Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 919 It’s very simple, can’t I just do it? (Large chapter with 10,000 words)

An arrow pierced the center of the eyebrow.

This is a fatal injury to humans and many living creatures.

But for Tai Sui, it is not a fatal injury.

Although this arrow penetrated his head, it did not completely kill him. At most, it only temporarily deprived him of his ability to move.

However, the Jidu Arrow that was speeding past did not stop its movement, but continued to pass through.

Almost at the same time, it went back and forth five times, penetrating Tai Sui's eyebrows, knees, shoulders... and finally penetrated directly into the spine at the back of the neck, nailing it in mid-air like a hanging painting.

"You..." Tai Sui made a dry voice. Because his throat was damaged, even his voice became hoarse and unclear.

"I want to ask why I don't aim at your real heart?"

Bai Yu lowered his black evil bow and walked forward leisurely.

"In the Penglai battle half a year ago, if I had the chance, I would definitely destroy your heart and kill you completely."

"But not anymore."

"Because I already know that you can't be killed."

He pointed his toes to the ground and turned into a white shadow and galloped towards him, using his hand as the blade. Everyone only saw his right hand flash past, but in fact this slash included hundreds of slashes.

All the slashes avoided the central heart, and were dismantled piece by piece. The slashes landed on various positions of Tai Sui's body, cutting off the body piece by piece like a cook cutting off a cow.

The already miserable human form is now completely reduced to separated flesh and bones.


The heart of the Demon Ancestor was held in Bai Yu's hand, and the space was isolated and the sanctuary was sealed, forming a solid hexahedron.

With only one heart left, Tai Sui couldn't resist at all. Without the body, it was like a Gundam pilot who had lost it. Zaku could suppress any Zaku at will.

Bai Yu looked calm: "How do you feel?"

There was a shaking sound in Demon Ancestor's heart.

"I know you are definitely not convinced, but what's the use of incompetent rage?" Bai Yu raised her heart: "Your biggest mistake was that you underestimated Luo Hu... He did die in your hands, and he died, but It doesn’t mean he lost.”

"The arrow he fired before he died contained the entire process of his confrontation with you."

"With this picture in the soul's memory, he has seen through your last trick."

"I think so. As one of the incarnations of the Demon Ancestor, the female evil spirit can reincarnate without dying; the Taiyin Demon Realm has endless life energy; and how could you not have the mysterious blessing?"

"Although I haven't fully figured out what your mystery is, I guess it's some kind of reverse cause and effect mystery."

"Before encountering a fatal attack, reverse cause and effect."

"So the person who killed Luohu was not you, but himself. It was the Jidu arrow he released that killed himself."

"The heart is not your weakness, but your weapon to fight back!"

"Rahu always kills with one arrow, so you are sure that he will aim at your heart, which is your fatal weakness."

"Who would have imagined that you have spent a thousand years creating the illusion of your own weakness to cover up your real trump card."

"You used this trump card to replace Luo Hu."

"I have to admit, your calculations are very powerful."

"Among all the opponents I have encountered so far, your plan is the most far-reaching. Opponents who use their brains are always the most troublesome and difficult... If Luo Hu hadn't left the Arrow Book, I would have died today."

At this point, Bai Yu paused for a moment: "But now that I know your trump card, it will be much easier to deal with it. In my opinion, there is only one way to deal with you, which is to destroy your body."

"It's also a victory."

Although he won, Bai Yu didn't appear too happy.

Because this victory is only temporary and comes at too great a cost.

Just because he is sleeping in a dream does not mean that he does not understand everything about the outside world.

In four months, millions of people died in the war, and the land of Yanyun fell...

He scratched his hair, sighed, and turned back to the capital.

The sound of thunder resounded throughout the mountains and rivers, and the momentum brought about by the earth-shattering battle gradually subsided.

Even though they were hundreds of miles away, the surrounding echoes and reverberations still touched the heartstrings of everyone in the capital.

Even if he is a saint, he is just as powerful as an ant.

Hua shed tears and looked into the distance. She once thought about how far away the best person in the world was from her. She also thought about how wonderful the battle between gods and men in ancient times would be. Now that she has seen it, she still finds that her imagination is too much. A little barren.

