Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1508 Impulsive Maternal Love And Cruel Players

At this time, the Thunder Eagle Empress took a deep look at the Thunder Eagle Lord in front of her, and also saw that the Thunder Eagle Lord looked a little scared.

And then, Empress Lei Ying continued: "My child, you..."

But at this time, the Queen of Thunder Eagle suddenly felt a force of rules that bound her from Lord Thunder Eagle.

"You, you were contracted to be a slave by someone else!"

"Ah? I..." The Thunder Eagle Lord hadn't recovered from his doubts and shock, but the Thunder Eagle Queen had already disappeared.

As a lower god, and a lower god who has lived for a long time, the Thunder Eagle Empress can tell that the Lord Snow Eagle in front of her is not free.

Following the power of this contract, Lei Ying rushed towards Lin Tai's direction in an instant.

And the moment she saw Lin Tai, the lightning all over Lei Yinghou's body turned black, and at the same time she directly yelled at Lin Tai with her spiritual sense: "Damn human, cancel the slave contract on my son! ,otherwise..."


In an instant, Queen Thunder Eagle's body was directly pierced by Lin Tai's fist, and at the same time, Lin Tai's huge god-level divine power burst out directly.

The life value of Queen Thunder Eagle was emptied by Lin Tai in an instant, and then her body fell straight to the ground, but her body was still twitching slightly.

"Uh...Master, you killed her..." Lord Thunder Eagle said in disbelief. Although he didn't have any feelings for Queen Thunder Eagle, he always felt that something was wrong. what.

"She called me a child just now, why on earth is that?"

"It's easy to understand." Lin Tai said directly: "Creatures in nature, after losing their cubs, will raise the cubs of other creatures as their own."

"You are from star a-02, and you are not a violent Thunderhawk, just an ordinary Thunderhawk, how could it be her child? I think you are a bit stupid."

Lin Tai continued to speak expressionlessly.

"Oh? This, this seems to be right!" Lord Thunder Eagle suddenly realized.

"Well, in short, I have already killed this lord, and as my hero, it is only natural that you become the new owner here.

As he said that, Lin Tai directly threw several throwing knives, knocking out several violent Thunderhawks who were trying to get close to the thing guarded by the Queen of Thunderhawks.

These violent Thunderhawks were killed in an instant.

And Lord Thunder Eagle also sensed the huge Western power for him, and immediately flew towards the egg.


The other violent thunderhawks wanted to stop the Thunderhawk lord, but at this time Lin Tai released his huge coercion, and the coercion of the middle god directly suppressed these violent thunderhawks

At this moment, except for the Thunderhawk lord, all the Thunderhawks present were trapped on the ground and could not move.

Lord Thunderhawk approached this huge eggshell very freely.

At this time, the eggshell is very huge, the light blue eggshell looks like a huge building, and there is a large opening on it.

But at this time, Lord Thunder Eagle got in, and for some reason, the eggshell was immediately sealed.

And then, a rather striking breath of life appeared in the eggshell.

Almost at the same time, the deceased's strange power was transforming the body of Lord Thunder Eagle, stimulating the blood in Lord Thunder Eagle's body.

Then, Lin Tai also saw the situation in front of him, and then waited for a while.

At this time, what is actually going on inside the eggshell is to pass on some special memories and powers to Lord Thunder Eagle, so that he can inherit the power of his ancestors and become stronger.

Afterwards, the body of the Thunder Eagle Empress gradually withered, and the power of her body was absorbed by the eggshell, and injected into the body of the Thunder Eagle Lord in the eggshell.

This is the evolution journey of the Violent Thunderhawk family. These monsters are very powerful and have the power of inheritance. Once a new king is born, the old king and queen will die and become the nourishment of each other.

This can ensure that the Thunder Eagle King generation is stronger than the previous generation.

But now, the Lord Thunder Eagle didn't have any special feelings for the Thunder Eagle Empress, so he agreed without thinking about it, and directly turned the Thunder Eagle Empress' corpse into his own nourishment.

Soon, a giant Thunderhawk King appears above the eggshell, which is the evolution of Lin Tai's hero Electric Eagle Lord.

At the same time, he also got his own name.

Name: Thunderhawk King America

Attribute: thunder attribute

Race: Raging Thunderhawk

Level: 20

Rank: lower god

HP: 150 billion

Defense: 70 billion



skills still:

Thunderbolt Fury: America's all attributes are permanently increased by 300%, and the speed attribute gain is calculated as ten times. Every attack of Thunderhawk King America will permanently reduce the target's total attributes by 5%, with a maximum of 50%. .

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