Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 256 Legendary Mage Tower! (Seventh Update, 11.5W Flowers Plus Update!)

Molu's diplomacy is most suitable for playing crowd tactics.

He almost wiped out all the cursed demons outside the demon fortress.

A large number of cursed demons have caused a huge impact on the players.

"What the hell, have we stabbed the den of the cursed demon? How come the number is endless! Kill it and come again!"

"Cursing demons is so disgusting! My archer kills one, and the other will be eaten back. It's too bad to die together!"

"You still said that these cursed demons will explode when they die, and my melee troops suffered heavy casualties!"

The players were disgusted by Molu's crowd tactics.

This is no ordinary sea of ​​people.

It is the human sea tactic incarnate of the human bomb.

Kill and can't kill.

If it is not cleaned up, it will be overwhelmed by cursed demons.

The players did not expect that when the number of Tier 3 demon arms reached a certain level.

There is such an exaggerated destructive power.

Mo Lu, alone, was able to run with more than a thousand players in his arms.

Curse the devil and make the players' scalps tingle.

At the same time, the guardians of the Great Wall also became the scavengers on the battlefield.

With 3,000 tenth-rank kings, even the high-level heroes of the Kish kingdom have a headache.

They also have a lot of tenth-tier troops.

But the quality is not as good as the Guardian of the Great Wall.

What makes them even more troublesome is that these Guardians of the Great Wall can be replenished immediately after death!

Although more than 343 resources and gold coins are consumed.

But Ye Xiu doesn't care at all!

A lot of money was thrown down.

The Guardian of the Wall is recruited immediately after death.

The Great Wall ensures that the number of Guardians of the Great Wall remains at 3000 at all times.

A tenth-tier king unit that is not afraid of damage.

It's just too scary.

The high-ranking heroes of the kingdom of Kish were all killed and retreated steadily.

After all, they were also hit by a blast of destruction.

Definitely can't keep the staff straight.

The combat power has a great influence.

"Lu Zai, my secondary heroes have already entered the Oriental Pearl Tower, and they will give you the greatest fire support!"

Ye Xiu once again gave Mo Lu good news.

Because of self-confidence.

Ye Xiu asked many vice heroes to support Miracle City from the beginning.

Ye Xiu alone can definitely defend Tianhe City.

The vice heroes did provide super fire support to Miracle City.

Now the Pearl of the Orient has been upgraded.

Lena and other legal heroes are about to take off!

They all settled in the Oriental Pearl Tower and started their performances!

Lina and her legendary mage heroes get bonuses from the Pearl of the Orient.

The power and level of spells have been increased.

Their high-level magic all have the power comparable to top-level magic.

Lina herself can use legendary spells!

As an epic mage hero.

Lena has been greatly strengthened.

When a spell is thrown down, it has the lethality of a group of fire and hundreds of people.

She is like an invincible fortress.

The power of the spell is probably comparable to the magic crystal cannon.

And many mages under Lina's command have also been strengthened.

The lawgiver is the eighth-rank king mage unit.

The power of spells is raised to the level of high-level king mage arms.

They also get Lina's full bonus.

This is the roar of giant magic cannons!

At the same time, the 5,000 clockwork puppets that Ye Xiu built in the Fortress of Destruction.

They are all under Lina's command.

They are the mage arms of the seventh-level hero quality.

In the legendary mage tower, it has the power comparable to a large magic cannon.

A large number of mages cast spells together.

Horrible spells wreaked havoc on the battlefield.

Players have experienced in advance the feeling of immortals flying all over the ground in the later stage.

The French army is originally a late-stage army.

On the battlefield, their lethality is unmatched.

Ye Xiu started swiping the screen again.

However, after the 30th floor, each layer of the God of War body needs 800 points of the power of the God of War.

The difficulty of collection has been greatly increased.

Ye Xiu is thousands of miles away.

It completely changed the situation on the Miracle City battlefield.

Under Ye Xiu's serial blows.

The titan players were losing ground.

The tyrant of the wild world also had an ugly face.

"Ten directions are destroyed, don't you still have a killer move! Why don't you use it!"

"You promised me that you would take down Miracle City and give it to me!"

Shi Fang Ju Mie gave the idiot a cold look.

Miracle City has not been defeated yet.

He's talking nonsense here.

The ultimate move prepared by the destruction of all directions refers to (chcj) the fragments of the doomsday blade exchanged from the dark earth and the orc world.

In the estimate that all directions are destroyed.

If the Doomsday Judgment, which dominates the world, cannot destroy the main force of Miracle City's defenders.

Then the dark earth and the orc world will take action.

It is useless to dominate the world.

But now the defenders of Miracle City are unscathed.

The cursed demons and the Great Wall Guardians who went out of the city to fight back are troops that are not afraid of casualties.

If Dark Earth and Orc World also use Doomblade Fragments.

At most, it would be to kill a large number of cursed demons or destroy the guardians of the Great Wall.

It cannot cause a fatal blow to Miracle City.

It doesn't make sense at all!

Can't beat Miracle City.

The follow-up plan of destroying all directions is very difficult to succeed.

Ten directions are destroyed and want to take down Miracle City first.

In fact, it is for the Pearl of the Orient.

There is also this legendary building in the magic capital of the dark earth.

Destruction of all directions is to capture Miracle City, make the two buildings merge, and then use the fused Oriental Pearl to inflict heavy damage on the reincarnated Shura!

The first step of the current plan failed.

His follow-up plan will be difficult to realize!

"The ten directions are all destroyed, do we need to use the Oriental Pearl of the Demon City? Maybe we can capture the Miracle City!"

The Emperor of God contacted Shifang Jude.

Adhering to the principle that the enemy of an enemy is a friend.

Dark Earth and Djinn World come together.

Especially after the destruction of ten directions revealed that the Oriental Pearl Tower in Shanghai and the Oriental Pearl Tower in Miracle City are the same building.

The Emperor of God believed the information from the divination of the destruction of all directions.

The fusion of two oriental pearls.

It will be able to make it form metamorphosis!

This is great news for Dark Earth players.

Now the urge of the Dark Earth to attack the Miracle City is even stronger than the destruction of all directions.

"Then you guys try it on Dark Earth! Take down Miracle City, and the miraculous achievement is yours!"

Ten directions are destroyed again promise.

In fact, the destruction of the ten directions is also a plan for the Dark Earth and the Wild World to compete for the Miracle City.

The ten directions are all destroyed, and all the people present are his tools!

"Then just wait and see our attack!"

The Emperor is very confident.

In fact, he has already prepared the new human players in Modu.

When the titan players were losing ground.

Within the sphere of influence of the dark earth, a large number of players gathered in a bustling city.

They are all under a tall building.

That is another Oriental Pearl.

Located in a public city on Dark Earth.

This city was named Magic Capital by new human players.

It also inherited the real name.

Modu is currently a Tier 2 city.

The Pearl of the Orient also has 2 space-based weapons.

Since it is a public city, players need to reach advanced authority to apply for using the Oriental Pearl Tower.

The God Emperor spent a lot of thought on this.

This time the new human players gathered.

It is to use destructive concentrated fire!

Launch a wave of devastating blows to Miracle City!

"All players prepare, output together, and knock down Miracle City!".

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