master... But if this is the other party's family affair, they would have no room to intervene.

When Huang Yanxia was silent, Fengzhi, the previous head of the sect, stepped forward and said in a deep voice: "Why are you still alive!"

"Why? Can't I live?" The white-haired female ghost in the clouds laughed, and there were thousands of styles and meanings in that smile.

This stunning beauty has a face very similar to Huang Yanxia, ​​but gives people a completely opposite feeling.

Especially when the two appear at the same time, this sense of contrast will be further expanded and strengthened.

The cold and aloof Huang Yanxia, ​​who was like a banished immortal, met the perfect imagination of the people in the martial arts world about the sword immortal, while Huang Qiyun was an enchanting beauty, a thousand-year-old ghost. Her every frown and smile had a soul-stirring charm, but it also made people feel terrified, fearing that they would be beaten to death if they approached.

"Today is a good day for you, Yanxia, ​​to officially become the sword leader. I brought you some gifts. Do you like them?"

As she said this, she gently waved her sleeves, and her black clothes were torn apart, or rather, it seemed to have faded from the original black tone and became gorgeous. The clothes were very gorgeous and full of bright colors. The base tone was bright red, but the patterns embroidered on them were white bones, as if countless dry bones were burning in the fire of hell, and the black coat she took off also turned into a rope, tied to the iron chain bridge hanging in the clouds, with gray-green human heads hanging on it!

"It took me a long time to remove these people's heads."

"Come and see...are there any people you know in there?"

The people at the scene changed color instantly, and many guests stood up.

It's not that they were scared. This group of Jianghu people have killed many people. How could any famous Jianghu celebrity not have committed murder and arson? The family that holds the title of martial arts champion has not done less to destroy people's sects, but hanging human heads on clothes to go out is absolutely evil.

The current Daxia Jianghu is clearly divided, but few people will call themselves the devil sect or the devil path...After all, everyone thinks that they are a complicated good person, even if they do evil things, they have no choice.

But this woman really did it, and in front of these people, this is a naked demonstration, and even a provocation.

"Female devil, who are you?" The head of the Liu family couldn't help asking.

The white-haired female devil smiled and joked: "Of course it's your old mother who is no longer here to take care of her... Is this answer beautiful?"

The chief's chest was filled with blood and energy.

A famous master of the martial arts world slammed the table and said: "Such behavior is simply insane! How can we tolerate her walking out of here safely! If it gets out, how can we face the people of the martial arts world!"

Just as this sentence was finished, the sleeves were seen fluttering, and a strange wind blew through the clouds.

The palm power was extremely exquisite but also extremely dangerous. The master who spoke drew the sword at his waist to defend himself. With just one blow, his weapon was broken into two pieces. His whole body was directly hit and broke into two pieces on the spot. The intestines were scattered all over the ground. He was deader than dead.

The scene was bloody and flames were burning on the corpse.

"This palm technique!"

"Three Plum Blossoms?"

"Isn't this the unique skill of the Meishan School? How could she know this move!"

"No, the important thing is her cultivation. She is actually a saint!"

Seeing with their own eyes that a powerful martial arts master died just like that, hundreds of guests present immediately became confused. Everyone here is a well-known person. Who would want to lose their lives here for no reason?

Someone also shouted: "Warriors, how can we watch this female devil commit crimes here!"

The leader of the Liu family stood up with an ugly face: "Don't worry... It was just a moment of carelessness. Now it won't be so easy for her to kill people again."

The Wu family spear leader said nothing and silently lifted the cloth covering the tip of the spear.

Dun Kui did not move, but looked at the silent Fenghuangtai Sect Master strangely, drank a sip of tea slowly, and then said: "This is considered an internal matter of Fenghuangtai... Is it convenient for us outsiders to intervene?"

Facing the angry eyes of the surrounding guests, Fengzhi had to explain: "She was indeed a disciple of Fenghuangtai... But now she is not, she has been expelled from the sect, and should have been executed."

But this simple explanation could not satisfy all the guests.