The scene was like the Milky Way upside down and the sky collapsing.

In a real sense, even the sky was poked with a gap.

Since the sound had died down, it seemed to mean the battle was over.

The girls on the city wall were quite restless.

Tao Rusu kept pacing back and forth.

Mu Yaoxi sat on the ground, clasping her hands on her chest as if praying, her hands full of sweat.

Su Ruoli stood on tiptoes and looked into the distance, when she heard someone shouting in front of her.

"Look over there!"

"Someone is coming!"

"Who, who!" Chen couldn't help asking loudly.

"It's Baiyi, it's Bai Yujing!" cheers came from the city wall.

Immediately, several figures jumped down from the city gate to greet those who came back.

Bai Yu's return speed was one step faster. From a white dot in the distance, in the blink of an eye, he had already crossed a long distance, from the end of the ruined battlefield to the gate of the central axis of the capital.

Returning in a white robe, on a battlefield full of death and blood, he was still dressed in white, spotless, and clean, not like he had just experienced a life-and-death battle that determined the survival of Daxia.

"Where is Tai Sui?" Zhang Tianshi asked first.

Bai Yu raised his hand to show the captive, and the hexahedron in the palm of his hand rotated, and a black and red heart was sealed in it, like an amber.

"Did you capture it alive?" Hua Jianlei asked.

"It can only be captured alive." Bai Yu replied.

He immediately noticed the extremely complicated eyes and gazes of others.

He scratched his cheek: "Why are you looking at me like this?"

Chen Bu Ren came to the front of the crowd with his injuries and said in a low voice: "Everyone is waiting for your announcement."

Bai Yu was a little bit surprised.

Yes, this is a battlefield, and everyone is waiting for a declaration.

Everyone's face is full of fatigue, heaviness and vicissitudes.

Bai Yu took a deep breath, increased the altitude, and came to a height of 100 meters, overlooking the capital, and the sound was like a flood.

"I am the Lord of the Divine Strategy Palace, and I hereby declare that Tai Sui has been conquered!"

"Repeat it - Tai Sui has been conquered!"

"In this battle, Da Xia has won a great victory!"

The announcement spread throughout the capital, and anyone with hearing could hear it clearly.

Countless people in the city stood up and looked at the sound waves whistling through the sky.

Residents who were ready to stay at home and wait for death looked up at the sky, walked out of their homes, held the hands of each other's neighbors, friends and relatives, grabbed them hard, and repeated "We won, we won."

Soldiers who were ready to fight to the death on the battlefield grabbed their weapons, raised their weapons and roared to the sky, their eyes full of tears, to celebrate the victory, but also to mourn the dead, hoping that those heroic souls could hear the song of victory.

After Bai Yu returned to the ground, he could hear cheers from the capital. Whether it was surviving a disaster, feeling relieved or crying with joy, those cheers and shouts were connected into an ocean, venting the suppressed emotions.

As soon as he announced the end, he was immediately surrounded by the crowd and the girls rushed up to hug him. After a while, his face was kissed more than a dozen times.

The most excited one was Mu Yaoxi. She cried like a big cat and rushed up to kiss him on the lips. Su Ruoli next to her looked at him with eyes wide open, probably shouting "Awesome" in her heart.

The surrounding Fengsheng and soldiers also watched this scene happily, applauding and cheering.

Huang Long Zhenren elbowed Hua Jianlei and said mischievously: "Why don't you go up and take a bite? He's a young and fresh meat, and he's the best in the world. Take a bite now, you won't regret it when you're old."

Hua Jianlei was furious, turned around and grabbed Huang Long and threw him into the sky.

Liu Shangjun broke one leg, and he jumped on one leg and was supported by his wife. He muttered: "So energetic, didn't you fight enough just now?"

The scene was noisy.

In any case, the battle of the capital was over.

Tai Sui died, and it was only a matter of time before the remaining ones were cleaned up.

The result of the battle in the capital spread all over the country in just half an hour.

The speed of modern information transmission always allows people across the country to share the joy in the first place.

Winning the battle is naturally a happy thing.

But what makes many people unable to hold back is that the person who turned the tide is named Bai Yujing.

You know, thirty minutes ago, the "Bai Yu jokes" were still flying all over the Internet and in reality.

