Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 187 Legendary Shackles Of Reincarnation! (Eighth Change, 5.9W Flowers Plus More!)

Great master-level magic resistance: All arms' magic resistance is increased by 80%, and all spell damage is reduced by 35%. Every time magic damage is received, the magic resistance is increased by 10%, which lasts for 10 seconds and can be superimposed. Each unit can get 500 points of magic shield, which can resist magic damage. The shield is refreshed every 30 seconds. When receiving the same kind of magic damage, the follow-up damage will be reduced by 10%.

"Now let's see who can beat my troops with spells!"

Ye Xiu pointed out the great master-level magic resistance.

It is simply to completely kill the mage~master players at this stage.

Such a big master-level skill point out -.

Even Lina can't help Ye Xiu's troops.

Unless there is a god-level spell blessing skill.

It is possible to deal considerable damage to Ye Xiu.

Ye Xiu also took a look at the audience and found that the biggest threat to his troops at this stage is the magic skills.

In the later stage, all kinds of gods are walking around.

There are also many powerful spells that are scary.

Ye Xiu had to guard against it.

He didn't want to be approached by some players with legendary spell scrolls one day.

Engage in personal flesh bombing to cause terrorist attacks.

"Master, the titan players are gathering in this direction, and their reaction speed is very fast!"

Lina discovered the enemy's movement in advance through the Phantom Knight.

High-altitude vision naturally has advantages.

Ye Xiu also found that it was time for him to go to various taverns to recruit a group of special secondary heroes.

This kind of investigative work should be done by professional people.

With a sub-hero who has the talent of eagle eye, and then take the treasures such as binoculars.

Bring some phantom knights.

You can take into account the surrounding situation.

In addition, the player's lineup should also include assassin heroes, fighter heroes, auxiliary heroes, logistics heroes and other hero types.

That is the normal combination after the players have more dominant forces in the later stage.

Ye Xiu is currently the player with the most dominant players.

We should also find a way to assemble the lineup.

Ye Xiu thought a lot in an instant.

At the same time, he was also directing: "They killed me as soon as they got my specific position..."

"However, if they want to surround and kill me, how could I let them surround me so easily, when my Rashomon was exchanged for nothing?"

Ye Xiu chuckled.

Although he is not afraid of the enemy's siege.

But he was also prepared in advance.

In the outskirts of Dragon Kingdom, Ye Xiu has set up several void anchors.

Those places are all important places for Ye Xiuyue people.

Ye Xiu thought again in his heart before starting to act!

"We rush to the depths of the Dragon Kingdom, and all the titan players we encounter will be dealt with on the spot!"

Ye Xiu started to kill in the direction of Dragon Kingdom.

By the way, more dragon blood kobolds were brushed.

The titan player leaned over from the side.

Ye Xiu's force of future fighters has long been lying in some dark places.

After the enemy enters the range, they will often be shot by future fighters.

Decapitation tactics are used to hide and disappear.

Titan players are often sniped before they can react.

In this way, their troops will naturally collapse.

Become a lamb to be slaughtered.

"It's quite treacherous, and they don't even have titan arms."

Ye Xiu also discovered that none of the titan players brought any titan arms.

It seems that they also know that Ye Xiu has Founding Titan.

Bring the titan unit, that is the enemy!

Knowing that the enemy is Ye Xiu.

There is no need to bring the titan arms at all!

This can be regarded as weakening the combat power of titan players.

Ye Xiu is so good against titan players, which is also a key reason.

"If you don't take it, don't take it, I will find a way to deal with you later!"

Ye Xiu sneered in his heart.

Without titan units, the titan players are easier to deal with.

That's the same.

Ye Xiu was beheaded frequently, and his traces appeared and disappeared.

The titan players pursued wildly.

Because of their fast march, they kept provoking some dragon blood kobolds.

Some players have provoked too many dragon blood kobolds.

He was beaten to death by dragon blood dog heads!

When Ye Xiu got the news, he almost laughed out loud.

Do they still think that the Kingdom of Dragons is an ordinary wilderness?

There are dragon blood soldiers everywhere.

And that's just at the outermost edge.

If you enter the depths of the Dragon Kingdom.

Then wait for the authentic dragon arms to come out.

Titan players will definitely cry.

"Bastard! This reincarnated Shura is like a slippery loach! Isn't he very powerful? Why doesn't he even have the courage to fight us!"

Red Eye kept receiving feedback from players.

These include players who were beaten to death by dragonblood kobolds.

This can all be counted as non-combat attrition.

There are quite a few of them.

This makes red eyes unacceptable.

He has suffered such a big loss before he caught the reincarnated Shura!

This guy is really hard to deal with!

……ask for flowers…

Just as he was thinking, news came from ahead.

The reincarnated Shura made a sudden attack, killed more than a dozen titan players, and locked two of them by the way!

"He used the shackles of reincarnation, so he won't be able to leave the battlefield! Let's kill him quickly! We must surround the reincarnated Shura!"

Red Eye Order Now!

Mo Fei laughed wildly: "The reincarnated Shura is really stupid."

"If he keeps fleeing, it will be difficult for us to catch him, but now that he has locked our people, he himself has been locked!"

"This is the best chance to kill him! Kill him!"

The titan players frantically rushed to the area where Ye Xiu appeared.

But there seems to be a large number of dragon blood kobolds gathered there.

This caused great resistance among titan players.

There are even kobold heroes fighting extremely fiercely with titan players.


The scene is very chaotic!

When the titans reached Ye Xiu's area, he killed exactly two titans.

Red Eye can only watch Ye Xiu move away with Rashomon!

Before Ye Xiu stepped into the portal, he looked at Hongyan and made a gesture of wiping his neck!

Next, Ye Xiu will incarnate as Shura, harvesting enemies crazily!

Because his shackles of reincarnation have been upgraded again!

This time it was finally promoted to a legendary treasure!

Shackles of Reincarnation: Legendary-level special treasure (three floors), the damage of the commanding unit to the hero is increased by 20%, ignoring its 20 points of defense, after killing the hero, its lost life span +50%. Additional skills: shackles of war, shackles of reincarnation, power of reincarnation, domain of reincarnation.

Shackles of War: After being used on the target, the target cannot leave the battlefield before the end of the battle, until death.

Shackle of Reincarnation: After using it on the target, the target cannot leave the battlefield before the end of the battle. At the same time, both the user and the target will be locked by the Shackle of Reincarnation, and the resurrection point will be fixed until death. Shackles of Reincarnation can be used on up to four targets.

The power of reincarnation: After locking the enemy through the shackle of reincarnation, kill the target hero, you can get the power of reincarnation according to its level, consume the power of reincarnation, you can upgrade the shackle of reincarnation to lock more enemies. The power of reincarnation required for the next upgrade: 5000 Points. Current power of reincarnation: 25 points.

Reincarnation field: After opening the reincarnation field, the heroes in the field will be resurrected immediately after death, and the heroes who die permanently in the reincarnation field will provide the power of reincarnation.

"Very good, this shackle of reincarnation is simply a hero killer!"

"Under the realm of reincarnation, if you dare to come to me, you are looking for Sichuan!".

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