Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 334: Making Treasures! (Fourth Update, Please Subscribe!)

After analyzing the Boiling Blood Spear in the Ancient Tree of Knowledge.

The ancient tree of knowledge has added the option to make the boiling blood spear.

But if you make a second Boiling Blood Spear.

It requires top-level resources comparable to the Chaos Meteorite Cannon.

With so many resources, Ye Xiu would rather build the Chaos Meteorite Cannon.

After all, he already has the Boiling Blood Spear.

It doesn't make much sense to do it again.

It's better to specially cultivate a boiling blood spear.

With this in mind, Ye Xiu tried several other combat treasures.

[Scan and analyze the legendary treasure Soul Slayer Bow from the ancient tree of knowledge, and get 400 points of knowledge power. 】

[Trigger lucky event, get feedback from ancient knowledge tree, skill point +1]

[The ancient tree of knowledge increases the power of knowledge by 400 points, and obtains 400 ancient treants. 】

The Boiling Blood Spear is a top legendary treasure, worth 800 points of knowledge power.

Legendary treasures such as Soul Slayer Bow are just ordinary legendary treasures.

It is also worth 400 points of knowledge power.

The resources needed to manufacture this legendary treasure are less than those of the Buddha Blood Spear.

But it was also a huge sum of money.

Ye Xiu didn't try to build it, he had enough such treasures on hand.

Totally enough.

But if other members of the 27th Legion are willing to pay huge sums of money.

You can master this legendary treasure.

At that time, they will be even more lethal against some strong people.

Ye Xiu then analyzed the epic treasures and gained a lot of power of knowledge again!

[Scanning and analyzing the ancient tree of knowledge to shoot the arrow of the epic treasure, and get 1000 points of knowledge power. 】

[Trigger a lucky event, get feedback from the ancient tree of knowledge, skill point +1. 】

[The ancient tree of knowledge increases the power of knowledge by 1000 points, and obtains 1000 people who choose the ancient tree. 】

Epic treasures are worth 1000 points of knowledge power.

This is not as good as mythical arms.

Fortunately, Mietian Gong can also reward 1000 points of power of knowledge.

But the treasure is different.

Ye Xiu analyzed the two complete treasures.

The power of the acquired knowledge is astonishing.

[Scan and analyze the ancient tree of knowledge, the heart of the epic treasure element (the treasure), and get 2000 points of knowledge power. 】

[Trigger a lucky event, get feedback from the ancient tree of knowledge, skill point +1. 】

[The ancient tree of knowledge increases the power of knowledge by 2000 points, and obtains 2000 ancient treants. 】

The Supreme Treasure is the top epic treasure.

The power of knowledge rewarded is twice that of ordinary epic treasures.

The progress of the ancient tree of knowledge has been upgraded to 7000 at once.

It feels like its progress is really amazing.

However, Ye Xiu's Devil's Tome and Dragon's Blood Vase still have room for upgrading.

He was not in a hurry to analyze it.

At this stage, the crazily upgrading of the ancient tree of knowledge is fast enough.

There are 13,000 ancient treants born alone!

After the growth period, the ancient treant born has the combat power of the twelfth-tier king's arms.

So many ancient treants.

Ye Xiu was all transferred outside the Fortress of Destruction.

These rough-skinned and thick-skinned treants became the first line of defense for the destruction fortress.

Let the pressure of Destruction Fortress be reduced again.

Ancient tree people move slowly.

It is really suitable for use as a line of defense and a fortress.

Ye Xiu has made the best use of everything.

"The ancient tree of knowledge can analyze legendary treasures and props, and the legendary scroll of forbidden spells can also be counted among them."

Ye Xiu does what he thinks.

The scroll of the legendary forbidden spell can only be counted as the power of knowledge once.

What Ye Xiu cared about was not so little power of knowledge.

But its manufacturing capacity!

[Scanning and analyzing the legendary scroll of the ancient tree of knowledge to obtain 400 points of power of knowledge. 】

[Trigger lucky event, get feedback from ancient knowledge tree, skill point +1]

[The ancient tree of knowledge increases the power of knowledge by 400 points, and obtains 400 ancient treants. 】

Among the crafting options of the Ancient Tree of Knowledge, there is indeed an extra way to craft the Forbidden Curse Scroll.

The resources it needs are also within the scope of Ye Xiu's acceptance!

Legendary Forbidden Curse Scroll: 400W gold coins, 10 units of magic crystals, 10 units of magic gems, can make 1 legendary scroll of Forbidden Curse, production cycle: 2 per day

so much money.

You can make a legendary scroll of forbidden spells.

Ye Xiu just wants to say, he's a hit!

Both magic crystals and magic gems are mid-level rare resources.

Ye Xiu has plenty of ways to get them.

He started making it right away.

The ancient tree of knowledge of the current level can produce 2 legendary scrolls of forbidden spells every day.

Continue to upgrade in the future, and the production capacity will increase.

2 sheets per day, Ye Xiu is also very satisfied!

Then his legendary Scroll of Forbidden Curse can be opened and used!

Smashing enemies with scrolls of forbidden spells!

This feeling is so cool!

"The ancient tree of knowledge can make all kinds of treasures! I saw a set of treasures for the archer class in it. Let's prepare resources quickly and make a set, then we will send it out!"

"I saw the treasures of the knight profession's fearless knight combination, a complete set! They can all be forged through the ancient tree of knowledge. If this is made, then I will take off!"

"I'm a tortoise, what are you waiting for, I've already started collecting resources!"

In the crafting list of Ancient Tree of Knowledge.

A lot of treasures appeared.

On the contrary, it is a high-level or above treasure that has been analyzed.

Both can be crafted through the Ancient Tree of Knowledge.

Such as King Wushuang, Houyi Shooting the Moon, etc. are all combined treasures of this class.

Once they parse it, they give other players the chance to follow suit. 027

Find enough resources.

They can also get out this top-matching set of treasures.

This is so cool!

On the contrary, those legendary treasures require too many resources.

Ordinary players dare not expect extravagantly.

Only King Wushuang and Houyi Shooting the Moon can look forward to the legendary treasures.

In this way, the treasure level of members of the two major legions can be improved.

Treasures are an important way for heroes to improve their strength.

This undoubtedly gives players a clear route to become stronger.

With resources, you can become stronger at any time!

"The ancient tree of knowledge has begun to play a role. Every epic building really has a huge effect!"

Ye Xiu has maximized the effect of the ancient tree of knowledge.

At the same time Wang Wang Wushuang and others are also doing the series of galactic inheritance tasks.

Ye Xiu's next focus is to conquer the third floor of Tongtian Tower!

The further you go to the back of the Tongtian Tower, the more difficult it is to clear the level.

Takes longer.

Ye Xiu needs the first pass, which is ten times more difficult.

Before that, Ye Xiu had no time.

This time Ye Xiu finally freed up time.

Besides, the players are also attacking the second floor of Tongtian Tower.

When they clear the second floor, they will hit the third floor sooner or later.

Ye Xiu took the first pass first.

"Lena, Joan of Arc, follow me to break into the Tongtian Tower!"

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