Su Ran didn't pay attention to the chat on the player's public channel, but explained the matter to Li Qi separately.

The leader of the Black Mountain Army, Zhang Niujiao, became the first high-ranking general to die in the Xizhou Army because he was killed in the Battle of Yecheng.

In history, Zhang Niujiao was also killed by an arrow when he marched to attack Gauntao, and then the Montenegrin army respected Chu Yan as the leader.

Su Ran suspected that Zhang Niujiao's hidden luck was extremely low, and he might even have the attribute of a weak arrow.

Zhang Niujiao's body was collected after the battle and transported back to Xizhou Town.

After the funeral, he was sent back to Montenegro for burial.

This thing still needs to be prepared.

Su Ran began to check his gains.

The Gold Resource Box is temporarily unavailable, and the Legendary Hero Summoning Order and the Legendary Secret Realm Token are also put aside for the time being.

Su Ran looked at the rare drawings first.

[Confucian Academy

] [Rare Building

] [Effect: People's Heart +10, the attraction of the territory to talents is increased by 30%, the chance of talents appearing in the territory is increased by 30%, and the experience gain of the territory residents is increased by 5%] [

If you don't learn etiquette, you can't stand. ————

[Tingwei Prison

] [Rare Building

] [Effect: People's Heart +5, Law and Security +10, the chance of prisoners surrendering increased by 20%]

It was actually Confucius Academy, Su Ran was shocked.

And the effect of the academy as a Confucian saint is also extremely amazing, compared to god-level props, it is not much better!

After the establishment of the Confucian Academy, it can also provide a steady stream of talents for the territory.

The other is a high-level prison, also known as the Imperial Prison. Su Ran believes that this building can also play a miraculous effect if it is used well.

Su Ran simply arranged for Kou Zhun to build these two special buildings.


Before the temple, the burial ceremony is held.

Most of the generals and ministers of the Xizhou Army attended, and although the ceremony was not grand, it was also a high standard.

When the ceremony was completed, Zhang Niujiao's body was placed in the coffin.

"You don't have to be too sad," Su Ran comforted the generals of the Montenegrin army, "Zhang Niujiao still has a widow, you can take it to Xizhou Town, and I will definitely take care of it." "

The eldest brother is single, and there is no queen. Li Damu wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Then divide his pension among the brothers below. Su Ran said.


"In addition, you need to be careful when you send Zhang Niujiao back to your homeland on this trip. Su Ran explained.

"I know!" a

group of 100 soldiers of the Montenegrin army escorted Zhang Niujiao's body back to Montenegro.

Su Ran watched them leave and found Zhao Chongguo.

"General Zhao, what is the current situation of the Huns?" Su Ran went straight to the point.

"Yu Fuluo's troops have been defeated by me in a row, and they have now fled to the west of Meiji, as well as Shangjun, and they dare not make a move for the time being. "Zhao Chong National Road.

"The Huns have repeatedly lost their faith, only if they are really afraid of killing them, they will not dare to make any changes, temporarily repair the military situation, and the next time they attack, I will sweep Mo Nan!" Su Ran said coldly.

"Zhao is willing to use the sword of the lord and sweep away the Huns!" Zhao Chongguo said in a deep voice.


On the second day, Su Ran bathed and changed clothes, burned incense and prayed for blessings.

After that, he took out three Legendary Hero Summoning Orders.

Of these three tokens, one is an epic battle ranking reward, one is a merit exchange, and one is a reward for upgrading the town.

If other players see this scene, I'm afraid they will go crazy directly.

Su Ran rubbed his hands together and used the Legendary Hero Summoning Order.

In the white light, a middle-aged man saluted solemnly.

"Yang Chudao has seen the lord!" This

person is dignified, with a short beard, dressed in Confucian robes, and wearing a long sword at his waist, implying a battlefield killing atmosphere.

It was actually Yang Su! Su

Ran was a little surprised.

"Hurry up and be polite!" Su Ran helped him up.

Take the opportunity to view its properties.

[Yang Su, the word is the way

] [Legendary-level (historical general, with uniqueness) cavalry, infantry, sailor general

] [Level: 1] [Official position: none

] [Loyalty: 70] [Commander: 54 (upper limit 95)] [Force: 53 (upper limit 92)] [Intelligence: 45 (upper limit 78)



Politics: 56 (Cap 87)

] [Charm: 11

] [Trait 1: Strict Governance (A-level trait, increases the experience gain of soldiers by 10%, and it is not easy to drop morale when ambushed or strategic.]

[Trait 2: Strict Charge (S-level trait, when charging head-on, the troop formation will not be chaotic, and the attribute is increased by 10%)

[Trait 3: Powerful Ministers (C-level trait, emphasis on fame, ambition increases when you are in a high position, and your strength is increased at the same time.

[Trait 4: Attacking the enemy's length (S-level trait, can command cavalry, infantry, sailors, and increase soldier attributes by 10%)]

Yang Su was a military strategist, minister, and poet during the Northern and Southern Dynasties and the Sui Dynasty.

Yang Su was born into a scholar family, and his ancestors were officials for generations.

He is invincible and brave all his life.

Participated in the battle to destroy the Northern Qi Dynasty, broke the Turks, and then took refuge in Yang Jian, destroyed the Chen Dynasty with sailors, and established the Sui Dynasty.

It is the first of the four founding heroes of the Sui Dynasty, noble and glorious.

It's just that after Yang Su was in a high position, he excluded dissidents and allowed others to be relatives.

Even Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty was promoted to the top position, and Yang Su also had a lot of credit.

Although because Yang Su helped Yang Guang ascend to the throne, the second Sui Dynasty died, so that it was smeared as a sinner who plotted a conspiracy to frame Zhongliang, which indirectly led to the fall of the Sui Dynasty and the chaos in the world.

However, it is also undeniable that he is a man with all-round military and political abilities and outstanding talents.

It can be said that he was the first hero of the founding of the Sui Dynasty.

And Yang Su is good at using soldiers, foot combat, cavalry warfare, and water warfare, with both regular soldiers and odd soldiers.

Even in terms of literary talent, he is also very outstanding, working in grass, and many poems have been handed down.

It's just that Su Ran has a headache, although this soldier is like a god.

But there are also many bad Xi.

Yang Su's temperament and style were extremely brutal, and if his subordinates violated military orders, they would not be forgiven and would not be tolerated. Before each battle, look for the mistakes of the soldiers, and then kill them. There are more than 100 people at a time, and there are no less than a dozen people.

When the two armies faced each other, Yang Su ordered one or two hundred men to meet the enemy, and if they won, it would be enough, and if they did not win and fled, no matter how many, they would all be beheaded. Then he ordered two or three hundred men to meet the enemy, and if he did not win, he would be killed.

But because of its clear rewards and punishments, and the combination of grace and power, the soldiers are willing to fight with it.

It can be said that Yang Su and Boss Cao have great similarities, and many people in later generations have compared the two with them.

Although Yang Su is extremely capable, he is a quadathlon.

But if he can't suppress him, it is likely that he has cultivated another Boss Cao!

Su Ran had a headache.

Su Ran temporarily arranged for Yang Su to continue to touch the prize, just hoping that there would not be such an unmanageable minister.

Su Ran used the Legendary Hero Summoning Order again.

"Tao Qian has seen the lord.

Su Ran looked at the middle-aged man in front of him and was shocked again.

This man was dressed in cloth and wore a scarf on his head, looking like a peasant, but there was a hint of perseverance.

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