Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 108 Siege! (Sixth Update, 1500 First Order Plus Update!)

The news that Ye Xiu has conquered city No. 062 caused an uproar in the titan forum again!

"What? The reincarnated Shura has already captured city 062? Why so fast! Within half an hour after the alarm was issued, a public city was gone?"

"Aren't you kidding me? Isn't the Earth player attacking city 025? Why was it changed to city 062 and was attacked?"

"The reincarnated Shura entered alone this time! Is he going to sweep away thousands of troops again? City 062 didn't even survive 10~ minutes!"

Titan players were shocked by all kinds of confidence-shocks.

Ye Xiu is like a god coming down to earth.

First, solve a public city easily.

This is a city defended by a large number of players.

After a few days of development, the defenders in the city are also very powerful.

Usually hundreds of players attack such a public city, but they can't take it down.

But now city No. 062 has been knocked down silently.

If it weren't for the video evidence, titan players would have suspected that their own ghost had surrendered.

"I watched the video, the reincarnated Shura brought an invincible army, we can't stop it at all!"

"Don't overwhelm your prestige with other people's aspirations, what kind of army, we can't stop it? We are descendants of Titans!"

"That's right, a mere player from Earth dares to attack our Titan country, we must destroy him!"

The titan players were outraged.

More titan players went near city 062.

Want to take this city down.

But they soon discovered that they simply couldn't push through.

Because Ye Xiu had already brought an army to fight over.

Ye Xiu doesn't just want to capture a city in the world of titan.

He wants more!

Encountering Ye Xiu in the wild, titan players were all slaughtered unilaterally.

The army of immortal war spirits is too fierce.

A small number of players are delivering food.

Ye Xiu also kept summoning heroic spirits to increase the size of his troops.

He continued to divide his troops, sweeping the resource points and arms buildings along the way.

Immortal battle spirits and heroic spirits do not occupy dominance, it is so cool!

Ye Xiu experienced in advance the feeling of one person commanding thousands of troops in the later stage.

This requires a very delicate operation.

Fortunately, Ye Xiu has previous experience.

He can divide the army into multiple branches and sweep quickly within a certain range.

Ordinary players can't stop it.

This army has exceeded the limit of the commanding power of today's players.

Only Ye Xiu can play well.

However, both Immortal Battle Spirit and Heroic Spirit have restrictions.

It cannot be used as a regular weapon.

The more resource points and unit buildings Ye Xiu sweeps, the more rewards he gets.

The army is constantly improving in quantity and quality.

It's like snowballing.

The scale of the army expanded, and the titan players were caught off guard.

Almost all the titan players who wanted to deal with Ye Xiu were slaughtered.

Only a few reacted faster and hid back in the No. 064 city.

But what they have to face is also the attack of Ye Xiu's army.

This time, titan players have once again experienced what it means to be destroyed!

All kinds of engineering equipment lined up.

They roared together.

Cannons tore down the walls.

All kinds of sentry towers are also in danger.

Thunder Griffin also joined in.

Improve the efficiency of breaking the city.

After a round of offensive, the city wall was completely opened.

Ye Xiu's army rushed in!

This time the battle was publicly broadcast live on the titan world forum.

All watching titan players fell silent.

This is a fart!

A player team with less than 500 players can't stop this kind of army at all!

This is an extremely powerful force.

The elite army of the Human Federation was defeated head-on by Ye Xiu.

Titan players must organize an army comparable to the Human Federation.

Otherwise, it will only be sent to death.

"The reincarnated Shura is like a ghost! How could he have such a terrifying army!"

The five-meter-six soldier was extremely shocked.

He has been dissatisfied with Ye Xiu.

But seeing the army of immortal fighting spirits now, he felt a sudden chill in his heart.

There is a feeling of falling into an ice cellar.

"The captain is five meters six! It was you who provoked and mocked the reincarnated Shura on the player forum, and that's what attracted him to attack! He originally fought to the death with the Human Federation, and if he wanted to attack, he would only attack the Human Federation!"

"But you have attracted this evil star by jumping around on the forum!"

Among the titan players, some people are extremely dissatisfied with the soldier length of 5.6 meters!

They feel that the world of titan has suffered an indiscriminate disaster.

The one who attacked Tianming City was a five-meter-six soldier.

He was also the one who taunted the reincarnated Shura on the forum and attracted the other party's attack.

Now the reincarnated Shura came to take revenge.

The five-meter-six unit has a great responsibility!

……ask for flowers……

"What's the point of saying this? The reincarnated Shura's posture is definitely not possible."

"Besides, we are noble titan players, how can we bow our heads like humble human players? Since the reincarnated Shura dares to come, we must kill him!"

Among the titan players, more are still very unhappy.

Their cognition is the same as that of the 5.6 meters of the arms.

I invaded your territory, you should give it up.

If you dare to resist, you will die.

If you still dare to fight back now, it will be even more sinful!

It must be destroyed!

"Immediately organize people and form a defense line. We must stop the reincarnated Shura, and we cannot let him run wild in our titan world!"

Titan players immediately acted.

When Ye Xiu broke through the fourth city, Chinese players gathered about 600 white players in the fifth city.


There are more titan players on the way.

The reason there are only so many is because the main force among titan players is attacking neutral cities.

They are the same as the Human Federation.

Unwilling to easily give up the neutral city in front of you.

And because the Earth players are besieging City 025, there are also a large number of Titan players attracted there.

Titan players are fighting on three fronts.

Manpower naturally appears to be somewhat lacking.

From the perspective of the titan players, so many players gathered in city 052 will definitely be able to block Ye Xiu's attack on the fifth city.

"Actually learning from the Human Federation, when dealing with my offensive, you still want to take down neutral cities?"

"I came here specifically to prevent you from attacking neutral cities, so I will not be polite. I see if you have paid a heavy price and are still unwilling to come back!"

Ye Xiu was so happy.

Although there are more than 600 titan players.

But for Ye Xiu, it was not an obstacle.

City defense is meaningless to him.

Level 1 cities can't stop Ye Xiu's siege equipment at all.

In this way, it is tantamount to hand-to-hand combat.

The army of immortal war spirits directly killed in!

And the ones rushing to the front are 224 champion knights.

When Ye Xiu swept the first four cities, he won a super knight training camp.

The number of champion knights rewarded has reached 224.

After the number of champion knights increases, it becomes even more unstoppable.

"Champion Knight, charge!".

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