Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 73 Start The Raiders (First Update, First Order!)

ps: Because too many people in the book review area said that the protagonist's name is too ugly, I can only listen to everyone's opinions and change the name, please let me know. The protagonist's name has been changed from Wang Meng to Ye Xiu, and the game ID has been changed from Hero from Heaven to Reincarnated Shura.

Ye Xiu assembled an army, and he led the team out in high spirits.

The neutral city chosen by Ye Xiu is near the sphere of influence of the earth city.

It was a city called Taiyue City.

Occupying this city is the force of barbaric humans.

Players fight to the death on their respective turf.

The barbaric humans are just people who eat melons.

They don't feel much about the player either.

Just don't mess with them.

In the future, players will slowly contact them.

Neutral forces will also ally with the player or - become sworn enemies.

This state is dynamic.

In the previous life, even if the earth had to form an alliance with - neutral forces.

No force is willing to accept it.

Because the earth is too weak.

Allied with the earth, the sun point benefits are not.

Therefore, Ye Xiu didn't feel any psychological burden at all when he chose the city of barbaric humans.

Hitting anyone is the same.

This neutral city is the closest, so hit him!

"Master, what we are going to face is a level 2 city, and the opponent has a lot of defensive buildings..."

There are elf heroes with the scouting skill.

It feeds back some detailed information.

Taiyue City is a Tier 2 city, and it is now possible to build buildings for units below Tier 4.

Since it belongs to a human city, the arms buildings are all human arms.

Savage humans invested more in Taiyue City.

A total of more than 100 level 2 sentry towers were built.

It has a higher bonus to range and damage.

There are also a large number of guards stationed in the city for a long time.

These guards are commanded by a lord hero.

When he was stationed in Taiyue City, he could command troops five times more than his commanding power.

This is the advantage of defending the city.

In addition, Ye Xiu also noticed that there are a lot of heroes entering and leaving Taiyue City.

Taiyue City is just one of the cities of this barbaric human force.

The opponent has more than one city.

"All of this is within my expectations, let's test the water first, and don't rush to launch a general attack!"

Ye Xiu started his own plan.

It is unrealistic to easily conquer Taiyue City in one wave.

Ye Xiu must first investigate the deployment of his troops.

Reconnaissance skills may not necessarily be able to detect all the troops in the city.

If there is a military camp in the city, you can hide soldiers in it.

This is also the routine operation of the defending hero.

"Follow my orders! Everything is up to you, my lord!"

Elf heroes are very 'cute'.

Ye Xiu nodded.

He made the elven hero wait near a valley.

Ye Xiu himself killed near Taiyue City.

There are heroes patrolling nearby.

Heroes of other forces approaching will be warned.

If it is a hostile force, there is no need to say anything, just go straight to it.

Because it is a neutral force.

After Ye Xiu approached, the patrol hero didn't want to warn.

But Ye Xiu was very fierce, and directly asked the shooters to do it.

After one round of focused fire, the level 30 hero lost a lot of troops.

The opponent's troops are mainly second- and third-tier units, and also equipped with a small number of fourth-tier and fifth-tier units.

This lineup is nothing to Ye Xiu.

A wave of arrow rain can kill three-quarters of them.

Ye Xiu's sudden attack enraged the savage human hero named Terry.

"Damn aliens, we didn't take the initiative to attack you, and you dare to provoke the great kingdom of Kish!"

The Kingdom of Kish seems to be a country that was wiped out by players in the previous life.

It seems that during the closed beta, the Kingdom of Kish disappeared.

This shows that the power of the kingdom of Kish is not that strong.

Closed beta players will be able to fight against it.

The reason why Ye Xiu was not impressed by this neutral force.

It's because Earth didn't have any public cities during the closed beta period.

The public cities later occupied by the earth are not in this area either.

At that time, the Galactic Continent was too chaotic.

Many forces perish and fall every day.

Ye Xiu only knew about some relatively well-known forces.

