Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 182: Dragon Hunting Legend! (The Third Update, Please Subscribe!)

Hal was chained by the shackles of reincarnation.

The resurrection point is in place after he dies.

The resurrection time is very fast.

What's even more awesome is that every time he dies, the progress of the Descendants of Dragon's Blood mission is counted once.

The basic requirement is to kill 10 dragon blood heroes.

Hal alone can satisfy!

Ye Xiu just grabbed a wool and squeezed it!

The dragon hunting crossbowmen also all entered the giant crossbow mode.

The huge crossbow is like a siege ballista.

As soon as the gun went down, a row of dragon blood kobolds fell to the ground.

After Hal was resurrected, he was attacked by dozens of crossbow arrows.

Become a hedgehog and get shot!

This death is worse than being headshot by future soldiers collectively.

Dragon Hunter Crossbowman, has extra damage bonus to dragon creatures.

It is not difficult for them to kill Hal in a flash.

It stands to reason that Hal is a dragon blood hero.

With dragon blood bonus.

Both health and defense are higher than heroes of the same level.

This made him used to not guarding against the beheading of the enemy.

It is very difficult to behead a dragon hero.

But Hal met Ye Xiu.

Beheading this set, Ye Xiu played well.

Future warriors and dragon hunters are all good at single-target damage.

Shackles of Reincarnation also increases the damage to heroes.

With the dragon-slaying arrow, Hal's death is not unjust!

"Use the dragon-slaying arrows as ordinary ammunition, Master Shura, you are really rich!"

Teacher Lemon saw that Ye Xiu's archers all use golden dragon-slaying arrows.

Others used it sparingly during the war.

Ye Xiu has always been open to use.

This is also the reason why his shooter army is invincible.

"Of course I have a lot of money and weapons. It's just a dragon-slaying arrow. If you have money and resources, you can build it!"

Ye Xiu has a hundredfold increase.

Dragon Slaying Arrow uses iron ore and black iron ore.

This kind of resource is what Ye Xiu has.

In order to improve his combat power, he did not hesitate to invest these resources at all.

It is he who is so willing to invest.

In order to quickly kill the enemy.

The dragonblood kobolds, like their heroes, suffered the worst massacre.

Soon the dragon blood kobolds were slaughtered.

Hal was also killed a dozen times at the same time.

He is a dragon blood hero.

Possesses the properties of a dragon.

The life span is very long.

If it was an ordinary hero, he would have been killed long ago.

If Hal persisted a few times, Ye Xiu would make a little more progress on the Descendants of Dragon Blood.

At the same time, as a mid-level hero, every time he dies, the reward for hunting the dragon is equivalent to that of a high-level dragon.

At that time, intermediate resources can be rewarded.

Killing mid-level dragon heroes will also give better quality Fusion Dragon Blood.

Fusion dragon blood: middle-level dragon blood, which can transform middle and low-level arms into dragon blood fighters, and can increase their level (cannot break through to level nine).

Hal was a real transport brigade.

Crazy to give benefits to Ye Xiu.

As for saying that he has no grievances with Hal?

"The Age of Lords" is the law of the jungle.

Ye Xiu has no psychological burden at all.

If Ye Xiu is not as strong as Hal.

The one who was hunted down was Ye Xiu himself.

When Hal was killed for the 20th time, his lifespan was exhausted and he fell completely!

[Kill 1 dragon blood hero, the enemy level is higher than yourself, get 1 layer of God of War bonus, and the progress of dragon blood descendants +1. Permanently kill 1 dragon blood hero, get 10 layers of God of War bonus, and the progress of dragon blood descendants +10. 】

[Killing 1 dragon blood hero, according to the level of the enemy, the experience value of the Asura Legion +140 points, and the experience value of the God of War Legion +140 points. 】

[The dragon hunter completely kills a dragon blood hero with an intermediate professional title, completes a legend of dragon slaying, gains 1 point of legend, and the dragon hunter is promoted to the fourth rank. 】

A Dragonhunter crossbowman gets the maximum benefit.

Complete the Legend of Dragon Slaying and advance to Tier 4!

Since the Dragon Hunter Crossbowman is originally a third-tier legendary unit, it is a low-level unit.

They only need to single out and kill high-level arms, or permanently kill mid-level heroes.

You can get fame.

However, the dragon hunting crossbowman is limited to completing the dragon hunting legend.

It can only do things for the dragon heroes.

This wave, Ye Xiu has gained a lot!

Dragon Hunter: Tier 4 legendary unit.


Defense: 24

Damage: 320-450 (120 yards)

Dragon-hunting crossbow: The dragon-hunting crossbowman will shoot five consecutive shots for each attack. When five arrows hit the same enemy, the arrow damage will be superimposed by 20%. The arrows fired are penetrating

Crossbow form: Enter the immovable crossbow form, the shooting range is increased by 250%, the attack speed is reduced, the damage is doubled, ignoring 60% of the enemy's defense, and has an additional damage effect on buildings.

……… Ask for flowers………

Hunting Instinct: Gain pleasure through hunting and increase your own damage and shooting range.

Dragon Hunting Legend: Dragon Hunting Crossbowmen have a record of hunting dragons, and hunting dragons will greatly improve the effect of hunting instinct. If the legendary degree is obtained through hunting dragons, the rank will be promoted. Current popularity: 1 point, each point of popularity can increase all attributes by 10%.

After the dragon hunting crossbowman advanced.

All abilities are getting stronger.

At the same time as the demon hunter.

They also have a reputation attribute.

To be promoted to Tier 5, the Dragon Hunting Crossbowman needs 2 Fame Points!

It's time to break through the fifth step.

The dragon hunting crossbowman can undergo a qualitative change again.


Generally speaking, the country kills mid-level heroes.

Much easier than hunting high-level heroes!

The Land of Dragons is really a treasure in Ye Xiu!

Ye Xiu really wants to stay here and never leave!

"Boss Shura, we have completed the mission of the descendants of the dragon's blood like this?"

Teacher Lemon watched the whole battle and dealt a small amount of damage.

She didn't expect that Ye Xiu brought her to the Land of Dragons.

It only took two hours.

The task of descendants of dragon blood has been initially completed.

Now if you go to hand in the task.

Then she and Ye Xiu can start the dragon knight test mission!

Although there is only one place for Dragon Knight in the end.

But the other rewards of this task must also be amazing.

"This is just a trivial matter, we are not in a hurry to go back and hand in the task."

"Dragon blood descendants, the more dragon blood units and dragon blood heroes you kill, the better the rewards..."

Ye Xiu is far from satisfied yet.

Where is this!

Ye Xiu wants to make a lot of money in this wave before leaving.

"Then shall we continue?"

Teacher Lemon is also addicted.

Ye Xiu nodded: "We must continue! Let's sweep around the perimeter and spawn more dragon blood kobolds!"

Ye Xiu already has 11,000 drops of dragon blood Kobold blood on hand.

Enough to complete 110 ring tasks.

But this is just the beginning.

All three missions have rewards.

Of course, you need to brush a little more!

"Phantom Knight, you spread out and look for Kobold Heroes.

"They are the main targets for hunting!".

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