It seems that everyone has become accustomed to blackening.

In recent months, whenever they are not satisfied, they will curse a few words.

As a result, all the former "Bai Yu jokes" have become boomerangs hitting their heads.

Maybe some people will say a few words of "so powerful, why didn't you take action earlier, what have you been doing, so many people died in vain", but these words are not tenable at all... Because Bai Yu won, if they continue to be stubborn, it will be slandering the national hero and will be criticized by countless people.

The news of the victory spread all over the Internet of Daxia, and immediately there were many real hammers and on-site proofs... The official released some video clips about this battle, and various video clips from the public and the official quickly spread.

It couldn't be more true, it was truer than real gold.

The reversal of public opinion came very quickly. In just one night, all the negative comments about Bai Yu disappeared.

Those who deleted were deleted, and those who cancelled their accounts were cancelled.

The personal bloggers who relied on the traffic of "conspiracy theories" were directly found out.

Some of the timid ones even began to study the routes to smuggle and escape abroad.

Those who secretly splashed paint on the photo wall of outstanding graduates of Nanling No. 3 Middle School and wrote dirty words on the door wall of Bai Yu's hometown were found by the angry masses and sent to the police station by a group of people that afternoon.

The reversal on the Internet is so wonderful, and the reversal in reality is even more so.

In the past, when Bai Yu was in a high position, countless people came to please him, and later there were not a few companies and groups that took the initiative to cut off contact due to the pressure and influence of public opinion.

Daxia is a country after all, and it contains a huge number of interest groups. Even the ten departments of Daxia are not united. Although they were united in fighting against the powerful enemy before, there were also some cunning and opportunists.

It is better not to mention this part.

It was mainly the follow-up effect brought about by Bai Yu's great victory that greatly raised his personal status.

After confirming that Tai Sui was really beaten by Bai Yu, teams from aristocratic families, large companies and large groups from all over the country flocked to the capital, and even the top executives of the ten divisions of Daxia began to seek an audience.

Within three days, there were thousands of invitations from various emails, individuals and different forces.

The number of Bai Yu's lickers increased exponentially.

Everyone realized that he was not a promising future target, but the real number one in the world.

But these visiting cards were ignored, and all the gifts were returned.

No one could see Bai Yu, but no one felt underestimated or humiliated, just a very polite expression and said they would come again next time.

If a strong person is not arrogant, he will be underestimated. If it is so easy to see the face of the number one in the world, they will start to doubt the value of the record.

After four months of low pressure, the people in Shen Ce Mansion finally raised their heads and felt proud.

Originally, most of the members were Bai Yu's supporters. When public opinion was at its most intense, they remained at their posts and were not affected.

Now, after four months of trials and tribulations, the original elites have become even more sharp after the baptism of war. Although the number of personnel has been reduced to one-third of the original, the administrative efficiency of the Shen Ce Mansion has not only not been affected, but has been improved.

As the absolute direct line of Bai Yu's command department, this group of people has also become the object of flattery from many parties.

In the eyes of many people, the status of the Shen Ce Mansion has been vaguely regarded as superior to the ten departments of Da Xia.

This is not a good thing, so it needs to be treated coldly for a while to cool it down.

In fact, Bai Yu has always been laissez-faire towards the Shen Ce Mansion, and Mu Yaoxi is still the one who is really responsible for grasping the style and doing practical things.

Back to Bai Yu.

For three days after this battle, he has been staying in Zhonghu.

Although Da Xia has won now, Yanyun has still fallen, and the losses caused by the war are indeed there.

At present, the capital has been defended, but peace is only temporary, and it is only a matter of time to recover the lost territory.

Moreover, although Tai Sui has been controlled by Bai Yu, Tai Yin Demon Realm is still a huge threat and hidden danger.

Securing Da Xia is only one of the goals.

The threat of world destruction still lingers nearby and has never receded.

"I am just another Luo Hou."

In the courtyard, Bai Yu said to Da Xia sister with emotion: "Luo Hou guarded Tai Yin Demon Realm, and I am now guarding Tai Sui. Luo Hou persisted for a thousand years, but I am not sure if I can persist that long."

The safety of the whole world depends on one person. It sounds cool and it is actually cool.

