Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 894: A gathering of heroes in Baicao Valley (7K4)

Three missing.

Three, no medical treatment.

Bai Yu was thoughtful and asked, "Are these rules really so strict?"

Jin Fugui waved his hand: "It's hard to say it's strict. What's really strict is that many people can't enter this door at all. Medical Saint Hou Mo doesn't know how to treat everyone. In the final analysis, you either have the power or you have the power. money."

Huang Qiyun said calmly: "So it's actually the lack of medical treatment... the lack of medical treatment by ordinary people?"

Jin Fugui nodded: "After all, there is only one medical sage, and his energy is limited. It is said that the reason why he came to Baicao Valley was to compile a scripture that collected a lifetime of medical knowledge, called "Hou Mo Medical Classic". Three years ago I’ve been writing since I came here, and I’m most likely halfway through it... I’m writing medical scriptures and treating dignitaries at the same time, so how can I have time to open a medical clinic?”

When he said this, he asked curiously: "Brother Bai found out that the Medical Saint is here? If you don't have the certificate in your hand, I'm afraid you won't be able to get in."

Bai Yu asked calmly: "If I can't get in, what can you do?"

"I, Jin Fugui, have nothing but money. If I don't have an appointment or a voucher, I have to spend one thousand taels of gold once." Jin Fugui patted his chest: "I will pay for this small amount of money for you!"

"Then what do I need to do for you?"

One thousand taels of gold is not a small amount.

"Well..." Jin Fugui clasped his fists: "I hope Brother Bai can protect me in Baicao Valley."

"What does this sentence mean?" Huang Qiyun frowned and said, "This is a place where diseases are treated and people are saved. Is there any danger?"

"I can't say for sure." Jin Fugui sighed: "The medical saint has a weird temper. Besides, there are a lot of people coming for follow-up consultation this time. I'm also worried...Although I am a little master, this level of cultivation is not enough before being canonized. Where is enough to see?”

"I'm also a patient. You think you think highly of me." Bai Yu pointed at his pale face: "Do you think I can protect your safety?"

Jin Fugui smiled and said, "I'm quite good at judging people."

"Since you know the danger, why do you have to go in this time? Isn't it the same for the next follow-up visit?" Bai Yu saw his rosy face: "Your disease should be just an ordinary chronic disease, why are you so anxious?"

"Well..." Jin Fugui said with a stunned expression: "I am nearly forty years old but I still have no children. Although I have taken care of myself a lot in the past three years, my wives and concubines at home are still unable to conceive. I am worried in my heart. This time I missed the follow-up consultation and had to wait another three months. I had no children and my status in the family was getting lower and lower. Even the wife of the family often cooked chicken and rooster in a pot for me to eat. Every time at the dinner table, she would always sigh and say that the rooster was not able to crow. Lay eggs, my old face..."

Jin Fugui, who exposed his shortcomings, clenched his fists and said, "I'm so anxious that I can't delay at all."

It turned out to be infertility...but this disease has not been cured for three consecutive years?

Bai Yu began to doubt the level of this medical saint.

Of course, it may also be that the other party is not good at male diseases.

However, it is not impossible for him to understand that people in this era attach great importance to offspring, especially large families, which definitely need the eldest son. If the head wife cannot give birth to a son, she may be divorced.

Huang Qiyun crossed his arms and said calmly: "Of course we have the voucher to go in. We don't need your thousand taels of gold."

"That's it." Jin Fugui felt a little regretful.

"However, it's not that I can't help you." Bai Yu changed the topic: "Tell me the situation on the other two sides, including the origin of the carriage. If you explain it clearly, I can take action once."

Jin Fugui immediately responded: "That's a good relationship."

He patted his chest: "Jin has nothing but money and a lot of friends. He can be considered a close friend all over the world. This information is quite well-informed."

"Let's talk about the person in front first... the red-robed Diao Si, is most likely Yang Zheng, one of the top ten leaders of Daxia in the previous generation."