So Fengzhi continued to explain: "Five years ago, many sects in the martial arts world had young women die. In just five months, more than 30 people died in succession. Each of the dead was drained of blood, and their clothes were stained with blood. Therefore, it was called the "bloody clothes case". This incident caused a sensation in the martial arts world, and the Dali Temple intervened in the investigation, but the result was nothing."

The sudden mention of this case made many people present change their faces.

Because the number of deaths in this case is large, and they are spread all over the world.

Many big sects were involved, including the one that was invited to the scene.

Five years have passed, and the death toll has not increased, but many people are still investigating the case, but there is still no clue.

The Wu family leader also asked for the first time: "Are you trying to say that the murderer behind this bloody clothes case is her?!"

Fengzhi sighed bitterly: "Yes."

"Why did Phoenix Station block this news!" The Wu family gun leader said angrily: "My sister was killed by her!"

"Because no one knew at the time..." Huang Yanxia spoke on her behalf, her voice suppressing her emotions: "It was I who discovered that she was the murderer of the Bloody Clothes Case, and I saw her murder the inner disciples of Phoenix Terrace with my own eyes. She killed her with her own hands. I have become a sister who we have been together day and night for more than ten years... If this were not the case, I would not believe that the murderer of the bloody suit case would be my biological sister. "

"Then what?" Wu's gun leader continued to question: "You let her leave!"

"No, I killed her."

She remembered very clearly the night she killed her sister.

At that time, Huang Qiyun had just pierced the throat of the inner disciple with a dagger, releasing a large amount of blood. The blood spurted out on her clothes. She was walking barefoot in the pool of blood, spinning around, shaking her body and dancing, as if what was sprayed on her body was not blood. But Yu Yu, who looked overjoyed, clearly looked like a bloodthirsty demon.

From the gap in the window, Huang Yanxia saw all this. She drew her sword and chased after him. Huang Qiyun, who was discovered, seemed to suddenly wake up and immediately escaped from the window. The two chased him one after another. Then, we finally arrived in front of the Bishui Pool.

Huang Qiyun, who was covered in blood, showed heartbreaking pity. She cried and said that she didn't mean it, nor did she want to do it. In the moment just now, she said that she didn't feel like herself, and that she had never hurt anyone else. .

But Huang Yanxia will no longer be deceived. She exposed Huang Qiyun's lies - then why are you still laughing?

When her sister touched the corners of her lips that were strangely raised in surprise, Huang Yanxia threw out the weapon in her hand and penetrated her heart with a flying sword.

Since that night five years ago, the village has been abandoned and no one has ever visited it again. Bishuitan has also become a forbidden area that no one cares about.

She buried everything under the pool, but she didn't expect... that she would escape from her memories, come to reality, and transform into a real devil.

Huang Yanxia raised her eyes and looked at the enchanting female ghost in the clouds: "I clearly pierced your heart with my own hands, turned the sword, and kept you without any life left, and sank you into the clear water pool at the foot of Fenghuang Terrace Mountain... …How could you still be alive?”

"I'm also very surprised why I survived after being pierced through the heart. Maybe this is my talent. I lost my heart as a human being and I am no longer a human being from now on." Huang Qiyun lowered his height and followed the cloud. She walked out of the room, her bare feet stepped on the red carpet, and the ground was scattered with bright petals. When the red dress floated over, they exploded and turned into ashes: "I crawled back from hell, the haze... is going to Come and get what's mine."

"I'm sorry for causing you all trouble. What I failed to accomplish five years ago seems to have to be done again today."

Huang Yanxia raised her hand, and a sword fell into her palm. Her cold eyes were reflected on the cold and shimmering sword.

She galloped forward, pointing the long sword in her hand at Huang Qiyun, and the sword energy turned into a gang!

When the sword was slashed out, the entire sea of ​​clouds was stirred up, as if the sea was flowing across the ocean.

The time frame seems to have stopped at this moment, leaving only the two people frozen.

