Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 217 Lord Of Heroes! (Eighth Change, 7.7W Flowers Plus More!)

The elf is not a thing in the pool, watching the live broadcast in disbelief.

Before he came to Ye Xiu.

Human players are still at a big disadvantage.

Can only rely on a heart to hold on.

It was a bit miserable to be beaten by titan players.

But look at the forum now.

Human players have launched counterattacks on many battlefields.

Many will also rub against the titan players on the ground.

This makes it unbelievable that the elves are things in the pool.

After a while, the human player took medicine?

Is the elf a thing in the pool? If you observe carefully, you will find that these counterattacks are all set off by the God of War Legion.

They have the blessing of the God of War Legion.

The offensive and defensive attributes, as well as the knowledge and strength attributes have been improved a lot.

Leadership has also been greatly enhanced.

You can also directly recruit all kinds of puppet units, including some six or seven-rank puppet.

In terms of the quality of arms, there are also God of War envoys to train.

Let them have the backbone.

That is the trump card.

Under various factors, the players of the God of War Legion have a crushing advantage over ordinary players.

They can fight one against three or even one against five.

Wang Wang Wushuang selects talented players to join the group.

There are quite a few strong talents or specialties.

Under Ye Xiu's training, his combat power has been developed.

There are not a few fierce people who take one against ten!

Players like one rider is worth a thousand, cavalry has yards and so on.

It is unrivaled.

Has demonstrated the combat effectiveness of top players.

This is the legendary super elite.

With the assistance of players from the God of War Legion, the Earth players began to regain the situation.

Players from the Shura Legion also entered the arena.

They are mainly shooters and assassins.

The lethality is astonishing.

Can provide output to players of the Warrior Legion.

600 legion players broke out with a combat power comparable to 6000 players.

This affected the situation on the battlefield.

Titan players were also caught off guard.

"This is just the tip of the iceberg for players on Earth. Do you think that the giant spirit world and the titan world can crush players on Earth?"

"I'm putting my words here. In this battle, let the earth players play with them first. Sooner or later, I will lead my troops to crush the public cities of the titan players!"

Ye Xiu sneered twice.

Is the elf a thing in the pool? He was shocked to see it.

Earth players, actually really have such impressive combat power.

But he was still very stubborn: "You underestimate the titan players, now they are just in the trial stage, wait for their main force to attack, these players will definitely be defeated!"

"If you refuse the gift from our elves, you will surely perish! I am waiting to see your miserable end!"

Is the elf a thing in the pool who keeps saying harsh words.

Ye Xiu looked at him coldly.

Ye Xiu said suddenly: "Then let's make a bet, if I win this battle, "then I will hunt you down endlessly, until you are permanently disappeared from the world."

"I'm not a nice-tempered person."

Is the elf a thing in the pool? The bullshit never stops.

Ye Xiu endured him for a long time.

According to Ye Xiu, elves are like falling into an ice cave.

He felt cold all over.

The man in front of him is truly a peerless powerhouse.

He seems to have accidentally provoked someone who can't be provoked!

Could it be that the elf suddenly regretted that he should not speak nonsense in front of such a big boss.

His words came to an abrupt end.

Like a duck being pulled by its neck.

Ye Xiu suddenly smiled: I can't lose, you should be ready to be hunted down!"

Ye Xiu killed the elf without being on the scene, is it a thing in the pool.

He just wants to let the elves see how the titan players are crushed and defeated.

Let the belief in the heart of the elf collapse.

Destroy his spirit first.

Then destroy his body!

Ye Xiu is such a difficult person!


The elf is not a thing in the pool, but he really wants to say a cruel word.

You can see Ye Xiu's cold eyes.

He didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore.

This timid guy left immediately in desperation.

I was afraid that Ye Xiu would really deal with him on the spot.

Is the elf a thing in the pool? What he doesn't know is that when he turned to leave, Ye Xiu put a hunting mark on the demon hunter.

Ye Xiu does what he says.

I will definitely hunt him down in the future!

Is the elf a thing in the pool? When he saw the buff of the hunting mark, his legs went limp.

It is really possible that the reincarnated Shura will chase him endlessly!

But in the end, is the elf a thing in the pond? He still gritted his teeth.

"First of all, it is absolutely impossible for Earth players to defeat Titan players!"

"Even if he really did it and I hid in the high elf world, wouldn't he still dare to chase me in!"

……ask for flowers…

Is the elf a thing in the pool? Thinking of this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He quickly teleported away from the City of Destiny, and then rushed towards the junction of the earth and the elf world.

"Master, that guy has already fled towards the border, do we need to intercept him before that?"

The demon hunter who released the hunting mark looked at Ye Xiu.

Ye Xiu shook his head: "It's just a trash, I don't need to be distracted to deal with it."

"No matter where he escapes, I can deal with him!"

Ye Xiu really did what he said.

Don't be intimidated by its location either.

But that will have to wait until the upcoming war is over.

Before that, Ye Xiu has to enrich his team of secondary heroes.

Newly gained 2000 leader points.

Ye Xiu's current leader power has exceeded 6000 points.

Can update his secondary hero lineup again.

Besides, Ye Xiu just rewarded an epic talent.

This lord talent is very suitable for cultivating vice heroes.

Master of Heroes: Epic talent, the master that countless heroes are willing to serve, double the growth of the leader's main force, -30% of the leader's force required to lead the hero, +50% of the attribute growth of all sub-heroes, can activate a new talent, recruit The hero's conditions are lowered, and there is a chance to get the hero's active defection.

Elaborate cultivation: Every time the secondary hero under his command upgrades to 10 levels, he will usher in a transformation, and there is a chance to improve the quality. If the quality is not improved, the attribute growth will be improved or new skills and talents will be awakened. (The Lord of Heroes will get a certain number of skill points according to the quality of the transformed hero)

Quality promotion: If the quality is lower than the legendary hero, the quality level will be increased by one level after joining.

Upgrade condition: If you carefully cultivate an epic hero (from a hero below the epic quality to the epic), you can upgrade this talent.

The Master of Heroes talent can greatly improve the attributes and combat power of the sub-heroes under his command.

If you join Ye Xiu's command.

That definitely has a bigger future.

It's just the effect of that quality improvement.

It's enough to make the heroes' hearts flutter.

At the very least, many of the sub-heroes that Ye Xiu originally brought had improved in quality after enjoying the talent bonus of the Lord of Heroes.

Ye Xiu has an extra row of heroic heroes.

All have become elite heroes that can be cultivated!

"With my conditions, entering the tavern is not a shock, and the heroes all accept their heads and worship the factory!".

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