"He became famous fifty years ago. He appeared in the world as a great master. He traveled with the old emperor who was still the crown prince at the time. During the battle, Li Kui was killed by the formation. After that, Li Kui remained in his hands. It took more than thirty years, and it was not until more than ten years ago that he took the initiative to pass the title of leader to his adopted godson. "

"Yang Zheng is the Diao Si of the two dynasties. Being able to be looked after closely by him means he has a distinguished status. I think only the Ninth Princess has this qualification in Daxia nowadays."

"She is the most noble among the current princesses. She was born to the Queen...but the Queen was already fifty years old when she gave birth to her."

"As the youngest daughter, the Ninth Princess was favored by the emperor and the empress. However, because the empress was older, she was born with a defect and was said to not live to be twenty years old."

Bai Yu said: "Twenty? How old is she this year?"

"She should be only fourteen years old right now, right?" Jin Fugui calculated the year: "The ninth princess has been living in seclusion in the palace all year round. This time she was probably brought out by Yang Zheng to see a doctor. Let's not get into trouble and let her see a doctor first. "

"It turns out it's her..." Huang Qiyun said to himself.

"Do you know him?" Bai Yu asked via voice transmission.

"I don't know. I heard it when I was traveling around the world. In order to cure her illness, the emperor collected all kinds of exotic medicinal materials from all over the world." Huang Qiyun replied: "I was lucky enough to pick up a good-quality Polygonum multiflorum. After offering it to her, I also received a lot of reward money. Without this money, I would have starved to death on the roadside, or become a robber and thief... Maybe I should also thank the ninth princess. "

There was no emotion in her tone.

But Bai Yu could tell that her tone didn't sound like she was expressing gratitude, but rather a sense of scrutiny... It was unclear what information he was hiding, and he would ask later.

"What are the origins of the people over there?" Bai Yu pointed to a group of people with a low sense of presence on the side.

"They... they are not here to see a doctor." Jin Fugui shook his head and smiled: "They are here to check the spots and line up for others."


Ah... is there a scalper business in this era?

Bai Yu was speechless for a few seconds.

"There are people who do any kind of business. Among the three religions and nine streams, there are all kinds of people who collect money from people and help them to eliminate disasters. Among them, there is a profession called 'disaster-preventing man', which specializes in collecting money to help people die." Jin Fugui explained. He finished: "Those three people are dressed as Jianghu people. They didn't say anything when they came here. They were obviously paid to wait for others."

Huang Qiyun was not surprised: "I thought you could guess who they were lining up for."

"Sister-in-law is a little embarrassed by what she said." Jin Fugui was embarrassed.

"Don't make things difficult for others." Bai Yu patted the back of her hand: "You care about this group of people?"

"I just think...the behavior of people in this industry is illogical and depends entirely on what the financial backers want them to do." Huang Qiyun glanced at Jin Fugui: "You are so rich. , why not let them protect you?"

"There are rules in this business when you receive money. You can't switch to other people." Jin Fugui said thoughtfully: "But what my sister-in-law said is also extreme. Let's stay away as much as possible. I hope this group of people are just here to grab medicine." It’s best not to have any evil intentions when seeing a doctor.”

The rest of the conversation turned into pure chatter.

It's getting late.

Yang Zheng glanced at the increasingly dark sky. After confirming the time, he walked to the door and knocked heavily on the door of the villa. The sound of gold and iron clashing echoed, attracting the attention of everyone around him.

The knocking on the door lasted for a quarter of an hour.

When Diao Si lost his patience, the door was opened.

The first thing that caught the eye was a yellow lantern. A young woman was standing at the door with a lantern in her hand. She was standing there alone, with neither servants nor maids following her. She was dressed like a lady.

The young woman's eyes calmly scanned the crowd, and first landed on the red-robed Diao Si in front. She calmly said: "Rule 5 of Baicao Villa... No medical treatment will be given to those who are neither male nor female."

The corners of Yang Zheng's eyes twitched slightly, and then he cupped his hands and said: "It's not me who comes to see the doctor, but the nobleman in the carriage!"

"Everyone is welcome. Anyone who comes to seek treatment needs to bring a voucher or a thousand taels of medical treatment money... Are you ready?"