Huang Qiyun's right hand held the long cylindrical sword, and he blocked the indestructible sword with one hand. His white hair danced wildly in the wind, and his slender and light wrists were exposed from under his sleeves. The vast clouds behind him were rolling and roaring, and the sea of ​​clouds Listen to Tao!

Clasping the blade of the sword with her slender fingers, the female devil slowly raised her eyes and stared at the sword fairy at a close distance. The smile she showed was sad but also enchanting. There was endless danger hidden under the thrilling beauty.

Her golden-red eyes seemed to be oozing with blood, which even gave people the illusion that there were bones underneath the robe.

Beauty and bones!

As soon as the two of them met, there was no more words to say, only cold stares.

Huang Yanxia and Huang Qiyun have been sisters for so many years and have gotten to know each other well... Huang Qiyun has always given her the impression of being timid, silent and submissive. She shouldn't have such a bold personality, crying even when she sees blood. How could she have the guts to kill someone, but she had to believe it after seeing it with her own eyes? Huang Yanxia wondered if her sister's soul had been devoured by the devil. What was left here was not her sister at all, but the devil.

She also looked directly into those eyes. She had seen these eyes countless times in her dreams, eyes that made her miserable and helpless, and made her regretful and uneasy.

It seems so strange and there is no warmth at all.

Therefore, Huang Yanxia is even more certain that the person left here is not her sister, but the bloodthirsty female devil who kills people... As early as five years ago, her sister died in the clear water pool. What's here is just the devil who has resurrected his corpse.

Immediately, the female devil suddenly smiled, her smile was so beautiful, charming, moving, and seductive... There was no trace of the youthfulness and immaturity of a little girl.

She released her hand holding the long cylindrical sword and pushed it forward slightly. A force hit the blade of the sword, forcing Huang Yanxia to retreat.

"You really... haven't changed at all."

The white-haired succubus had a mocking tone and a naughty expression. She even stuck out her tongue as a provocation: "If you want to kill me, such a sword is not qualified... After all, it is not five years ago, and I don't have to give in to you."

"Leave me alone?"

Huang Yanxia's eyes were a little more sullen. Her sister would not talk to her like this. This devil dared to speak nonsense while taking over the body of a relative.

The Qi in her body rolled and flowed wildly, and in the blink of an eye, it was eight hundred miles... The extremely fast Qi flow was transformed into the fastest sword light.

The sword light suddenly exploded, as fast as the awakening of insects.

The violent sword energy sank into the clouds, and it might go hundreds of miles.

Such a fast sword cannot be intercepted by the flesh. Even the most powerful Fengsheng dare not use the flesh to meet the sword of the sword saint with the attack power of the top ten.

But this sword was indeed intercepted!

Because Huang Qiyun also brought a weapon, she held a white sword in her hand. The pale sword body was extremely fine, and the sword itself was almost transparent and difficult to detect.

If you look closely, you will find that it is not a sword at all, but a hair.

The female devil used a pure white hair as a weapon to block the thunder sword of the contemporary sword master.

This result almost shocked people.

But this is not the end.

Huang Qiyun's swordsmanship was not inferior to Huang Yanxia's. She intercepted more than 30 subsequent swords from Huang Yanxia in succession, as if she had already seen through and pre-read all her attack routes, and even her subtle movements and habits were predicted.

The one who knows you best may not be yourself, but your enemy!

Huang Yanxia's sword was very fast, but it was always a beat slower, which made her attack unable to unfold. As Huang Qiyun began to attack, the situation turned instantly.

The female devil immediately unilaterally suppressed the sword fairy and beat her violently. All her sword moves were magnificent and imaginative, and there was no repetition. It could be said that she was an antelope hanging on the horns. While dancing with the sword, her clothes fluttered like a dazzling sword dance. She would deliberately leave a blank space and pause in her movements, as if to give the opponent a chance to breathe, and as if to make the sword dance more rhythmic... No matter which reason, it proved that she was at ease.

Huang Yanxia felt the same feeling as the last sword master who lost to her. It was a kind of all-round powerlessness. Whether it was swordsmanship, cultivation, skills or spirituality, they were all completely suppressed. In the end, Huang Qiyun seemed to be tired of playing with him. He raised his long sword and cut her wrist. A finger went straight into her chest and poked the center of her ribs. In an instant, the sound of bone cracking resounded clearly in the clouds on the top of the mountain.

