Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 195 Exploding Player Forum (Sixth Change, 6.2W Flowers Plus More!)

Players from other worlds couldn't believe it after seeing the content in the post.

Such an exaggerated battle loss ratio.

Are the titan players standing there to be slaughtered by the reincarnated Shura?

Even if you don't resist.

The reincarnated Shura can't deal with the enemy even if he is soft-handed.

"I think it's fake, this record is too exaggerated, it's completely blown out! Maybe the reincarnated Shura escaped from the reincarnated Shura from 4,200 players

"I also think it's too fake. Are the titan players all wooden stakes? Can they be slaughtered like this? It's impossible for our new human players to have such a record!"

"This should be a post from a player on Earth, right? Want to brag about your gods? I heard that now on Earth, everyone treats the reincarnated Shura as a god? The reincarnated Shura, forever a god?

on the forum.

Countless players are eccentric.

Especially new human players.

They were very dissatisfied with Ye Xiu.

There are posts like this on the forum.

They decided it was impossible.

The giant spirit world, that is the Great Thousand World.

They all have titan blood.

When commanding the titan arms, the combat power is extremely strong.

This allows titan players to experience a very strong combat power before.

New human players have to admit it.

Titan players are a more blessed race than them.

In terms of single combat power.

Titan players are stronger than new human players.

Their average level, troop strength, etc. are at the top of all worlds.

Just pull out a titan player.

Among the new human players, they can be regarded as masters.

In this situation.

How could the reincarnated Shura be able to defeat a thousand with one.

Crazy killing so many titan players.

In short, this is definitely a human player talking nonsense!

They believed that soon a titan player would stand up and slap the reincarnated Shura in the face.

Prove this is nonsense.

There are even new human players deliberately raising the popularity of this post.

I want to see the reincarnated Shura make a fool of himself.

But soon there were indeed titan players who came out to slap their faces.

But the target of the slap in the face is the new human player.

"I'm a player in the Giant Spirit World. Although I really don't want to admit it, the fact is that thousands of our players besieged and killed the reincarnated Shura, and the result was a big defeat. I even died twice. 々!

Just such an honest titan player admitting it.

There are actually other titan players who also admit this in disguise!

"What I want to clarify is that we were not killed by the reincarnated Shura alone. It was the reincarnated Shura who used tricks to lure out the dragon army, and we suffered such a big loss!"

This statement undoubtedly confirmed this statement.

It doesn't matter how the reincarnated Shura caused such damage!

It just needs to be proved that the reincarnated Shura has indeed done a heavy blow to the Titan players.

Thousands of titan players killed in battle!

The reincarnated Shura himself escaped completely!

This achievement is true!

"Hahaha! The new human player actually said that we are talking nonsense! I checked, and the person who posted this post was a player from the high elves, and he saw the whole process when he was doing a mission in the Dragon Kingdom!"

"Could it be that the players of the high elves will also brag about the God of Shura? What a fool!"

"Look! Face slaps come too fast like a tornado, just ask the new human players, does the face hurt? Do we need to blow the Shura God? No need at all! Other players will blow it for us! 17

Human players are extremely refreshing.

They were also worried about which human player was blowing.

But now it is found that the high elf player wrote this.

They have confidence.

God Shura accomplished such a great feat.

Naturally, they boasted wildly.

This is real!

It's not blown out!

What they like most is seeing the new human players deflated.

"It's actually true? The reincarnated Shura is too fierce! To beat the players of the Great Thousand World so badly?"

"666! The reincarnated Shura, forever God! From today on, he is my idol!"

"Hehe, the reincarnated Shura is the great god of our small world! He also proved that there is nothing special in the great world!"

"Only new human players don't believe this, we still admire the reincarnated Shura..."

Other small thousand world players.

They also admired Ye Xiu one after another.

His performance is really awesome.

This is to rectify the name of Xiaoqian World.

Even in the Great Thousand World, it is just that they have the advantage in the number of people in the early stage.

It does not prove that their players must be better than Xiaoqian World!

This point is more useful than any harsh words.

Let the players of the Small Thousand World no longer need to feel inferior when facing the Great Thousand World.

"How ruthless! You actually used the shackles of reincarnation to completely kill so many titan players. It turns out that the reincarnated Shura is gentle enough to deal with us!"

"Fortunately, we haven't troubled the reincarnated Shura during this time, otherwise, wouldn't we be in even worse trouble?"

"I don't want to be an enemy of the reincarnated Shura anymore, this man is too scary!"

Even in the new human player group.

There were voices of fear of Ye Xiu.

Ye Xiu's prestige increased infinitely.

Even top players from the four Great Thousand Worlds.

They also think that Ye Xiu exists on the same level as them.

The other three Great Thousand Worlds are paying more attention to the reincarnated Shura and the earth.

And the giant spirit world has increased its power against Ye Xiu!

"The Battle of the Dragon Nation has completely disgraced the Giant Spirit World! Titan World is preparing to attack the reincarnated Shura's private city! We will send elites to participate!"

"In the next battle, we will justify the name of the giant spirit world, and nothing will go wrong!"

The giant spirit world also began to gather elite forces.

into this battle.

He wanted to crush Ye Xiu severely.

Outside the Destiny City (Li's Zhao), there is also the smell of the mountains and rains coming.

A lot of titan players gathered near the border city between the earth and the world of titan.

They actually want to take down several public cities on the earth first, and then go to the city of destiny!

At this time, Ye Xiu was handing over the task in Galaxy City.

He did all three tasks together.

All achieved a very high degree of completion.

What awaits him is naturally an extremely generous reward.

Ye Xiu came to hand over the task of hunting the dragon blood kobold first.

Since he has a dragon's blood bottle, he has the advantage of collecting blood essence.

I spent two days hanging around in Dragon Kingdom.

Ye Xiu collected a full 24W drops of Kobold blood.

This represents a task reward of 2400 rings!

When Ye Xiu handed in the task, even Baron Nat was stunned!

"You actually got so much dragon blood kobold essence blood? This hybrid race has been killed by you, right?".

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