Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 270 Titan Royal Family (First Update, Please Subscribe!)

Stargazing City is located in the hinterland of the giant spirit world.

When a devastating fire occurs.

A large number of players also saw the beam of destruction that penetrated the sky and the earth in nearby cities.

What shocked them even more was that after the beam of light disappeared, the Star City also disappeared.

Only a huge pit on the ground was left.

That once extremely popular private city.

It just disappeared.

No trace of its former existence could be found.

If there is an open beta player coming.

Tell him there used to be a Tier 3 city here.

The other party definitely doesn't believe it.

This kind of blow directly wipes out the enemy's city.

Let the titan players be extremely shocked.

This is simply a magic trick.

It's terrifying to think about!

"Is that the star-gazing city of Lord Judah? This level 3 private city just disappeared? It's unbelievable!"

"I'm a bitch, whose handwriting is this! This power, even a level 4 neutral city, I'm afraid it won't be able to withstand it!"

"It's been confirmed just now. It's the method of the Earth player reincarnated Shura. In order to retaliate against Lord Shifang Jude, he directly destroyed Stargazing City with destructive fire!"

The news came.

The giant spirit world was shaken.

The name of the reincarnated Shura, the players in the giant spirit world can be said to have heard it well during this period of time.

Reincarnated Shura not only frequently swiped the screen for server announcements.

And often do things.

The fight with the titan world was very intense.

Last time, he also entrapped many players in the giant spirit world.

But even in this situation, many giant spirit players are still indifferent to the information of the reincarnated Shura.

In their eyes, the reincarnated Shura is just a player in the Small Thousand World.

Not on the same level as they were born with.

But until this time.

The destructive concentrated fire directly destroyed the Star Watching City, which was destroyed in all directions.

This method shocked the giant spirit players.

It is possible to launch such a method even though it is thousands of miles away.

The genie players were as shocked as humans witnessing an atomic bomb explosion for the first time.

They dare not ignore the reincarnated Shura anymore!

"Damn it! If this kind of attack is launched against our public city, then our public city will also be destroyed`◀!"

"Is this the method of the reincarnated Shura? He really isn't a player in the Great Thousand World? How come there are ultra-long-distance strike methods at this stage!"

"We all underestimated the reincarnated Shura before. I have a feeling that this person has grown into a serious problem for us!"

The giant spirit players are discussing frantically on their own forums.

If you log in to the Djinn board now.

At least half of the posts are discussing the reincarnated Shura.

Among them, some players uploaded a video of Stargazing City being destroyed.

It can be seen that Stargazing City was directly destroyed.

There is no ability to resist at all.

Even most of the players who were active in Stargazing City hadn't realized what was going on.

They are wiped out along with their troops.

"I've already checked the records. Lord Jude of the Ten Directions has targeted the reincarnated Shura many times before, but he was neutralized by the other party. Moreover, the reincarnated Shura is still getting stronger, and now he can easily destroy the star-gazing city where one side of the world is destroyed!"

"I also researched it, and it seems that up to now, the Lord of All Ten Directions has not gained any benefits. The kingdom of Kish and the dark earth that are against the reincarnated Shura have been severely damaged.

"The reincarnated Shura is too fierce! So far there has been no defeat, and Master Annihilation in Ten Directions is a big defeat this time, even his own private city was destroyed."

The giant spirit players are repeatedly whipping corpses and destroying them in all directions!

In this wave of destruction in all directions, even private cities were destroyed.

Then he has nothing.

This time, all ten directions will be destroyed by other top players.

It might even fail in the future.

The Djinn players were overwhelmed by Ye Xiu's record.

It can be regarded as re-acquainted with Ye Xiu.

However, several bigwig posts immediately appeared on the forum.

"The reincarnated Shura has the weapons and means to threaten us, so we must kill him! All directions will be destroyed, and we will join forces to kill him if we have the opportunity!"

This post was posted on the forum by a player named Wrath of the Titans.

He said so.

The giant spirit players were shocked.

In the world of giant spirits, those who dare to use Titan as a prefix are all the royal family of Titans in reality!

The Son of Titan is the descendant of the Titan royal family in the titan world.

Also a member of the ruling family of the titan world.

The seniority of Wrath of the Titans can be counted as the grandparents of the sons of Titans.

But Wrath of the Titans is not very old.

The status in the giant spirit world is extremely lofty.

He has a higher status than a poor family like Judgment of Ten Directions!

Wrath of the Titans posted a post, which represented its attitude.

Before that, all ten directions were destroyed to deal with the reincarnated Shura.

That's just the attitude of some giant spirit players.

But now Wrath of the Titans is also posting.

It also indicated that the reincarnated Shura would be killed.

That shows the attitude of the Titans.

It is also necessary to seize the opportunity to deal with the reincarnated Shura!

"..." Lord Titan's Wrath is going to target the reincarnated Shura! Then we should obey the royal family's will, as long as Titan's Wrath lord issues orders, we will definitely cooperate!"

"The reincarnated Shura is indeed too arrogant. He dared to destroy the city of our giant spirit world. He is looking for death!"

"It's just a small thousand world player, if he dares to provoke our giant spirit world, then he will definitely die!"

After the wrath of the titans post.

All the giant spirit players responded.

If you start a war with the reincarnated Shura again.

Then the giant spirit players may be activated by all members!

This is the status of Titan royalty.

As the actual controller of the giant spirit world (Zhao Liaohao).

The Titan royal family really echoes in the world of giant spirits.

The giant spirit world, in fact, has the same political system as the dark earth.

This is also a huge advantage of the giant spirit world.

"Since Lord Wrath of the Titans has already spoken, we have to respond. All directions are destroyed. Last time you invited me, I had an important mission, so I couldn't make it."

"Next time I have a chance, I will help you deal with the younger brother of the reincarnated Shura!"

This time speaking on the forum was a player named Superstar Palace.

He is a top player of the same level as Shi Fang Ju Mie.

Ten Directions Annihilation once invited Juxing Palace to deal with Ye Xiu.

But was rejected by the Superstar Palace.

Now after the wrath of the titans expressed his attitude.

Juxing Palace is also willing to join forces with Shi Fang Ju Mie.

And after the Titan Royal Family made their statement, there is not only one top player who wants to join forces with Shifang Jude!.

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