In the severe pain, Huang Yanxia's eyes met the white-haired female devil at close range, and her breathing was slightly rapid.

"I forgot to tell you... It's really not difficult to defeat you in a battle of the same realm." Huang Qiyun retracted his bloody index finger, placed it in front of his lips and gently brushed it, as if he had applied bright lipstick: "Tell me, have you started to regret it?"

Huang Yanxia held the long sword, and the blood stained the white clothes red along the wound: "I don't regret what happened five years ago. Death in my hands can at least guarantee your basic dignity as a human being. You have been too deeply possessed by the devil, and you are no longer my Qiyun."

Hearing this answer, Huang Qiyun suddenly laughed. The laughter was not as enchanting and charming as before, nor as sad and mournful as before, but with a little madness, a kind of crazy laughter, like the laughter left by a desperate hero who set the pavilion on fire and burned himself in the fire. This laughter shook Huang Yanxia back a few steps, and the clouds were resonating like ripples.

There was no pleasure of revenge in the crazy laughter, only a sense of resentment.

For five years, Huang Qiyun wanted to return to the Phoenix Terrace all the time, watching Huang Yanxia kneel down in front of her and cry and repent! Because she killed herself with her own hands, because she didn't believe in her closest relative at all!

Just seeing that she had killed someone, she stabbed herself to death without saying a word, and said that she had to keep a decent life!

She didn't ask about the cause and effect at all, and didn't care what the truth was!

But... these issues are irrelevant now.

What if I have to bear a few more infamy on the road of revenge?

However, Huang Qiyun was a little too careless and a little too arrogant.

She originally planned to defeat Huang Yanxia in one fell swoop, but she didn't notice that the fire had ignited in her bleeding wound, and her flesh and blood were regenerating rapidly.

And the Wu family spear leader who was waiting on the side had already taken the lead.

He had a deep hatred with the murderer of the bloody clothes case. Seeing his enemy in person today, he was extremely jealous. The long spear was thrown out like a long rainbow piercing the sun, and the weapon burst out with a thousand pounds of force.

The Wu family spear master's family heirloom spear 'Shuo Han', this long spear is a battlefield weapon, it is said that it has experienced the hands of two ten thousand enemies, so the Wu family spear technique is also a fierce route of opening and closing, stirring up the wind and clouds directly, and the air is densely filled with strong evil spirit.

Huang Qiyun's sleeves were torn at a corner, and she stepped on her toes to try to distance herself, but suddenly felt her body pause.

Not far away, Wu Jue Weng quietly drew a spell on the table with tea, connecting the earth's energy, and used the art of Qimen Dunjia to keep her on the ground.

At the same time, the head of the Liu family also made a move at the same time.

She was forced to retreat from the top of the mountain, with both feet stepping on the suspension rope.

A few gaps appeared in the red dress, and the white skeleton on it was really stained with a layer of blood.

Her white hair was messy, and she bit a strand of hair between her lips and teeth, silently swallowing the blood that spilled.

Huang Qiyun was a little too confident, she really misjudged the situation.

Her strength may be able to compete with Huang Yanxia, ​​but it is not enough to challenge all the leaders here.

In addition, she has a strong demonic style when she appears, and her gloomy and terrifying temperament, which makes her look like a good person.

She was even labeled as the "real murderer of the blood-stained clothes case", which directly aroused public anger.

But even at this point... she didn't explain anything.

Just use those golden red eyes to cast a resentful look on every powerful enemy equally.

Wu family spear leader shook the Shuohan spear and shouted angrily: "Give my sister back her life!"

He took the position of the main attacker, while Liu family leader and Wu Jue Weng were on the side, ready to find an opportunity to wait for a flaw to make up for the damage.

Not far away, Huang Yanxia covered her chest. Her injuries had been mostly recovered under the effect of Nirvana. She was born with the true spirit of the phoenix, and this injury was only a superficial injury. She was about to go forward but was stopped by Feng Zhi.

