"General, why did you go and come back?" said Shang Jia with a smile on his face.

"What are you transporting?" asked Su Ran.

"The villain's surname is Wang, and he is a person from Qinghe, Jizhou. The villain went back and forth between the Hu people, and exchanged some cloth, grain, oil and other things with the Hu people for livestock and horses, which was a small business. Boss

Wang said sycophantly, and as he spoke, he beckoned to his subordinates and ordered him to take two money bags, which were worth hundreds of taels of silver.

"This is a little bit of the villain's heart, please accept it.

Su Ran glanced at him, and then looked at the caravan, there were indeed hundreds of horses, three or four hundred cattle and sheep behind the carriage.

Su Ran didn't accept his gift, but looked at the carriage in front of him, there were 4 carriages, 3 carts, and the carts were full of items, all of them were indeed cloth, grain and oil, but the carriage was tightly covered.

"Who are the people in the carriage?" Su Ran looked at the fat-headed and big-eared Boss Wang.

"It's all the villain's family. Boss Wang's face turned white, and he was sweating like pulp.

"Please come down and have a look. Su Ran said directly.

"This ........" Boss Wang hesitated, "the insider's face is rough, it's really difficult to get into the eyes of adults!"

"Meditate, invite them down." Su Ran ordered directly.

At this time, Su Ran was completely like a warlord who was interested in seeing the color.

Li Cunxiao obeyed, did not consider the reason at all, and directly boarded the frame under the hostile gaze of the coachman.

When the curtain was lifted, it was indeed a woman inside.

It's just a bit much, and there are nearly ten people crowded into one carriage, most of whom are dressed as Han Chinese, and there are also one or two Hu women.

"You have a lot of dependents, huh?" Su Ran smiled.

"This ........" Boss Wang's whole face turned white, "I don't have any other hobbies, I just like women, so I ........

" "What are you doing!"

At this time, Li Cunxiao ignored the roars of the coachman and the guards, and opened the car curtains behind him one by one.

And the car is full of young women, with good looks and in their prime.

"Boss Wang, you're in good health. Su Ran said with a smile.

But just when Boss Wang's face softened, Su Ran suddenly shouted, "What kind of crime should I be guilty of robbing the people's girls and selling

them to the Hu people!" Boss Wang directly puffed and knelt down directly, "My lord spares his life! The villain is willing to give him a full family fortune!" "My lord

, please be the master of the people's daughter!" A woman suddenly rushed out and knelt down directly, "This dog thief has taken us away and wants to sell them to the Hu people for personal gain! This kind of dog thief is really not a pity to die, please make the decision for the little girl!"

Boss Wang's head was pounding, but the guards behind him had already secretly surrounded him, and their hands were secretly touching the weapons.


Boss Wang's body suddenly stiffened, and a big head rolled.

Li Cunxiao stood behind him, his lance stained with blood, like a demon god.

"Wait, who else is going to die!" Li

Cunxiao shouted, startling the group of guards.

But immediately someone shouted, "Oh, if you don't kill them, we will all die!"

and the guards mustered up their courage and surrounded them.

And the wolf rider also drew his long knife and caught up.

After a few breaths, there was no longer a single guard standing on the entire battlefield.

Although there were only more than a dozen wolf riders in Bingzhou, a charge had already routed the opposite side.

Even Li Cunxiao didn't do anything.

Some of those women were too frightened to move by the bloody scene, while some were so hateful that they picked up their weapons and chopped Boss Wang's body until they cut his head beyond recognition.

The Hu people treated the Han people as livestock and killed them at will, even called them two-legged sheep.

But Su Ran didn't expect that there were still Han people who kidnapped women and sold them to the Hu people for a little profit

! This person died too easily!

"Thank you for saving your life!" "Thank you

for saving your life!"

A group of women kept kowtowing and thanking them.

Su Ran sighed, "Ponder, let's arrange some people to send them to Xihe County." After

arranging the follow-up, Su Ran's army accelerated its march.

The sound of horses' hooves vibrate, but Su Ran still felt that it was too slow.

With suppressed anger in his heart, he couldn't wait to kill dozens of Hulu immediately!

Su Ran also doubted whether this businessman could deceive himself, but he could see the black smoke in the sky from a distance.

There will be war ahead.

Su Ran directly took out a jade talisman and crushed it directly.

Suddenly, a wind appeared at the feet of the war horse, and the horse became lighter, and its speed suddenly increased by fifty percent

........!" My lord, what kind of magic is this?" Li Xiuning's eyes were surprised.

"This is a divine talisman, which can speed up the march!" Su Ran explained simply.

"With such magic skills, this army can be described as a flying army!" Zhang Liang admired.

This magic talisman is the same as the acceleration talisman, and it is also a prop that Su Ran obtained by signing in, and it is just right to use it at this time.


The city of Fushi is in chaos.

The city gate was broken, and the Hu cavalry plundered the city.

Bands of soldiers rushed into the shops and plundered them.

Even in the face of their kind, they are not merciful.

The Huns were not strict in governing the army, and the generals even indulged the soldiers to plunder in order to motivate the soldiers.

The door to one of the houses was kicked open, and several soldiers rushed in.

"What are you doing?" the man held his saber in his hand, his feet trembling.

"Hand over the money and the woman!" the Hun cavalry snorted.

"I'll kill you!" the man pounced, holding his saber.

But he was kicked away by the Hun cavalry, and another Hun cavalry sneered and drew his knife and pierced his heart.

"No—" The woman screamed.

But what attracted the greedy eyes of those Hun cavalrymen, one by one, laughed wantonly, and slowly approached the woman.

The man had not yet lost his life, and the corners of his mouth were rattling, but he could do nothing but watch as these demons pressed on his wife.


"Pledge your allegiance to my king, or die!" Hugh

Tu's armies were attacking the city lord's mansion that was still holding out.

Arrows rained down, and the shields of the guards of the City Lord's Mansion were pierced and fell one by one.

"You really want to kill them all?!" the

city lord watched the guards around him fall one by one, sad and angry.

Behind the Hun cavalry and archers, a general sat on a high horse, and next to him was a gorgeously dressed young man of the Hu people.

"This is the second prince of King Hutu, loyal to my king, I can spare your life!" The

city lord hesitated for a moment, and finally compromised, "I am willing to surrender!"

The guards dropped their weapons one by one, their expressions sad.

Prince Hutu sat upright on his horse with a proud expression.


"Damn, they're robbing money and women inside, but we're going to guard the city gate here!" a

Hun soldier on the city wall looked angry.

"Damn, I want women too!"

his companion spat out a mouthful of phlegm, pulled at his collar and headed down the city.

I just walked for a while, only to find that my companion did not follow.

"You bastard, you are so cowardly?"

"No....... Cavalry came from the south....... It's the Han Army!!".

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