"Ready, ready." Jin Fugui walked a few steps closer with a smile, stopped twenty steps away from the carriage, raised his hands and saluted: "Long time no see, Miss Homo, you are still as beautiful as ever. ”

He turned sideways and said, "Brother Bai, let me introduce to you. This Miss Homo is the only daughter of the Medical Saint and a medical sage!"

"It turns out to be shopkeeper Jin. Even if you are very sweet, you still need every penny of the consultation fee." Hou Molan stretched out his hand: "Hand over the voucher and the consultation fee."

Yang Zheng took out a jade pendant and handed it over. Jin Fugui handed over money.

Huang Qiyun took out the token and threw it over, and the remaining three people also handed in their vouchers.

"Well... that's good. They all abide by the rules. No one messes around, and it saves me a lot of trouble."

Hou Molan put down the lantern, took a step back, crossed the threshold, and gently patted the table beside him.

"I will say two things next."

"The first thing is that only two people can enter Baicao Villa, the patient and the caregiver. They can only stay for a week."

"The second thing is that everyone entering Baicao Villa needs a blood test."

Jin Fugui was stunned for a moment and asked curiously: "Is this blood test rule newly added?"

"Newly added." Hou Molan said calmly: "It is to prevent people who make poisons from pretending to come and break the rules of the villa; you can also verify your identity and check the patient's condition in advance... If you don't want to, just leave."

Her expression was as calm as a logical and orderly machine: "Who comes first?"

"I'll go first." Jin Fugui walked over with his concubine and pricked his fingertip with a needle to bleed. The blood dripped into the bowl of blue solvent. Nothing happened.

Hou Molan took a look and said calmly: "You guys come in and wait aside. The next one."

Then it was the turn of the two people in line.

Both of them were dressed like knights in the martial arts world. They looked dusty and taciturn. However, their eyebrows were very similar and they should be twins.

After the blood test, nothing unusual happened.

"Next person."

"I'll go first."

Huang Qiyun picked up the silver needle and pricked his fingertip, and the blood dripped into the blue solvent. At this time, some strange colors appeared, and the blue solvent in the bowl turned light red.

She looked at Hou Molan: "What does this mean?"

"It's not interesting. You can go in." Hou Molan said without explaining, "Next."

It was Bai Yu's turn. He put a drop of blood. As soon as it fell into the blue solvent, a burst of white smoke suddenly floated in the solvent. It was like a piece of sodium being thrown into the water. It burst out with a burst of high temperature and seemed to be scattered. A handful of bait was thrown into the koi pond, and countless carps scrambled and rolled over.

Bai Yu looked down at the bowl and coughed awkwardly: "That...maybe it's because the periodic table of elements in my recipe covers a wider range."

Hou Molan closed his eyes with a hint of strange color. He picked up the boiling cup of solvent and looked at it for a moment, then said: "You are still alive, you can run, jump and breathe... you have a very strong vitality."


"You have been poisoned by at least a dozen kinds of poisons. They have spread in your body and can even find the seedlings of poisonous insects in your blood." Hou Molan put down the cup and said with a hint of curiosity in his tone: "Theory Yes, these poisons should have attacked your heart and invaded your brain. You would have died from the poison, or your brain would have been damaged and turned into a fool... How did you survive until now? "

Bai Yu didn't answer but asked: "Can it be cured?"


"Don't you suspect that I am the one who makes and consumes poison?"

"No matter how stupid a poison maker is, he will not use himself as an experimental material; and a poisoner will not take so many poisons at the same time. That is seeking death... If he was seeking death, he would not be here." Hou Molan He waved lightly: "Let's go in...the next one."

When it was Yang Diao Si's turn, his blood also caused some reactions, and the solvent turned orange.

After him, there was a very small girl, wearing a cloak, whose face could not be seen clearly. The hand stretched out from under the sleeves of the robe was very small, matching the age of fourteen that Jin Fugui said.

The fingertip was pricked, and the blood dripped into the blue solvent and turned pink.

Hou Molan nodded: "Go in... Are everyone here?"

She turned around, picked up the lantern, and was about to close the main entrance of the villa.

Suddenly, a figure rushed over, and a large gun was projected over, landing in front of the door and sinking into the ground.