If Bai Yu shakes his hand one day, the whole civilized world may suffer with him.

Damn, such a strong sense of déjà vu.

Isn't this the sword holder?

After the logic, it is Cheng Xin. As a result, everyone knows what happened when Cheng Xin took over.

Bai Yu sighed.

If you think about it carefully, Luo Hou is really lucky. At least he found a takeover man like himself after he left.

No wonder he was so calm when he left, even with a sense of relief.

It would be the same for anyone else, they would feel too much pressure and it would be impossible to live.

Bai Yu couldn't help but think, if he died, where could he find a suitable successor?

Or should he work harder and find a wife to open a small account?

Isn't this cheating?

The safe way to play is to learn from the way of Penglai Island Master and Luo Hou, set up an academy or find followers... The reason why they don't fight alone is to protect themselves on the one hand, and to cultivate future generations on the other hand.

Luo Hou must have planned to cultivate a successor, but he never found one; Penglai Island Master began to look for a successor after being seriously injured, but he waited for eight hundred years.

Eight hundred years...

Bai Yu thought that if he could endure another two hundred years, my Chronicle of the Heroes 2.0 would be upgraded, so what successor would he need?

He thought about it and felt that it was not appropriate and not right.

These two days, he was only concentrating on mental exhaustion.

It's not impossible to continue living as the guardian of Tai Sui.

As long as the Demon Ancestor does not resurrect and the Outer God does not descend, life can still go on.

Just get by.

Bai Yu does not have such high aspirations. It is also good to live an ordinary life in Zhonghu. Fighting and killing are not suitable for him. As long as he lives well, he will have achieved it.

But is it really so?

History is like a wheel rolling forward. Once it starts to turn, it is difficult to stop.


The night was deep that day.

Bai Yu felt something and walked out of the bedroom.

There was a woman dancing with a sword under the moon, swinging the sword to cut off a piece of moonlight.

He watched this sword dance quietly.

After the end, he asked: "Can't sleep?"

Huang Qixia said softly: "I'm a little bored, so I want to move my body."

Bai Yu asked again: "Do you dream about anything?"

Huang Qixia paused, nodded and said: "I will dream about... things that happened a long time ago."

She put away her sword: "It turns out that I am really a female evil... My memory of being the Demon Ancestor is not very deep, but I miss Tai Sui, perhaps because we practiced together for thousands of years."

The closer you are, the deeper the impact will naturally be.

Bai Yu walked closer and held her hand: "The Demon Ancestor is the Demon Ancestor, and you are you."

"I know." Huang Qixia smiled softly, hugged the young man, and kissed him softly: "I am Huang Qixia, and I am nobody else."

She is not yet lost because of some memories.

Bai Yu hugged her lover's waist: "Would you like to dance together?"

"Okay." Huang Qixia agreed, "Ballroom dancing?"

The two held hands, playing with the rhythm and spinning in the courtyard.

Hugging each other and immersed in the dance, there will be a tacit understanding and joy of spiritual connection.

The song is over.

Huang Qixia's mood improved a lot.

Bai Yu suddenly thought of a question: "Do you know why the Demon Ancestor wants to destroy the world?"

Huang Qixia shook her head and said blankly, "I don't know that yet."

At this time, a crisp voice came from beside the two of them.

"You want to know, why don't you ask me?"

Following the sound, in the courtyard, there was a beautiful figure walking out of the moonlight, with a charming smile, a glancing look, beautiful long silver hair, and a pair of eyes that were as bright as gems. This was clearly...

"Elise..." Bai Yu read out the girl's name.

The next moment, he glared fiercely and said warily: "Who are you?"

The reason for the inconsistent speech was that Bai Yu saw that the other party's identity was not Alice at all, and she would not appear here.

The girl's figure under the moonlight was like a sparkling reflection. The next moment, she lost her disguise and turned into a pure white human form.

"I'm very wary. I thought you would miss her after not seeing her for a long time. It seems I was wrong?"

"Ha..." Bai Yu didn't answer at all, and sneered: "You know that the existence of Alice is related to the Star Palace in the sky."

"Introduce yourself." The humanoid figure made of moonlight said, "I am the Lord of the Star Palace, also known as the Outer God in your mouth."

