Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1515 Advanced Technology

At this time, Lin Tai also stepped forward with interest, and this thing is indeed a good thing at this time.

Name: Thunder God

Attribute: thunder attribute

Tier: Medium Artifact

Type: Vehicle Aircraft Carrier

Loading energy: 10,000 trillion single-bit energy crystals

HP: 300 trillion

Defense: 100 trillion

Attack power: 200 trillion

Speed: 100,000


Energy explosion: Possesses extremely strong energy, can sail across galaxies, and can convert almost everything into annual energy.

Energy Shield: Consume energy to create a shield that can resist all damage. The upper limit of the shield is 100 times the life value, and it can be restored by consuming - energy.

True Super Unlimited Cannon: Consume energy and bombard the target with energy, causing damage equal to the base value of energy consumed * 1000.

Super Cannon: Fire the stored shells, and increase them according to the destructive power of the launched shells. The higher the destructive power of the shells, the higher the increase, up to 200%.

Cosmic machine gun: Fire the reserved bullets, and increase according to the destructive power of the fired fear itself. The higher the destructive power of the bullets, the higher the increase [the maximum increase is 1000%.

Wormhole travel: When entering a wormhole, you can consume energy to protect the body, leave the wormhole or come to the other side of the wormhole.

Space Warp: Record two coordinates, and you can travel through the coordinates. If there is something in the coordinate position that did not exist when the coordinate was recorded, it will be notified.

The rest of the skills are omitted.

Description: A super powerful aircraft carrier that can navigate in the universe and has extremely terrifying loading capacity, destructive power and defensive power. It is a machine made by the Karabatok family, and it can only be activated with the approval of the Karabatok family.

"I'll go, luckily I didn't kill it just now, otherwise such a good thing would be gone completely.

Lin Tai also wiped the sweat from his forehead slightly.

Then at this time, Lin Tai also said very satisfied: "This is really a good thing, but it needs too many energy crystals. Fortunately, I have occupied many planets now, otherwise I would not even have money to start it.

Speaking of which, Lin Tai directly injected one hundred trillion energy crystals, which has reached the most basic activation qualification, but now he can't even attack and defend, and can only carry out simple navigation.

And when the number of energy crystals is less than ten trillion, the Thunder God cannot move and can only be put away.

"Then it's in there?"


As they said that, Capone also took Lin Tai into the Thunder God, where they saw a very huge big screen, and a lot of information was recorded in it.

Then, Lin Tai also took some things over and looked at them, and found that they were indeed quite advanced technological products, at least only a sixth-level civilization could do it.

At this time, Kaban came to a place and recorded his own retina, and then a secret door suddenly appeared in this place.

Then Lin Tai followed Kabang in, and found that it turned out to be a storage room where the emperor's treasures were concentrated.

Kabang rummaged through a pile of treasures for a long time, and finally brought something in front of Lin Tai.

Name: Power of Thunder (left)

Attribute: thunder attribute

Level: Medium Artifact


Thundering Will: The wearer's all attributes are increased by 30%, and all attacks will be accompanied by thunder attribute solid damage equivalent to the damage caused.

...asking for flowers......

Vitality: The wearer's health is doubled.

Super Healing: Consume all the energy of the power of thunder, can ignore all effects, and heal any damage received by a middle god. As long as the soul dissipates, "Even if you die, you can be resurrected in full state.

After using the Super Heal, the power of thunder will be divided into two pieces: power of thunder (left) and power of thunder (right), and lose all abilities.

Description: The power of thunder (left) is a part of the power of thunder. After gathering the power of thunder (left) and the power of thunder (right), they can be recombined, but super healing must take a thousand years to take effect again.


"Oh, that's what it means, I understand.

Lin Tai also nodded at this time, and then put this thing into his backpack.

"That is to say, this thing should be composed of two parts, and the other part is probably in the hands of the Thunder God, right?"


Capone said immediately.

"But I don't know where the leader of the Thunderbolts is."

"Well, in this way, we can catch him out soon, and then we can catch them."


At this time, Lin Tai also said suddenly: "Remember to control other orc monsters under your command to kill less Thundermen, I need their beliefs.


Capone nodded.

Then, Lin Tai handed over the power of thunder to Thunderblade, and then reconfirmed the surrounding technology.

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