Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1568 The Last Monster

It didn't take long for the people present to wait for the impact of the fifth wave of monsters.

At this time, a rather huge black shadow appeared here.

Lin Tai frowned when he saw this guy.

Because this turned out to be a monster of the mechanical race.

Name: Gil Barris

Attribute: Mechanical

Level: 30

Rank: middle god

HP: 1 trillion

Defense: 700 billion


Speed: 700


Heart of Metal: All attributes of the self and all mechanical monsters subordinate to it are increased by 700%, and they are immune to all non-physical control effects.

Metal Body: The damage received is reduced by 97%, and every time you receive an attack, 50% of it will be reflected back to the person who attacked you.

Wild Shock: Send out vibrations, causing extremely high damage to surrounding enemies, and has a chance to stun or knock them into the air.

Vajra Pillar: Summon the Vajra Pillar to attack the enemy. This attack will definitely knock the enemy into the air, and every time it hits a target, the duration of the knock-up will be extended.

Endless energy: Magic power, physical strength, and endurance are positive and infinite.

Endless strafing: Call out the machine gun and shoot at all the surrounding enemies.

Endless Cannon: Summon a cannon to attack all surrounding enemies.

Description: Gilbaris is a machine that was created on the planet Crystal, but it betrayed its creator and killed all life on the planet Crystal instead.

Gilbaris believes that life forms are evil, and if it wants to maintain the real peace of the universe, it must exterminate all life forms in the universe.

"Hey, how could such a guy become a middle god?" A player next to Lin Tai said speechlessly, "Doesn't one need faith to become a god? How did a guy like him get his faith?"

But in the next second, Jill Barris explained the source of his power to these strange players.

Immediately, screams rang out in these people's ears, and they also saw that Gilbaris had a lot of grievances!

"This guy actually imprisoned the souls of the creatures he killed and forced them to provide him with beliefs called "pain" and "fear"!"

Even the brutal players were shocked. They looked at the situation in disbelief, and couldn't understand why a mere artificial intelligence had the ability to join the game.

And at this time, Gilbaris suddenly raised his hand, and crazily burst out a very powerful attack towards these people in front of him.


Immediately, the player of the mechanical system rushed up, and at the same time, the shield in his hand suddenly expanded, covering the trajectory of all the bullets.

"This guy gave me quite a strong sense of oppression!"

At this time, the mechanical player said in his heart: "I must overcome this pressure, I must block its attack!"

So at this time, he took the initiative to appear and stood in front of Gilbaris, and then used his ability to block the opponent's attack.

However, at this moment, the bullets fired by Gilbaris suddenly changed.

It was like a switch between entity and illusion, it suddenly hit the shield of the mechanical player, but passed through it in an instant.

And after penetrating the mechanical player's shield, it immediately restored its original entity, hitting the mechanical player instantly.

Although both sides are middle gods, this player was sent flying in an instant, and then slammed into the wall next to him fiercely!

~You, you bastard!"

The mechanical player let out a roar, his HP dropped sharply, but he was still in a state of being helpless.

He immediately summoned his own hero, the mechanical titan Han Tianzhu.

Hantianzhu is a middle god like him, and his strength is not bad. At this time, Hantianzhu's huge body appeared here and began to slowly walk towards Gilbaris.

While walking, a huge metal rod appeared in Han Tianzhu's hand at the same time, and at the same time he swung it fiercely towards Gilbaris.

"As a machine, why do you want to help the tail of life?"

Suddenly, Gil Barris asked a burst of odd questions.

"Unable to understand." (Zhao Wang's)

Han Tianzhu made such a sound, and at the same time it didn't stop at all, it continued to swing the metal stick in its hand and hit Gilbaris hard.

Immediately, Gilbaris' body was beaten back a step, but Han Tianzhu's body was also dented at the same time, suffering a certain amount of damage.

That's the power of Gil Barris' rebound attack.

Taking a step back, Han Tianzhu swung the metal stick in his hand again, and once again smashed it at the body of Gilbaris in front of him.

But this time, Jill Barris suddenly raised his finger and pointed at him, saying: "Feel your own guilt, and return to the camp of the great machine."

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