Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 49 The Galaxy Continent Opens! (First Update, Please Collect, Ask For Flowers!)

They all came out to make a living.

The elf heroes who came to the tavern were not embarrassed either.

They get right to the point.

The commission is in place, and the god's mansion is smashed!

This is the 'plain' thinking of heroes who are willing to be hired.

Ye Xiu's twice the commission is very exciting.

Immediately, heroes came forward and recommended themselves.

"My name is Verus, and I'm a pure-blood elf. I happen to be level 20, and I fully meet your requirements!"

A male elf came to Ye Xiu first.

He is an elite quality hero.

Occupation is also a shooter.

Because it is a pure blood elf.

There is also the blood talent of the elves, who can walk through Yang with a hundred steps.

The range and base damage of the Archer class have been increased.

Absolute hero.

Occupation, race, talent are all quite suitable.

Verus also comes with 10 wood elf archers.

This third-tier shooter is much better than a longbowman.

However, the price of Verus is also high.

Recruiting him requires 2W gold coins.

A commission of 2,000 gold coins is also paid every day.

If he dies once, he will terminate his employment relationship with his employer.

Ye Xiu offered double commission price.

The recruitment price remains unchanged.

The daily payment is 4000 gold coins.

For other players, this is an unaffordable fee!

Heroes who do mission rewards are the most fragrant.

No commissions are required and loyalty is high.

As long as there is no continuous death, there will be no betrayal.

"Boss, you can choose me, my commission is lower, and my combat power is similar to that of Verus!"

Another elf hero spoke.

The same elite quality hero, but with a weaker talent.

The commission price is 1500 gold coins a day.

The competition in this area is still very fierce.

See other elf heroes leaping to the ground.

Ye Xiu dropped a bombshell!

"I'm recruiting 24 level 20 elite-quality shooter heroes, and anyone who meets the requirements can come!"

Ye Xiu still set a limit.

Must be an elite quality hero.

Also a shooter.

This wiped out quite a few heroes.

But in the forest tavern, there are quite a few elf heroes.

Including Verus, he really recruited 24 level 20 marksman heroes for Ye Xiu.

They will each take up 40 dominance points.

Ye Xiu's 1000-point leader can lead 24 level 20 heroes.

The remaining lords are left to Lina.

The hero commanded by the player cannot exceed the level of the player.

If you only lead 1 hero at the same time.

Even if its required leader force exceeds, it can barely command.

It's just that the second hero can no longer be commanded.

For example, if Ye Xiu did not get the leader reward.

In the case of the initial leader at 10 points, Lina can continue to lead when she is promoted to level 20.

This is a guarantee for players.

At least one sub-hero can operate.

The secondary hero can get the basic attribute bonus of the main hero.

Ye Xiu's offensive and defensive knowledge and strength attributes are quite high.

The elf heroes are equipped with several top-level treasures.

Their offense and defense have also increased.

These elf heroes have 610 command at level 20.

Each elf hero can command 61 phantom shooters.

He helped Ye Xiu bring a large number of troops in one fell swoop.

24 Elf heroes.

That is a full 1464 phantom shooters!

This combat power is simply terrifying!

Ye Xiu laughed wildly in his heart.

Including the phantom shooter he brought, the number can reach 1600!

So many phantom shooters can shoot a hole in the sky!

What Ye Xiu paid for this was a full 15,000 units of wood and 450W gold coins!

Ye Xiu directly became a pauper!

Powerful units consume resources in this way.

If it weren't for Ye Xiu's extra gold coin income that would increase by a hundred times.

He simply can't afford so many phantom shooters.

At the same time, more than half of Ye Xiu's leadership has been taken.

Ye Xiu's own leadership has 2610 points.

The centurion also added an additional 1000 points.

A total of 3610 leadership points.

And his lineup is as follows:

There are 135 storm spearmen and 200 ordinary spearmen, accounting for 335 command points.

There are 72 hurricane shooters and 200 longbowmen, accounting for 272 points of leadership (shooters are halved).

There are 3 dragon-hunting crossbowmen, accounting for 6 command points (half of the archer arms).

There are 22 ruthless swordsmen and 80 ordinary swordsmen, accounting for 816 leadership points.

There are 151 phantom shooters, accounting for 755 leadership points (half the number of shooters).

There are 5 God's Punishment Crusaders, accounting for 50 leadership points.

This lineup adds up to 2234 leadership points.

With the remaining leadership, Ye Xiu is going to stay and train more phantom shooters.

At that time, more leadership will be taken up.

"It's actually a hidden unit like the phantom shooter, boss, you are too powerful!"

Being able to command the phantom shooter was beyond Verus' expectation.

It is still an enhanced version of the fifth-order phantom shooter!

This is awesome.

Each elf hero brings 61 phantom shooters.

Each of them can easily kill more than 10 players.

Ye Xiu's army is fully formed.

His goal is very lofty.

These troops are far from enough.

[Server Announcement: The three-day closed beta has arrived, the Galaxy server closed beta has entered the second stage, and the seal of the Galaxy continent has been lifted! 】

[Server Announcement: All closed beta players of the Galaxy server will enter the Galaxy Continent to fight for a place in the closed beta for their own world! 】

Three consecutive server announcements.

Ye Xiu raised his head sharply.

The time he had been waiting for had arrived!

The second phase of the closed beta has officially started!

All the beta testers were surrounded by a ray of light.

Together with their heroes and arms, they were sent outside the Eternal Continent.

They turned into beams of light and landed on a vast and boundless continent.

This continent has a Milky Way running through it.

On the Milky Way Continent, there are sporadic distribution of cities.

This is the Milky Way Continent transformed by the core of the Milky Way!

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