Yang Zheng immediately protected the noble man behind his back to block the fierce roaring wind: "Who dares to cause trouble here!"

The fierce wind blew by, and everyone reacted differently.

Jin Fugui retreated directly, while Huang Qiyun stopped Bai Yu with one hand, and his eyes fell on the spear, which seemed familiar.

Bai Yu squinted her eyes. Although it was a startling glance, she saw half of the face of the Ninth Princess under the gray robe blown by the wind...


A figure rushed from the valley, ran quickly and then stopped suddenly, landing in front of the villa.

Holding the big gun pierced into the ground with one hand, the man holding the gun saluted and said, "Wu is a little late. I hope Miss Homo won't be in a hurry to close the door!"

"It turns out to be the chief gunman of the Wu family." Hou Molan narrowed his eyes slightly: "I thought it was someone who was acting recklessly in front of Baicao Villa."

"The chief gunman of the Wu family..." Jin Fugui said in surprise: "He is actually here too."

Bai Yu and Huang Qiyun did not speak and silently retreated behind the crowd.

'Why is he here? ’ Huang Qiyun asked via voice message.

‘Maybe it’s because I was injured’

‘What to do later? He will definitely recognize us. ’ Huang Qiyun continued to transmit the message: ‘How about striking first to gain advantage? ’

"Let's look at the situation first." Bai Yu shook his head and said, "He is also injured now, so the situation may not be that bad." ’

Faced with Hou Molan's reprimand, the Wu family's spearhead did not dare to treat him rudely.

"How dare you do it in a moment of impatience and as a last resort."

Wu Qiankui clasped his fists, then covered his heart and said with a pale face: "I hope the medical saint can treat us two."

At this time, others saw a girl lying on Wu Qiankui's back: "This is my niece. She was born weak and suffered from a sudden illness. I just..."

"It's okay to save people, but the rules are still the same. To treat two people, you need to collect a thousand gold coins or two vouchers."

"Here is the token, and here is the banknote." The gun leader immediately handed it over.

"Well...let's do a blood test first." Hou Molan took out two cups from the drawer under the table and poured blue solution into them.

The spearman's blood test showed that there was nothing wrong and there was no change in color.

When his niece's blood was tested, the blood turned pink again.

Jin Fugui whispered: "Could this pink represent women?"

"That's not right, sir." The concubine bit her ear and said, "There was no change when I checked."

"Maybe..." Before Jin Fugui could finish his guess, he saw Hou Molan lifting the lantern.

She said calmly: "Close the door and follow me to my apartment."

No one had any objections.

After entering the villa, Wu Qiankui breathed a sigh of relief. His attention spread to the surroundings and he saw someone approaching him.

When he turned around, he just saw the opponent's appearance clearly, his eyes widened in horror, and he almost shot the spear in his hand.

Bai Yu held his shoulders and suppressed his instinctive counterattack: "You're fine."

"You..." The chief gunman of the Wu family caught a glimpse of Huang Qiyun, who was supporting him beside Bai Yu, and his expression changed even more wonderfully: "How could you-!"

"Calm down, why are you shouting so loudly?" Bai Yu patted his shoulder: "Lift your buttocks, tighten your abdomen, hold your breath... Come, take a deep breath with me, inhale... exhale."

The chief gunman of the Wu family was stared at closely by the two saints, and he had no intention of resisting. He knew Bai Yu's strength, so he took action.

I don’t know what kind of psychological process he went through, but he sent a voice message and asked: "You... came here specifically to block me?!"

"Only you?" Huang Qiyun laughed directly to his face: "You are not worthy."

The chief gunman of the Wu family was angry at first when he heard these words, but after a short period of anger, he calmed down and asked: "You are also here to seek treatment from the Holy Doctor?"

"That's right." Bai Yu said: "Wu Jueweng had to change with me, and then he went down, and I haven't gone down yet."

"I see." The chief gunman of the Wu family glanced at Bai Yu: "You are indeed seriously injured."

"But I'm still in my heyday, so it's not difficult to kill you." Huang Qiyun said calmly.