At this moment, Huang Qixia had already pulled out her sword.

Bai Yu held her wrist to signal not to be impulsive: "What's here is just a photo. Cut it over and repair the yard later."

Then he looked at the foreign god: "So, what are you doing here? See your old friend?"

"Tai Sui was overconfident, so he lost his caution, and I lost in your hands... It's not unfair." The Outer God said calmly: "I'm here to give you a suggestion."

"Oh? Suggestion?" Bai Yu repeated, with a bit of yin and yang aura.

"Hand over Tai Sui. This time, we will start over." The Outer God raised his hand and said.

Bai Yu didn't answer, but looked at the foreign god as if he were a fool.

Letting the tiger go back to the mountains, who would do that?

Let Tai Sui go and wait for him to grow up again, then do it yourself?

"This is not a bad thing for you." The Outer God raised his finger: "You can get three benefits."

"First, Tai Sui needs a long time to reorganize his strategy and find new ways to defeat you."

"Second, the Taiyin Demon Realm will fall into a state of silence and will not be able to be reactivated for at least a hundred years."

Bai Yu interrupted: "What you said is the same as long as I hold Tai Sui in my hand?"

The Outer God said slowly: "The third point is that I will not come directly."

Bai Yu's heart froze and he asked calmly: "What do you mean?"

The Outer God grinned and his mouth turned into the shape of a waning moon: "It seems that you know very well that as long as the Demon Ancestor revives, I will break my shackles... But I think you don't know that even without the Demon Ancestor, I still have a chance. Come directly to the surface."

Bai Yu's face was expressionless: "I saw you take action once in the shadow world, but you paid a high price."

"Indeed, the price is high." The Outer God said calmly: "But Tai Sui and Nu Xie are already in your hands, which means that there is no possibility for the Demon Ancestor to recover and reappear. In this case, I don't have to wait any longer, even if I have to pay I will also pay a huge price!"

"At that time, the entire western continent will be razed to the ground."

"Bai Yujing, please think about it before you answer me."

Bai Yu understood.

What the outer god sent was not a suggestion at all, but a naked threat.

If Bai Yu did not choose to send Tai Sui back, then the foreign gods would directly descend on the Roman Empire in the west.

He just deliberately changed into the appearance of Elysee, and he also tortured Bai Yu on purpose to show that he has a hostage in his hands. Once he comes, the Roman Empire and his confidante will die together.

This involves a balance issue.

The price to be paid for the direct arrival of an alien god is huge, and the power may not be enough, but it is still more than enough to destroy a country or a continent. He is unwilling to do this because he cherishes the feathers, and would rather wait for the demon ancestor to recover before helping it come.

But if there is no possibility of the Demon Ancestor's resurrection, the outer gods can only initiate the annihilation process on their own. Although this will bring a high price, it is also a last resort.

Baiyu was silent.

Luo Hu didn't encounter this situation before because Tai Sui was still secretly causing trouble; now that Luo Hu is gone, his own advantage is too great, and the outside gods can't stand it and jump out to cause trouble.

"What the hell..." Bai Yu gritted his teeth: "What a piece of shit."

The Outer God grinned and said: "Looking at the bright side, Tai Sui may not actually be a threat to you. Letting it go will only continue this thousand-year battle."

Bai Yu asked back: "I don't think you will keep your word, because you seem to be in a hurry."

"You can bet once whether I will keep my promise." The Outer God spread his hands.

This is the threat.

Since it is a threat, it cannot be said to be fair.

Bai Yu was faced with a dilemma at this time. No matter what he chose, he seemed to be unable to escape the line of death.

"It seems that you haven't thought of an answer for a while." The Outer God continued: "It doesn't matter, I'll give you time... If you don't release Tai Sui in three days, I will come to Europa; I will give you three days to be fine. Think clearly."

After saying that, the projection of the outer god turned into a point of light and disappeared.

Baiyu stopped where he was and pondered for a long time.

Huang Qixia asked softly: "What are you going to do?"

Bai Yu shook his head: "I don't know. I only know that the words of the Outer God are not trustworthy. If you have to choose among the options he gave, you will fall into a trap."

"And I have fought against the foreign god before. The foreign god is not that smart. He cannot make such a plan. I am afraid that this plan was arranged by Tai Sui in advance."

