Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 148: Whoring For Nothing Has Always Been Fun (Eighth Change, 4.2W Flowers Plus More!)

Diplomacy is a skill that is judged at the first moment of combat.

The enemy sees that the opponent is too powerful and feels invincible.

When it comes to war, it will surrender.

If it has already rushed up.

Diplomacy won't work.

And Molu has a lot of confidence in this diplomacy.

The number of enemies is lower than your own.

Diplomatic ambassadors have a bonus in this regard.

Plus the weight on Ye Xiu's side.

Diplomacy strikes!

"The enemy actually has such a luxurious lineup, let's surrender!"

The army on Ye Xiu's side spread out word by word.

Thousands of storm spearmen are very mighty, and the formation of the army is shocking.

There are also a large number of phantom shooters waiting behind it.

There are dense phantom knights in the sky, bringing great pressure to the cursed demons.

These are the reasons that prompt the cursed demon to surrender.

As long as there is a hint of surrender in the enemy's heart.

The talents of diplomacy and diplomatic ambassadors will expand this idea infinitely.

The cursed demons surrender!

"Haha! I'm such a dick! My diplomatic ambassador talent can also be upgraded."

"You can level up if the type and number of times you subdue meet the requirements!"

For the first time, Molu made diplomacy work.

He looked extremely excited.

But Ye Xiu knew.

It is very difficult to upgrade the talents of diplomatic ambassadors.

There are too many units and times to subdue.

In the previous life, Mo Lu spent several years, but failed to upgrade the 427 talent of the diplomatic ambassador.

But his progress has been impressive.

But when his talent as a diplomatic ambassador is about to undergo a metamorphosis.

Molu was targeted by the Dark Earth.

Finally fell completely.

It can be said that Molu has not entered the best condition yet.

His development potential is still considerable.

"This is just an appetizer! You have learned the leadership skill, and you need to increase the level of your leadership skill. The more leadership you have and the more troops you bring, the easier it is to succeed in diplomacy!"

Ye Xiu reminded Mo Lu.

This is also the experience summed up by players in previous lives.

Diplomacy, in general, is to overwhelm others with power.

The stronger your army is.

The higher the chance of overpowering the enemy.

"I understand, my leadership skills are advanced now, and I'm preparing for my diplomacy skills..."

Mo Lu also had a clear mind.

Know the characteristics of diplomacy.

He points to advanced leadership.

(chce) Then the commanding power is quite impressive.

Take 1200 cursed demons.

Barely enough!

Ye Xiu added him to the God of War Legion.

Let him enjoy the bonus of the God of War Legion.

This undoubtedly greatly increased Molu's upper limit.

In the previous life, neither Ye Xiu nor Mo Luke had this condition.

"Then let's continue to deal with the next wave of cursed demons, the cursed demons we get, we will share with our companions!"

Ye Xiu said that on purpose.

Molu would not think of himself as a drag.

The two have a reasonable division of labor and spoils.

This is the long-term solution.

It can be said that Ye Xiu and Mo Lu are not together.

The other four irons have all experienced it.

It's almost like wearing the same pair of pants.

Many things can make the other party in the most comfortable state!

"That's a must! Curse the devil, we players use it, it's still very useful!"

Mo Lu smiled happily.

He finally showed his role.

Curse the devil, no matter what, it is an easy-to-use unit.

Ye Xiu has the blessing of a king.

For each additional king unit under his command, the command power will be additionally +10 points.

His current leadership has simply broken through the sky.

totally enough.

Get a lot of cursed demons, he can play with them!

"Let's continue to find the cursed demon!"

Ye Xiu waved his hand.

With the blessing of the god walking boots and the rapid pendant, he marched very fast.

When there were cursed demons everywhere, he directly led the team to run into them.

For three consecutive waves, the cursed demons were subdued.

Molu's diplomatic ambassador talent is really incomprehensible!

At the same time, Ye Xiu's massive army also made the cursed demon tremble.

put a lot of pressure on them.

The power of the two is indispensable.

The number of cursed demons on Ye Xiu's side reached 2,100 at once.

The same goes for Molu.

In less than an hour, 2,100 Tier 3 arms were obtained.

At this speed, it turns blue!

This is the beauty of diplomacy!

Whoring for nothing is fun for a while, and whoring for nothing is always fun.

The two continued to sweep away the cursed demon.

If diplomacy fails.

Ye Xiu killed all the cursed demons.

Anyway, with the Devil's Tome, the cursed devil is no threat to Ye Xiu.

It is impossible to want to perish together.

They couldn't find a way to hurt Ye Xiu.

Because the speed of spawning monsters is too fast.

All the way to the wind level rapidly increased.

But after he owned 2,500 cursed demons, his leadership power was completely exhausted.

The extra cursed demons were taken by Ye Xiu.

"The cursed demon that you can't hold, I will help you carry it. When you lose it, I will replenish it for you..."

Ye Xiu also needs Molu to maintain full leadership.

This way he can provide a chance of success in diplomacy.

The number of cursed demons under Ye Xiu has increased significantly, reaching 9000.

With so many cursed demons, Ye Xiu's lineup is full.

He waved his hand: "We can go to spawn monsters, cursed demons are open!"

Mo Lu also rubbed his palms.

"Hey, it should be cool to use the cursed demon as cannon fodder."

Saying that, Ye Xiu led his team to kill a group of scythe demons.

This is one of the demon armies he wants to sweep.

The devil's blood of the sickle demon is still about 20 drops away.

There are 1200 sickle demons in this wave.

There are a lot of them.

But Ye Xiu can solve it.

"Curse the demons, give it to me!"

In order to save time, Ye Xiu directly let the cursed demons rush forward.

Don't care about their casualties at all!

The cursed demons besiege the sickle demon, if they are killed by the opponent.

That would be able to hit the scythe demon hard with the backlash curse.

Let Ye Xiu's output can be played freely.

Under the offensive of the cursed demon regardless of losses.

The sickle demons retreated steadily.

Phantom shooters and phantom knights are harvesting wildly.

This time it took less than 10 minutes.

1200 sickle demons will be wiped out!

The cursed demon lost 600.

They greatly speed up the efficiency.

This loss.

Wait until you subdue a wave of cursed demons and you will get your money back!

This efficiency is unmatched.

"Axiu, it's so cool to spawn monsters! I just got a level up!"

Bon voyage to level 25 was dumbfounded.

It turns out that upgrading is so easy!

"Don't make a fuss, we wiped out all the demons, I want their demon blood!"

Ye Xiu is moving in a certain direction purposefully.

That's the direction of the Devil's Fortress.

While collecting demon blood.

He also wants to fight the idea of ​​​​a demon fortress.

"Master, the blood of the devil has been collected!".

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