Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 272 Upgrade The Chaos Meteor Cannon! (The Third Update, Please Subscribe!)

Time is running out.

Ye Xiu calculated the time, and his task was heavy.

Need to destroy the void channel being built.

Otherwise, if the void channel is completed, the army of void demons will descend.

At that time, the Eternal Night Demon Tide will form.

Players in the Galactic Continent will be greatly impacted.

Ye Xiu is not trying to save the world or anything.

Mainly one of his tasks is to destroy the Void Demon's plot again.

Destroy the void channel a second time.

Ye Xiu also needs to destroy the void channel for the high task reward.

"Void Demons, be prepared, even if you use the Chaos Meteorite Cannon to attack with the Meteorite Cannon, it will be difficult to break through the defense.

"Fortunately, I've prepared for it a long time ago. I upgraded the Chaos Meteor Cannon and added the Beidou system. There should be hope!"

Ye Xiu has always planned for a rainy day.

He had collected Chaos resources before.

In this wave, he is more confident that he can destroy the void channel through the Beidou system.

Before that, upgrade the Chaos Meteor Cannon first!

To upgrade this ultimate weapon, you need 500 units of Chaos rare resources.

Ye Xiu currently has 720 units of Chaos rare resources on hand.

Not only can it be upgraded, but it also prepares the consumption required for the meteorite cannon!

Even if it's not enough, Ye Xiu can hurry up and make a batch.

So without wasting time, he immediately upgraded the Chaos Meteor Cannon!

But beyond his expectations, it took 24 hours to upgrade the Chaos Meteor Cannon.

That is to say, it will take another day for the Chaos Meteor Cannon to be successfully upgraded.

Ye Xiu previously knew that it would take some time to upgrade the Chaos Meteor Cannon.

In order to deal with titan players and let the Chaos Meteor Cannon assist in the attack, they did not upgrade in advance.

He didn't expect the upgrade to take so long!

"Master Shura, the demon lords have launched an attack on our demon fortress, and we are under great pressure to defend!"

Houyi Sheyue and others have been sent to several demon fortresses to assist in the defense.

They report the situation faithfully.

Those who attacked the fortress were all generals of the demon lord.

They are higher level than the players.

There are also high-level heroes or demon lords sitting in town.

Players are under a lot of pressure.

"The Chaos Meteor Cannon is being upgraded, and the Destruction Fortress must be defended."

"Then we can only abandon these demon fortresses!"

Ye Xiu is very open-minded.

When he first attacked the demon fortress, it was just to impact the number of private cities.

All the arms buildings in the Demon Fortress are for recruiting demon arms.

Ye Xiu doesn't intend to use the demon army as the main force.

Other players rarely have this talent.

Ye Xiu has no intention of developing it for a long time.

He didn't invest any resources in the development of Demon Fortress at all.

Now face the full-scale attack of the demon lords.

Ye Xiu quickly remembered his previous plan.

Abandon the Demon Fortress!

Pack it up and go!

"Wait for me to come over!"

Ye Xiu quickly determined the strategy and plan.

After he ordered Hou Yi to shoot the moon, he soon descended with a large army with Rashomon.

The first thing he descended on was Sky Fortress.

Shouts of killing rang out outside the fortress.

Several demon lords are sending a large army to attack the sky fortress.

They are all big bosses with two or three demon fortresses.

There are many high-level demon heroes under his command.

The army is large in number.

It is not inferior to the coalition forces pulled up by the dark lord before.

Even bigger than that!

"You really think highly of me, this is a waste of money!"

Ye Xiu chuckled.

He knew it was the handiwork of the void demons.

The purpose of attacking fortresses such as Sky Fortress is to eliminate Ye Xiu's troops.

The firepower of the destruction fortress is too strong.

The void demons don't intend to storm the Ruin Fortress as soon as they arrive.

If the sky fortresses were to be attacked, Ye Xiu would have to garrison a large number of troops in order to defend these fortresses.

Sky Fortress will be turned into a meat grinder.

Greatly consumed Ye Xiu's vitality.

It has to be said that the void demons are very insidious and cunning.

It's a pity that Ye Xiu didn't focus on the Devil's Fortress from the beginning.

He can afford it and let it go, and he is not ready to accept it at all!

"You go back to the Fortress of Destruction first, I will hold on first!"

Ye Xiu asked Hou Yi to shoot the moon and take the other players to leave first.

His forces temporarily took over the Sky Fortress.

In the fortress, his command power bonus is higher.

The army with it is very powerful.

The earth titans also entered the earth one after another, constantly killing and wounding the demon army outside the fortress.

Hou Yi shot anxiously: "Master Shura, do you want to stay and die? But the number of demons outside is astonishing, and you may suffer a serious blow!"

...... Seeking flowers 0

Hou Yi shot the moon and would rather die here.

I also don't want Ye Xiu to suffer a huge loss.

Ye Xiu shook his head: "I'm sure, I won't be seduced by demons."

"I have my plan, you just cooperate to execute it...

Hou Yi shot the moon and had to carry out Ye Xiu's order.

He led the team out of Sky Fortress.

Ye Xiu, on the other hand, recruited all the remaining troops in the many military buildings in the Sky Fortress.

They boarded the Great Wall and participated in the defense.

All the guardians of the Great Wall, he was transferred here.

Block the demon army firmly.

After temporarily blocking the demon army, Ye Xiu began to operate.

"The Purple Wing Demon Lair and the Black Wing Demon Lair in the Sky Fortress cannot be wasted..."


Ye Xiu took a look at the many buildings in the Sky Fortress.

Among them, the highest level is the Black Wing Demon Lair and the Purple Wing Demon Lair.

The black winged demon is a ninth-level elite demon.

The Purple Wing Demon is an eighth-order elite demon.

Perfect for converting to a titan class building.

Ye Xiu was very willing to spend his money.

The power of the Titan Pillar descended, and the two buildings became ninth-tier and eighth-tier titan arms buildings respectively.

Then merged with the Pillars of Titans.

After the Pillars of Titan settled in the land titan, its height was raised to 1200 meters.

There are 7 chances to transform arms buildings.

The fusion of two eighth and ninth-tier titan arms buildings raised the Titan Pillar by another 50 meters, reaching 125 meters.

The Pillars of Titan are like the pillars of Optimus.

Ye Xiu is waiting for it to continue to transform.

"The rest of the buildings are all demolished, and you can get the unit building crystals and ordinary building crystals!"

Ye Xiu started as a demolition company.

Destroy the unit building to get the unit building crystal.

This crystal can be used to upgrade other troop buildings.

Ordinary building crystals are also used to upgrade buildings such as markets, taverns, and administrative halls.

Destroy the entire demon fortress to get a lot of building crystals.

can be used to upgrade other cities.

Ye Xiu was completely willing to give up this kind of abandonment.

Sacrifice the Demon Fortress to speed up the development of the Fortress of Destruction, City of Destiny, and City of Miracles.

Isn't it more fragrant than defending the Devil's Fortress!

"This demon fortress cannot be easily occupied by the enemy, and they must suffer huge casualties!".

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