"In order to escape from my hands and give yourself a chance to make a comeback."

He slowly clenched his fists: "If I really let him go, I may not be able to catch him a second time, and I don't know how many people he will harm."

Bai Yu continued to talk to himself: "But if you don't agree, it will be equally disastrous if the alien gods really come to Europa. The powers of the alien gods and the demon ancestors are regarded as the same level, even if the alien gods pay a huge price and lose their strength. Most of them, we may not be able to win.”

At this point, he also stopped.

Repeating it seven or eight times will have the same meaning.

In this choice, there is no right answer.

And this time, no one could tell him the answer in advance.

Even though we learned about the warning from a thousand years later through spoilers at the end, and even though Luo Hu used his life to pass on the last arrow book... the crisis of annihilation seems to have never been passed.

Bai Yu really wanted to lie down and die.

But the general trend of the times is rolling forward, as unstoppable as fate.

Bai Yu was silent... Huang Qixia just looked at his face silently, her eyes unwavering, waiting for his decision.

He lowered his head and saw Huang Qixia's encouraging gaze.

For a time, the two of them reached a tacit understanding at this moment.

Some crazy thoughts began to take root and sprout in my heart, growing wantonly.


"I know."

Nothing needs to be said.

Bai Yu hugged her: "If you have time, let's go to Phoenix Terrace."

At dawn, the two came to Phoenix Terrace.

No one lives here anymore.

Feng Wuwu and Feng Tongtong went to the capital with their three little ones. Because they were used to working and living in Shence Mansion, they were reluctant to return here after seeing the prosperity of the metropolis.

Therefore, the Phoenix Terrace is placed here.

Bai Yu and Huang Qixia walked up to the Phoenix Terrace hand in hand and looked at the familiar sea of ​​clouds, feeling quite emotional.

The scenery is still the same, but the mentality is different.

They didn't say anything, they just sat together and looked at the sea of ​​clouds for a long time.

Su Ruoli was blindfolded and asked with confusion on her face: "What kind of surprise do you want to give me when you suddenly call me back?"

“A surprise is a surprise.”

"What? It's mysterious."

"Okay, that's enough."

Bai Yu took off her blindfold.

Su Ruoli opened her eyes in confusion, and was shocked by the scene in the mirror the next moment.

The phoenix wears a crown of clouds.

This is a wedding dress.

Bai Yu also looked like a groom at this time. He smiled at Miss Su and said, "You're going to get married sooner or later, so take wedding photos in advance."

Miss Su remained silent for a long time, just looking at him.

Bai Yu was a little frightened by being stared at, and rubbed her hands carefully: "Do you prefer a Western-style wedding dress? Can I find someone to change it?"

Su Ruoli took a deep breath, then covered the hijab, and said softly: "Since we want to simulate it, let's simulate it all, worship the heaven and the earth, lift the hijab, tie the hair, exchange a glass of wine, and..."

"what else?"

"Bridal chamber!"

Nanling City, Su family.

Bai Yu asked: "Is there anything else that needs to be moved?"

"It's been a long time since I've been here. I miss you a little." Su Ruoyi sat on the sofa and flipped through the photo album in her hand: "I was only seventeen back then, and you were only ten."

Bai Yu also came closer and looked at the photo album in the other person's hand. After flipping through a few pages, he was a little surprised: "It turns out that we were often together before we were ten years old."

"Of course. Before I was ten years old, Ruoli always bullied you. Without me protecting you, she would ride on you every day."

Su Ruoji flipped through the photos one by one. From back to front, the age of the photos was getting younger and younger.

In one of the photos, you can see a girl holding a fat baby. The two of them were still smiling brightly even after being wetted by water.

Su Ruoji stared at the photo for a long time.

Bai Yu asked: "What's wrong with this?"

"I remember that time..."


"You peed all over me and I pinched you when you were so angry."

"..." Bai Yu's eyes twitched.

Su Ruo burst into laughter and his flowers trembled.

Bai Yu directly picked up Su Ruoji and walked to the bedroom. The eldest sister suddenly stopped laughing. Instead, she grabbed the photo album to cover her face and said shyly: "You, what do you want to do?"