"What else are you going to do?"

"This is a matter between us!"

"Do you want to rush in and be enemies with the leaders?" Feng Zhi dissuaded.


"Yanxia, ​​there is no going back to the past. She came here today to kill everyone for revenge... This is a life-and-death battle. You can't hesitate. You hesitated five years ago, and you hesitate now." Fengzhi said in a deep voice: "If you haven't thought it through, don't do anything!"

Huang Yanxia looked ahead with an obscure expression.

At this time, the spear leader had completely seized the key point of the attack. After Liu Zhangkui and Huang Qiyun exchanged a move, Huang Qiyun was forced to fall into a state of stiffness, revealing a huge flaw. The middle door was wide open. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and the spear leader would naturally not miss it.

The spear pointed at Huang Qiyun's heart.


The female devil grabbed the suspension rope with both hands and retreated all the way, but the left and right dodging directions were blocked. Seeing that this move could not be avoided, she directly crossed her eyes, no longer defended, and directly hit the spear, intending to crush the spear leader's neck with her bare hands, one death for another.

The spear master was an old man who had lived for half a century. He stopped decisively, pushed the spear with his right hand, and threw out the Shuohan spear directly. The weapon turned into a fierce dragon crossing the river and whistled away. At this distance, Huang Qiyun would be shot through the heart, but he would not be caught by the opponent.

The instant staggered attack and defense judgment came very quickly. Ordinary people in the martial arts world could not understand it at all, and would only feel dizzy, while those who understood it would feel that the overall situation had been decided at this time.

Huang Yanxia's face changed drastically, broke free from Feng Zhi's hand, and rushed forward.

At the moment when everyone was nervous, there was a residual image that was deeply familiar with the rhythm of space and hidden extremely obscure. It intervened between the two faster and earlier than Huang Yanxia, ​​and blocked the path of the Shuohan spear with great precision, just landing at the tip of the spear.

The spear of the martial saint could easily tear the space, but it failed to penetrate the object hanging in the air in one go.

The object was not something else, but a teacup.

The teacup floated on the sea of ​​clouds and spun in circles. The tea formed a vortex tornado in the cup. After the attack from the spear leader, the cup did not break, and not even a drop of tea leaked out.

The saints present stopped their actions, hovered, and looked alert.

Even Huang Qiyun, who was prepared to be injured or even die, was slightly stunned.

She didn't expect that someone would save her in this situation... But how could there be such a daring person in the Great Xia Jianghu?

Wu Qiangkui held the Shuohan spear, stared at the teacup, and shouted: "Whoever made the move, show up quickly!"

There was surprise and fear in his tone, but more of it was anger.

A slight sound rang out in the void, which could not be considered a footstep, but an air resonance caused by space vibration.

A hand suddenly appeared from the air, grasped the teacup, picked it up with bare hands, and then drank the tornado in the cup.

The young man in green who had attacked for no reason had a rolling throat. After drinking the tea, he calmly exhaled a breath of turbid air, which turned into thunder and wind. This thunder and wind was condensed by the spear intent, and fell to the valley below the sea of ​​clouds in one go. Thunder exploded in the depths of the valley.

This scene stunned several martial saints around.

Not only did he resolve the spear leader's Hengjiang spear, but he also kept the spear intent in the cup, drank it, and exhaled it, looking completely unscathed... This level of cultivation and control is already a level that all the saints present cannot understand.

The man in green is naturally Bai Yu.

"Who are you, and why are you stopping us!" The head of the Liu family asked cautiously, without any impulse.

Bai Yu stood in front of Huang Qiyun and said calmly: "What are the outsiders doing to interfere in the internal affairs of Fenghuangtai? I just can't stand you guys bullying the weak, and you ganged up on such a beautiful girl, so I just acted out of justice."

"That's wrong. This woman is a demon who kills people like crazy, and she is the real murderer of the bloody clothes case. It's reasonable for us to seek revenge on her!" The leader explained.

