Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 85 The Ambition Of The Air Cavalry

An invisible force erupted from Tongtian Tower.

Its first layer of seal was completely untied.

From then on, other players can try to break into the Tongtian Tower.

Passing customs has huge benefits.

At the same time, the properties of Tongtian Tower have also changed.

With more bonuses.

Babel Tower: Resource output +200% within the city's sphere of influence, arms output +200%, the quality of the arms produced is increased by one level (the highest is the king's arms), the upper limit of building levels +1, the upper limit of repeatable buildings +1, and the durability of urban buildings The speed is increased by 300%, and the effect of invincibility is obtained, and the command power in the main city of the city is +15 times. The city lord gets the deputy title: Celestial Master.

The current unlocking progress: 1 floor, the more unlocked floors, the more bonuses of the Babel Tower, the more activation abilities, the hero enters the Babel Tower, and will get the corresponding rewards.

Remarks: The Tongtian Tower is a giant tower leading to the sky built by human beings working together. Through the Tongtian Tower, human beings can be transformed.

The blessing of Babel to the production of resources and units has been increased from 150% to 200%.

This is just a basic boost.

The essence is the upper limit of the number of buildings of the same type +1.

In this way, in addition to the administrative hall, an additional one can be built for the regular buildings in Tianming City.

For example, the barracks of the first and second tiers can only be built with 2 buildings.

27 Three can be built now.

If the Destiny City is upgraded to level 3, the upper limit of the number of Tier 2 barracks is 4.

It will become 5 seats.

More buildings can play more roles.

The same goes for taverns.

A level 1 tavern can only attract up to 10 permanent heroes.

One more tavern will attract more heroes to settle in Jincheng.

There are also buildings such as markets, blacksmith shops, etc.

Destiny City can build another wave of buildings.

The level of the newly built buildings has been upgraded.

The first- and second-tier unit buildings that were originally level 3 have been upgraded to level 4.

Tier 3 and Tier 4 arms buildings were originally level 2, but they were also upgraded to Tier 2.

Buildings such as taverns, markets, and blacksmith shops have also been upgraded.

Ye Xiu was pleasantly surprised to find that after upgrading these buildings, his Destiny City will hopefully be upgraded to level 3 after the closed beta!

At the same time, Tongtian Tower rewarded him with a hidden building.

Ye Xiu saw a huge building appear in Tianming City.

That's a hidden building, the Taming Grounds!

Animal Taming Farm: Hidden buildings, you can put animal cubs or beast arms into the animal training field, through feeding and domestication, you can domesticate the cubs into mounts, which can be used to train various knight arms

The mounts in the taming farm can be mated and reproduced.

Ye Xiu was extremely pleasantly surprised.

This is actually a taming farm!

In human cities, stables can be built.

The stables can domesticate high-end horses and cultivate elite-quality knights.

Taming grounds are more advanced than stables.

All kinds of beasts can be domesticated and made into mounts.

Just after Ye Xiu became a knight with a senior title.

Allows infantry units and mounts to be trained.

If the attributes match, you can train as a cavalry!

Ye Xiu hadn't gotten a mount until now.

There is no way to try.

Now that you have a taming farm, you can get a lot of mounts.

Try one by one, and you can always come up with knight units.

There are many ways to obtain mounts.

Beast cubs or your own beast arms can be put in.

If Ye Xiu recruited the Griffin, he might be able to train the Griffin into a mount.

"Fuck, there is hope for my air cavalry!"

Ye Xiu became excited.

Griffins are the seventh-tier human arms.

If Destiny City is upgraded to level 4, you can build a griffin lair and recruit griffins!

Air cavalry, there is also a way to realize it!

"Unblocking the first floor of Tongtian Tower has such great benefits!"

"Is this the charm of mythical architecture, now!"

Ye Xiu was full of praise for Tongtian Tower.

This mythical building is really a treasure!

There is nothing to say about the big benefits.

It still has huge potential to be tapped!

At the same time, it is also of great benefit to Ye Xiu.

There are rewards for each floor of Babel Tower.

After a hundredfold increase, Ye Xiu was so excited that he flew up!

"Then go to the second floor! The rewards and bonuses of each floor of Tongtian Tower are different, let's see the effect of the second floor!"

Ye Xiu was in high spirits.

The first layer caused him little trouble.

Ye Xiu is extremely confident.

Compared with the first floor, his combat power has been greatly improved!

"Let me see the difficulty of the second floor!"

Ye Xiu didn't start to look at the difficulty until he entered the second floor.

The difficulty this time is a huge leap from the first level.

20,000 third- and fourth-tier arms.

5,000 fifth- and sixth-tier units.

There are also 2,000 seventh- and eighth-tier arms.

They are led by heroes of three races: humans, elves, and orcs.

Its arms also come from these three races.

This lineup is very powerful.

What made Ye Xiu speechless was that the three races occupied three checkpoint fortresses respectively.

In other words, Ye Xiu needs to lay down three checkpoint fortresses.

This second layer has turned into a small map!

"Hey, there are some resources, arms and treasure boxes next to the checkpoint fortress? How bizarre!"

Ye Xiu was shocked by the content of this level.

It's just the second floor of Tongtian Tower.

There are actually resources, arms and treasure boxes distributed!

In other words, this test also gave players a chance to improve their strength.

Ye Xiu naturally accepted it with a smile.

He led the team to clean up the resources around the checkpoint fortress.

For this part, let Lina lead the team to clean up.

With 40 Destroyers, her lethality is terrifying.

The Destroyers fired a fire of destruction each, and not many enemies could survive.

Raiding resources is not difficult for her.

At the same time, Ye Xiu also dispatched some long-range troops to 403, and began to show off their power in front of the fortress guarded by the orcs.

"Cum on me! They won't stop until they come out!"

Ye Xiu has a lot of experience with level fortresses.

Wash the ground with long-range units first.

When the range is dominant, you can grind slowly.

Ye Xiu opened a few treasure chests here and harvested a lot of resources and arms.

Get 30 more future fighters.

There are also 200 units of Vajra Wood.

The resources on this second floor are all higher-level than those outside.

At the same time, there was a situation at the orc fortress.

Orc heroes are bad tempered.

After being so provoked by Ye Xiu, they took the initiative to kill it!

The fourth-order big-eared monster knights were dispatched in full force.

These are the main force of the orc arms!

Ye Xiu was very surprised: "Fuck, 4,000 monster knights with big ears, is this raising pigs? There are so many knights!"

Ye Xiu looked enviously.

He is a knight player with a senior title.

However, they failed to find any way to obtain a large number of knights.

Only when Destiny City is upgraded to level 3 and a sixth-level knight training camp is built, can the sixth-level light armored knights be recruited.

Unlike the orc city, a Tier 4 training camp for big-eared monster knights can be built at level 2.

This kind of knight arms is really cheap and high quality.

No matter how low the attribute is, it is also a noble knight unit!

"You actually use such a low-level knight to charge me? Then I will teach you how to be a man!".

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