"Of course I'm driving a big car! Let you see how much I've improved."


In the land of dragons.

"So, when couples live together, they need to pay attention to many things, such as..."

Ao Muxue was talking to Tao Rusu about many things to note when getting married.

Bai Yu sat aside, looking at the mother and daughter, and then looking at Zhen Shifang, who was motionless in the wheelchair, quite speechless.

They dares to speak and the other dares to listen.

Ao Muxue's marriage is not happy at all, but it can be said to be reasonable.

Tao Rusu had an expression of sudden enlightenment and kept recording something.

After chatting like this for a while, Ao Muxue stood up. She held their hands and folded them together: "You two, you must be happy..."

After saying that, he pushed Zhen Shifang away.

Bai Yu said: "Is this the end of all her hardships?"

Tao Rusu put the notes in his pocket and sighed: "Falling in love is so boring."

Bai Yu: "?"

It's really not like she could say this.

Tao Rusu grinned: "Love can't be talked about."

Bai Yu covered her mouth, knowing that she wanted to drive again.

Tao Rusu jumped directly onto Bai Yu's back: "Where will you go later?"

"Let's go to school for a walk."

"Then let's go."

"Come down and walk on your own."

"I don't want to~ I will depend on you for the rest of my life!"

Fuso, at the foot of Mount Fuji, hot spring hotel.

Next to the hot spring pool.

Amemiya Mahiru gently rubbed the young man's back and asked softly: "How does it feel like this?"

"...very soft."

"What else?"

"It's big."

"I'm asking if you feel uncomfortable somewhere."

"Everywhere is comfortable."

Mahiru stopped talking and blushed.

After washing away the foam on their bodies, the two of them soaked in the hot spring water. Mahiru poured plum wine and clinked the glasses gently, feeling a little tipsy.

"It's so hot." She gently wiped the water droplets off her collarbone.

Bai Yu looked over and said with a smile: "This scene reminds me of the Library of Truth..."

Amemiya Mahiru blinked, clapped her hands gently, and opened the sanctuary, covering the hot spring courtyard and shielding the inside and outside.

Indulge in hot spring wine.

Relive old dreams.

In the guest room outside the hot spring.

Minami Shiori huddled in the closet, hugging her body tightly and biting her lower lip.

It starts again...

She was ready for a protracted battle, but she didn't expect that her feelings had subsided after only ten minutes.

Then suddenly the closet was opened, a hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her out, and she fell weakly on the tatami and the floor.

Looking at the people close by, she didn't even have the slightest bit of resistance.

As a traditional Fuso person, she had already given up her body and mind. If she didn't like her in her heart, how could she be tempted by her sister to fly into the flames with just a few words? It was just because of her personality that she was not as passionate as fire, but always in the past. He is reserved, and only at this time will he show his weak and pitiful side.

Nan Shizhi bit her lower lip: "Please be gentle."

Phoenix Terrace, in front of the sea of ​​clouds.

Bai Yu opened his eyes, feeling as if he had experienced a dream that was not long in the past few days.

He stared ahead at the dawn that was beginning to break.

Three days is still too short.

A beautiful life is always as sweet as caramel, making people forget to leave, lingering day and night, and lingering in dreams.

But after the dream has passed, reality will still come.

The time has come to return.

There is no rain or shine.

He glanced at the girl leaning on his shoulder and patted her shoulder gently.

Huang Qixia woke up as expected, her golden-red eyes reflecting the sea of ​​clouds lit by the morning sun.

She nodded slightly, and the two of them stepped into the sea of ​​clouds hand in hand and disappeared into the sky.

Taiyin Demon Realm.

This was not the first time Bai Yu came here. The last time he escaped from here, he didn't look carefully from above.

If you look at it from above, you can see that the area of ​​​​the Taiyin Demon Realm is like a human figure lying sideways on the earth.

The entrance and exit of the Taiyin Demon Realm is where the heart of the humanoid is.

When Bai Yu and Huang Qixia landed on the ground, several people had already arrived here early.

An old monk, an ascetic who is now a true cultivator and talker in Buddhism, is holding a scroll in his hand. The words on the scroll outline a human-shaped face, which looks very much like Bai Potian;

On the right hand side of the old monk is Master Zhang Tianshi, holding a fly whisk and his face as heavy as water.