"Hmph!" The gun leader did not refute this, but avoided his sharp point and said: "But you didn't take action. It seems that there is someone here who makes you feel afraid...Besides, if you take action here, no one will be able to treat the illness or injury. "

"You reacted very quickly." Bai Yu nodded and made it clear what was at stake: "I'm here to treat the disease, but if our identities are exposed, we have no choice but to escape at all costs, and I won't even take off your head in the meantime. Disaster."

"So, what do you want to say?"

"How about we maintain a good relationship with the patients during the treatment?" Bai Yu pointed at the woman on his back: "In this way, the safety of your loved ones can also be guaranteed."

"Are you threatening me?" The chief gunman of the Wu family held Shuo Han's big gun tightly: "I am the current leader of the martial arts. I have been in the world for decades. I am made of iron and steel. I can't be bewitched by you and protect each other from the devil. !”

Did the deal break down?

Huang Qiyun was already ready to take action.

However, he saw the Wu family gun leader suddenly throw away Bai Yu's right arm, and walked away in front of everyone, and said in a cold voice: "Shu Zi is useless! Wu and you are strangers, don't try to get close to me in the future! "

Huang Qiyun: "..."

Wu Qiangkui is such an iron-clad man, but he is not worthy of asking for help in vain.

"The mouth is much harder than the bones." She commented.

"It's a good thing to compromise." Bai Yu felt that there were enough troubles.

His main goal is to cultivate a relationship with Huang Qiyun, not to come here to fight.

Hou Molan didn't care what happened behind him, and took the group to two villas. The two villas shared a courtyard, with walls blocking the middle, forming a zigzag shape from a high altitude.

"There are a total of eight guest rooms here... You can have a room for each person, or you can have a room for two people. You can discuss it yourself."

Jin Fugui said: "I only need one room, and the one in the southeast corner is good."

"We only need one room." Huang Qiyun said first, "We want the one on the east side."

The chief gunman came, and she was obviously worried.

Without waiting for the remaining people to allocate rooms, Huang Qiyun pulled Bai Yu into the guest room. After entering the room, he sealed all the doors and windows with a wave of his hand.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Bai Yu asked.

"Of course I'm anxious." Huang Qiyun said, "There's something weird here."

"Oh? What's weird?"

"It's just..." Huang Qiyun frowned: "I can't say exactly, but I always have this feeling that this Baicao Villa is not normal. There are so many people here this time. What if my identity is exposed? Then what if my identity is exposed? We can’t trust the chief gunman of the Wu family either. He has a problem with us and will definitely find a way to get revenge. If they join forces..."

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to unite." Bai Yu shook his head: "What can the gun leader do to unite with others? He doesn't even know who the others are... The only one who poses a threat is Diao Si, but his true identity may not be Yang Zheng.”

"What's the meaning?"

"Didn't you notice? What are the rules of Baicao Villa?"

"Three no-sees, three no-treats?"

"That's right, if you can't be a saint, you won't be able to treat those who are neither male nor female..." Bai Yu said: "So if that is Yang Zheng who won the title of Likui decades ago, it is impossible for him to enter Baicao Villa. Hou Mo Lan didn't stop him from coming in. "

Huang Qiyun said strangely: "That's right. She didn't even check everyone's cultivation. Maybe the rule about being a saint is just for outsiders to hear?"

"That's not clear. In short, the gun leader can't find anyone to unite with here. Everyone who enters the villa currently has a secret. As long as he doesn't convulse and say something he shouldn't say, we will be safe and sound. " Bai Yu held the back of her hand and said, "Don't worry, even if something happens, I'll be there."

Huang Qiyun withdrew his hand: "Have you really made it a habit to take advantage?"

"Sooner or later you will be my wife, it doesn't matter if you are sooner or later." Bai Yu cheekily teased: "Are you still shy now?"

"I am a female devil, do you think I will live peacefully with you for the rest of my life?" Huang Qiyun said coldly: "I am just returning the favor. After curing your illness, I will eventually go to the Phoenix Stage! "

"Before that, I will try my best to change your mind." Bai Yu also looked serious: "Hate may be important, but a person's life cannot only be filled with hatred."