The kingdom of Kish is just a 'little guy'.

Ye Xiu looks at the kingdom of Kish through the eyes of previous lives.

But in the eyes of current players.

Kingdom of Kish is still a bit powerful.

The lowest level cities are all level 2 cities.

Even the dark earth dare not provoke them easily.

Ye Xiu's wave is undoubtedly stabbing a hornet's nest.

Terry was furious and immediately sounded the alarm.

There are two patrolling heroes around, immediately lead the team to kill them.

"The Kingdom of Kish? No, I found the wrong target! I'm sorry, I'll withdraw first!"

Ye Xiu turned his head and ran away.

How can Terry bear it!

"Where did you come from, the little bastard! How dare you provoke me! Let me die!"

Terry didn't even think about it, Ye Xiu could wipe out a quarter of his troops in one wave.

Is he Ye Xiu's opponent?

Terry and the other two heroes are full of contempt for the players.

These alien players who have just arrived.

The development time is only more than 4 days.

How could it be possible to compare with them!

It was this kind of arrogance that caused Terry to chase all the way, but was ambushed by Ye Xiu.

Even if it is stronger than Terry.

But Ye Xiu still likes to play tactics.

Lure enemies into dangerous terrain.

The elf heroes in ambush attacked decisively.

……ask for flowers…

Thousands of phantom shooters appeared, and with one round of salvo, Terry was almost wiped out!

This makes Terry Revenant go crazy!

"Not good! I fell for it! This alien is so treacherous!"

Terry regretted that it was useless.

People who play tactics have a dirty heart.

Ye Xiu didn't give them a chance to regret it at all.

The champion knight led the charge and broke up the formation of the other two heroes.

Ye Xiu took out a hero with few casualties.

[Kill the national hero of Kish - Terry, and get 60 points of military merit. 】

[Kish national heroes are killed, Kish national favorability is reduced by 600 points, and it is currently hostile (-600 points). 】

To deal with neutral forces, you also have the military exploits of your own forces.

Ye Xiu also expected that it would reduce the favorability.

If he enters Taiyue City again.

The hero of the Kish kingdom will take the initiative to attack Ye Xiu.

He was about to capture the opponent's city.

Contradictions are inherently irreconcilable.

Ye Xiu had already made preparations for this.

He followed suit and began to seduce the patrol heroes in Taiyue City.

Weaken the defensive strength of Taiyue City.

At the same time, his actions were also noticed by the Human Federation.

"The latest information, the reincarnated Shura is hunting and killing the patrolling heroes of Taiyue City. According to the judgment of the think tank, the reincarnated Shura is preparing to attack Taiyue City!"

This information is known to the top players of the Human Federation.

They were all very surprised.

Ye Xiu actually started thinking about neutral cities!

This person ate the gall of a male leopard!

Neutral city, the defense force is very terrifying.

The dark earth didn't even think about it!

"Do you want to gather troops to target the reincarnated Shura and destroy his plan?"

It was suggested.

If it is handled well, it may be possible to use neutral forces to deal with the reincarnated Shura!

Maybe this is a good opportunity?

"Don't be in a hurry, we have failed many times against the reincarnated Shura! The Federation does not allow another failure!"

"Pay close attention to the actions of the reincarnated Shura. If he fails to attack the city, then we will consider taking action against him!"

The Human Federation has cast a psychological shadow on Ye Xiu.

They did not organize easily.

This also coincides with the ideas of other forces.

Everyone is paying close attention to the movements of the reincarnated Shura.

This is the first player who dares to take action against a neutral city.

Or go it alone!

On Ye Xiu's side, after killing a few waves of patrolling heroes, the opponent actually retreated into the city.

The defenders of Taiyue City were very careful.

Ye Xiu killed the patrol heroes too quickly, and the opponent thought that Ye Xiu had a lot of people on his side.

"I can't even lure you out, so I'm going to be impolite!"

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