"What rules of the world are there for a demon!" The gun leader said angrily.

"Do you have any evidence for what you said?" Bai Yu asked indifferently: "Just based on those heads of unknown origin and identity just now, or based on the unilateral testimony of Fenghuangtai? Then I can randomly identify who is the murderer, and you will kill his whole family?"

The Gun Leader held the Shuohan Gun and pointed it at Huang Qiyun behind Bai Yu: "If not, why didn't she deny it! I questioned her on the spot, why didn't you answer!"

Huang Qiyun smiled while holding her sleeves to cover her face, and replied: "Yes, I killed him, and I committed the bloody clothes case... So what?"

The Gun Leader no longer wanted to care about how true or false this sentence was, and glared at Bai Yu: "She has admitted it, what else can she say! If you don't get out of the way, I will chop you together!"

"Don't scare me with this, I am timid... If I scare her, you will pay for my coffin?" Bai Yu still had a calm expression, as if this was not a big deal at all.

He also knew that Huang Qiyun was too lazy to explain and defend. If he wanted to explain, he wouldn't wait until now.

But he couldn't really watch Huang Qiyun being killed here.

According to the original historical trajectory... Huang Qiyun will die here today as expected.

He had to intervene.

Originally, I planned to start with Huang Yanxia.

At present, it seems that we can only change our thinking and start from Huang Qiyun's side.

Because according to his observation, cold-faced big sisters like Huang Yanxia are not easy to deal with. Huang Qiyun may have a bigger breakthrough... Controlling Huang Qiyun is equivalent to controlling Huang Qiyun. Yanxia's emotional switch.

So, switch strategy objectives.

"I admire Liu for your righteous words, but... it is also important to assess the situation." Liu Zhangkui reminded: "Half of the world is present, and no one is on the side of the female devil. Since we are not relatives, why do we have to help? This person?"

Bai Yu glanced at this smart man who was trying to put pressure on others, and asked, "You mean, I can't afford to offend so many people?"

Without waiting for the other party to reply, he stepped on the rope and walked to Huang Qiyun. Under the vigilant and doubtful eyes of the other party, he gently held her waist and said calmly: "Don't say it's you who are the ones who are the first to do the bidding. The chickens and dogs are in groups... Even if Luo Hu comes here, she... I will keep her safe!"

Even Huang Qiyun couldn't help but widen her eyes in disbelief at the sudden appearance of the domineering president. She really didn't understand what was going on, and why was this man so close to her all of a sudden? And hugged yourself?

‘——Give me some face and cooperate... You don’t want to be besieged by so many people at the same time, right?’

She received the message from the other party and could feel the kindness in it.

While frowning and thinking, Huang Qiyun accidentally caught a glimpse of her sister's shocked and incomprehensible look from the corner of her eye. Somehow, a feeling of "I won, but I don't know how" arose in her heart. In this weird emotion Confused, she didn't push him away.

The ancients five hundred years ago were relatively conservative.

In public, men and women usually don't fight, even if they are informal women, and besides, they are all canonized... they want to save face.

The gun leader sneered: "It turns out they are all in the same group! They are working together!"

"It wasn't before, but it is now." Bai Yu said proudly: "If you want to hurt her, you are making an enemy of me!"

Liu Zhangkui was puzzled: "Why do you have to help this female devil!"

Bai Yu said without hesitation: "I have fallen in love with this girl Qiyun, and I want to take her home as my wife, can't I?"

The words fell.

The entire Phoenix Terrace was silent.

Among the guests, some young people quietly gave a thumbs up to express their admiration.

There are even young women who cast envious and jealous glances one after another, wishing they could replace him with their own bodies.

Bai Yu has an unparalleled appearance. At such a young age, he is already a saint. He has the strength and courage to challenge the three military commanders without falling behind. No matter who daughter comes here and is not moved, even if the princess of the day comes. Eyes turning pink.

Huang Qiyun looked squarely at the young man near him for the first time, with silent emotions flowing in his heart.

Because she could tell that Bai Yu's words... were true.

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