"If you keep nagging me, I'll let you sleep on the floor tonight!" Huang Qiyun stamped her feet to forcefully interrupt the spellcasting, her eyes as irritable as a female tyrannosaurus with magic cloak originating from Sichuan and Chongqing.

Bai Yu had no choice but to shut up.

It’s the Nth day of missing Qixia again.

In the guest room.

Jin Fugui held his beautiful concubine in his arms and slowly took out a string of Buddhist beads and placed them on the table.

"No one else can eavesdrop on what happens next."

"Master, do you really want to do this?"

"This member of the Hou Mo family is trying to gain fame. In the past three years, I have spent half of the family's money, but I still can't cure this disease. What kind of bullshit medical saint really treats me as a fool. Can you just throw some gold coins around at will!" Jin Fugui smiled. Full of suppressed anger: "I will definitely get back this debt doubled!"

In another room.

The two people in line were looking at each other.

"I'm coming in. When will I take action?"

"After midnight tonight...wait for the pangolins first."

"We don't have much time. There are many people here, so we have to be careful."

"Don't worry, boss, as long as this is done, we won't have to worry about money in the next life."

In the guest room next to it.

"His Highness was frightened just now." Yang Diao Si bowed down and begged for mercy.

"It doesn't matter." The cloak was taken off, revealing a beautiful face. The Ninth Princess shook her head and said, "My identity cannot be hidden anyway... I didn't expect that Hou Molan didn't embarrass you, Yang Diao Si Have you greeted him in advance?”

"I don't know either." Yang Zheng said, "Originally, I was prepared to temporarily seal the sea of ​​​​Qi and my cultivation."

"The imperial doctor said that the person who saved my life from the bloody suit case was the medical saint himself. He is fully capable of extending my life for another ten years, so the palace has given him countless rare medicinal materials over the years. "

The Ninth Princess gently stroked her neck surrounded by red gauze with her fingers: "Why do you have to make this trip in person?"

She said to herself: "Yang Diao Temple, I feel a little uneasy... The people outside make me a little scared."

"Don't worry, Your Highness, as long as I'm here, I won't let those people hurt a hair of yours!" Yang Diao Si knelt down and saluted.

"That good-looking man." Ninth Princess bit her nails lightly: "His eyes make me very uncomfortable. You have to be careful. If you have a chance, drive him out."


"And the woman next to him, have I... seen it somewhere?"

"Your Highness?"

"I'm tired, let me rest for a while..." Princess Ninth lay on the bed.

Yang Diaosi came to the door and stood there, closing his eyes, like a door god.

Then he heard footsteps and turned his head to look, his eyes focused.

In another room.

Wu Qiankui finally took a breath of relief after taking the elixir to calm his mind and suppress internal injuries.

He turned back to look at his niece who was suffering from a high fever, couldn't help but pick her up and walked out of the door.

It just so happened that no one was around at this time.

He immediately left the place where he lived and went straight to the residence of the Medical Saint.

As I approached, I saw the lantern that Hou Molan had carried hanging in front of the door of the Medical Saint's residence.

As he was about to get closer, he heard the sound of a bell.

There is a bell hanging on the door curtain, and outsiders will inevitably trigger its sound. It is like a strange thing.

"Who!" Hou Molan's voice sounded: "What are you doing here at night!"

"I'm sorry, I'm very sorry! It's just that my niece has a high fever and I hope the medical saint can help her!"

"Tomorrow is the time for consultation!" Hou Molan stood behind the door and scolded: "You keep doing random things, do you want to be kicked out?"

"But if she continues to be burned like this, she will die!" The gun leader begged: "Medical Saint Hou Mo saved this child's life in the bloody suit case in the past, how can he not save her now?"

Hou Molan was silent for a moment: "You wait outside, I will ask my father."

After a while, she came back and threw out a porcelain bottle: "There is medicine in it. Give her some medicine to lower her body temperature. If the fever still doesn't go away, prick her middle finger and bleed her. This will slow down the bleeding." poison."

Wu Qiankui thanked him repeatedly, but Hou Molan snorted coldly and ordered him to go back.

When he carried his niece back to the villa where the guests lived, he saw a scene that shocked him.

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