On the other side is Miao Tianji, director of the Star Observation Department.

"Good morning, everyone." Bai Yu greeted with a relaxed expression.

But none of the three people present smiled back.

The ascetic monk mentioned the scroll, and a question came from the scroll: "Xiao Yujing, have you really decided to do this?"

Bai Yu looked around and asked strangely: "Why do you all look like you already know this?"

"Don't underestimate my intelligence network." Miu Tianji said calmly: "Do you really think you can hide it?"

"Now that you know, let's get out of the way." Bai Yu also said straightforwardly: "This is the only way."

"It is unwise to take risks just to break the choice." Zhang Tianshi advised: "If you do this, the risk is too great."

"Then you mean to do nothing?" Bai Yu asked, "or let Tai Sui go?"

Zhang Tianshi didn't speak, but his silence meant he was leaning toward the former.

Bai Yu sneered: "So the life of the Romans is not life?"

"You are from Daxia." Miu Tianji reminded.

Bai Yu said calmly: "According to the genealogy, my ancestors of the Bai family have been Romans for a long time, and they have been half of Europa for generations."

"The Outer God's first target is the continent of Europa. It is not an easy task for him to cross the ocean and come to Daxia." The old monk clasped his hands and said: "Besides, the West is not without its strength to fight."

"Do you want to say Scathach?" Bai Yu was not optimistic at all: "She was injured not long ago, and the injury did not improve that quickly. Moreover, the Outer God almost killed the Penglai Island Master eight hundred years ago. How difficult can it be to be a Scathach?”

He continued to ask: "Old man, Sister Melusina and the Donghuang Group are all in Rome, and the Bai clan are also there. Do you really think I shouldn't go?!"

Shujuan was silent for a moment, and Bai Potian replied: "I care about them very much. I can't wait to go back by myself, even if I die with my relatives and clan members, but... I care about you more, Xiao Yujing!"

"The one you want to awaken is the Demon Ancestor!"

"Even if Huang Qixia is awake now, will she still be herself once she becomes the Demon Ancestor and wakes up?"

Huang Qixia said loudly: "I can do it!"

She held Bai Yu's hand and said, "I'm not just myself!"

Being one body and two souls is what she believes gives her the confidence to remain herself.

She is Huang Qixia, and she is also Huang Yanxia and Huang Qiyun... With two souls to bear the burden of fate, she may be able to break free from the shackles of the fate of becoming the Demon Ancestor!

However, her statement could not completely convince the people around her.

Bai Yu glanced around and asked, "So, it's Huang Qixia you don't believe?"

Miu Tianji said calmly: "We just can't place all our hopes on her, otherwise this would be destruction caused by our own hands. Wouldn't it be ridiculous?"

"Then do you believe me?" Bai Yu took a step forward.

"What do you mean by this?"

"I'm just going to ask you a question today - do you believe me?" Bai Yu asked again.

The old monk, Mi Tianji, Zhang Tianshi, and Bai Potian all looked at each other, or looked at each other in confusion.

Bai Potian was the first to say: "I certainly believe in my grandson."

Miu Tianji said in a deep voice: "You guarded Daxia, and I believe in you... But these are two different things."

"They are not two different things." Bai Yu shook his head and retorted.

He opened his palm and took out Tai Sui.

Demon Ancestor's heart was spinning in his hands.

Bai Yu glanced at the people around him, his expression was calm, but there was an unshakable weight and determination.

The five fingers suddenly clasped the space of the six-sided crystal, and with a crisp shattering sound, the Demon Ancestor's heart appeared.

There were voices of horror, exclamation, anger, and worry.

Bai Yu pressed it towards his heart with lightning speed.

The chest is broken and the blood blooms, like a drop of cinnabar tear on a white rose.

"If we say, one person's strength is not enough to bear the fate."

"Together, there is no invincible destiny!"

"We agreed to live and die together, how could I break the promise?"

Bai Yu held the hand of Huang Qixia, whose eyes were already red, and intertwined their fingers.

He smiled calmly and confidently at the people around him.

"Since you can't trust Huang Qixia and don't think she can control the Demon Ancestor, then..."

"It's okay if I become the Demon Ancestor!"

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