Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 136 The Road Of The Demon Hunter (First Update, Please Subscribe!)

Gem ring: epic treasure, current level: broken gem. If the owner of a private city wears a gemstone ring, the output of gemstone veins within the city will increase by 200%, which can produce a small amount of higher-grade gemstone resources. 150 units of low-level gems can be born every day. Additional skills: power of gems, making gems, upgrading gems, sensing mineral veins, upgrading mineral veins.

Power of gems: Gem rings will give birth to power of gems according to the level every day (currently 200 points of power of gems are born every day), which can be used to make gems and upgrade gems

Devour gem resources to gain the power of gems. Consume 2000 points of gem power to upgrade the gem ring (broken gems can be upgraded to split gems).

Manufacturing Gems: You can consume the power of gems to make various kinds of gems. Currently, you can make mid-level gems at the highest level.

Upgrade gems: You can consume the power of gems to upgrade gems. Currently, you can upgrade mid-level gems.

Induction of mineral veins: gemstone rings can sense gemstone veins, the closer the distance, the stronger the induction, and it can sense underground gemstone veins.

Upgrade the veins: Consume the power of the gems to upgrade the gem veins, up to level 3 gem veins.

Remarks: The gemstone ring is one of the parts of the combination treasure Horn of Abundance. Through the gemstone ring, a large amount of gemstone resources can be obtained.

"It's actually a gemstone ring. With it, I can get tears of the goddess in batches!"

Ye Xiu's eyes lit up.

The Gem Ring is part of the Horn of Plenty.

This is a combined treasure composed of 477 epic treasures!

It is said that the horn of abundance can give birth to infinite resources.

Holding the horn of abundance, you will never worry about money again.

For example, gemstone rings can produce 150 gemstones per day.

This is higher than the output of some veins.

This is still the original broken gem.

That is, the largest gemstone on the gemstone ring is still broken.

The power is not strong.

Only after rising to perfection can the true power of the gemstone ring be brought into play.

Gem ring, which upgrades the ability of gems.

You can upgrade low-level gems to mid-level gems.

Tears of the Goddess is an intermediate gemstone.

This gem resource is very rare, and the price is the same as the high-grade iron ore resource Genichi.

Ye Xiu wants to buy Tears of the Goddess, but it's hard to say how much he can buy in the end.

Now he has a better way.

Create and even upgrade Tears of the Goddess with the power of gems!

Ye Xiu looked at the power of gemstones needed to make Tears of the Goddess.

Direct manufacturing requires 20 points of gem power.

1 point of gem power can produce 1 unit of low-level gems.

20 points of gem power equals 20 units of low-level gems.

It's still a bit pricey.

And using low-level gems to upgrade to Tears of the Goddess requires 15 points of gem power.

All in all, it is still a cost-effective upgrade.

In addition, gem rings can also detect and upgrade gem veins.

Previously, Ye Xiu raided many resource points, but found no gems or such veins.

Such veins are relatively rare.

As a result, the price of low-grade gemstones is very high.

Resources such as gems, crystals, sulfur, and mercury are also called rare resources.

The price of low-level rare resources is almost the same as that of mid-level ordinary resources.

These rare resources are mainly due to fewer outdoor veins.

Most of the rare resources are underground veins.

It's like digging for oil.

Without means, it is impossible to dig out rare ore veins.

Ye Xiu remembered some large ore veins from previous lives.

But he doesn't have time to occupy it now.

I can try it later.

As for those small ore veins, Ye Xiu couldn't remember so clearly.

Even in the previous life, there should be many mineral veins that have not been discovered!

"Detect the vein!"

When Ye Xiu put on the gemstone ring, it naturally triggered the effect of detecting mineral veins.

Invisible power spreads.

Its detection radius is 10 kilometers.

This is a range of 10 kilometers down!

10,000 meters underground, this is already an exaggeration.

Such a deep distance, it is very easy to detect!

If you want to dig everywhere, you don't know how deep you have to dig!

"Hey, it feels like there are gem veins?"

The gemstone ring in Ye Xiu's hand emitted some heat.

Hot Ye Xiu was surprised!

There was a clear realization in his heart, there is a gem vein under Miracle City!

"Warrior Wang, go to the mercenary camp and recruit some cavemen to dig this area outside the city. Remember, you need to dig at least 500 meters (chba) deep!

The deeper the vein, generally the larger.

If it is 500 meters, the probability of being a level 1 vein is relatively high.

However, it was a surprise to find a level 1 ore vein by accident!

"Master Shura, do you want to mine? Our mercenary camp is high-level, and we can recruit hell cavemen, and their mining speed is faster!"

"If there are gray dwarves, I will also recruit them to speed up the excavation!"

King Wushuang is indeed very savvy.

Ye Xiu asked him to recruit cavemen to dig the ground along the way.

He could guess Ye Xiu's purpose.

Can make better suggestions.

"That's right! Digging faster, I want to see the results."

It should take some time for King Wushuang to dig like this.

Meanwhile, the aftermath of the plot to disrupt the Void Demons lives on.

[The player destroys the Void Demon conspiracy, kills more than 500 Void Demons, obtains clues to the Demon Hunter's sub-job, and activates a series of tasks: Demon Natural Enemy!]

A reminder sounded in Ye Xiu's ear.

Deputy Clues!

This is another powerful deputy job.

Road to Demon Hunter: Task Requirements: By killing demon heroes, you can have the deputy position of Demon Hunter, current progress: 500/1000.

Mission Reward: Obtain 30 Demon Hunters (Level 7 Hero Arms).

Kill 1000 Demon Heroes.

You can have the Demon Hunter subclass.

The difficulty of obtaining this deputy position is neither high nor low.

Voidfiends are not stakes.

Stand there and kill you.

Quite the opposite.

Void Demon heroes can subdue Demon units.

They can organize a powerful army of demons in minutes.

The strength of the void demon heroes is almost full.

They will also act together with the Eternal Night Demon Tide.

The void demon heroes in the previous life were all beaten by players as bosses.

Kill 1000 void demon heroes.

There are still difficulties.

But for Ye Xiu, it was relatively easy.

Kill another 500 void demon heroes, and you will get one more deputy!

[A new week begins. Due to the influence of mysterious power, this week is the week of demons. The output of demon arms is +100%, and the probability of demon arms appearing in the wild is greatly increased. 】

Just in time for the first day of the closed beta.

A new week kicks off.

This is the first week of activating God-given powers in the Galactic Continent.

Each week is a god-given week for different races according to the god-given power.

For example, the week of the orc, the week of the titan, the week of the elf, etc.

The God-given Week can greatly increase the output of the corresponding race's arms.

You can also see a large number of arms of this race in the wild.

Ye Xiu remembered that the first week in his previous life was obviously the week of elves.

It was an artifact used by the high elves to make the first week biased towards them.

The high elf world also used this to suppress the giant spirit world.

But now, the first week has turned into the face of the devil!

The direction of the world has changed again!.

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