Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1578: The Real Battle

HP: 40 million

Defense: 20 million

Attack power: 27 million

Speed: 300


Eight legs: The damage caused is calculated as eight times, the forward speed is calculated as four times, and the damage received is calculated as double.

Entangled in magic energy: All attacks have a probability of causing the life body to enter a state of magic energy pollution, reducing all attributes and reducing life recovery speed.

Assassination: When the opponent doesn't notice you, the damage done is doubled.

Cobweb Spray: After hitting the target, it cannot act for ten seconds, but can attack.

Venom: All the damage caused by the self will be accompanied by poison attribute damage equal to the damage value, and the damage effect on the boss will be reduced by 95%.

Hunting: For creatures smaller than itself, the damage dealt is increased by 100%.

Description: This is a transformed special spider. Its own strength is average, but when many of its kind are together, it can hunt and kill monsters that are far stronger than itself.

"Well, ordinary monsters, but these skills are indeed a bit troublesome."

Lin Tai thought for a while, and then said: "Then, let you play."

Lin Tai also decided the type of troops to fight this time. Under his call, a group of dark shadows gradually appeared in front of him.

This time, the unit that Lin Tai summoned was Angel Slasher.

These angel slashers are god-level arms, and their combat effectiveness is very tyrannical, and they are extremely destructive to dark creatures and undead creatures.

At this time, under Lin Tai's call, these angel slashers in the number of about ten trillion rushed up quickly and launched a fierce attack on these dark demon spiders.

When the Dark Demon Spider faced the Angel Slasher, it felt extremely strong pressure, and immediately burst into an attack, and a large number of spider webs sprayed towards the Angel Slasher in front of it.

But soon, these angel slashers also swung their sharp arms without hesitation. That's right, these angel slashers can directly use them as sharp blades no matter their hands, feet or heads.

Immediately, their hands slashed out, tearing the spider web in front of them, and then they rushed to the front of these dark magic spiders.

Then, they immediately burst into a burst of attacks, tearing the dark spiders in front of them into pieces in an instant.

However, the dark demons in the rear hadn't been attacked yet, they rushed straight towards the angel slasher in front of them, and at the same time stabbed with their forelimbs.

Their forelimbs also had a terrifying toxin and magic energy damage. The angel slashers didn't want to directly collide with them, but immediately took two steps back, and at the same time cut out their arms again.


Immediately, three sword lights were released, and then suddenly a large number of dark spiders in front of them were split in half.

At this time, an angel slasher rushed to the forefront, and it hugged its hands and feet in mid-air and formed a ball. Suddenly, the blades on the top of the head, back, arms, and feet were all facing outward.

Its body suddenly spun, and then rushed into the group of dark spiders in front of it, and began to crazily tear the surrounding dark spiders into pieces.

It immediately moved forward frantically among the group of dark demon spiders, and any dark demon spiders that dared to approach were smashed to pieces.

With its victory, the angel slashers around also used this skill.

A large number of angel slashers rushed out [more and more dark spiders were killed.

But the angel slasher rushing to the front, at the moment when the transformation was released, a group of dark spiders jumped on it.

The teeth and limbs of these dark demon spiders hit its corpse vigorously. Although the angel slasher was wearing very thick armor, he still couldn't stop the impact of so many units of the same level.

More and more damage appeared, and in the end, the armor of the angel slasher was still corroded, and then the remaining dark spiders quickly caused quite serious damage to it.


Suddenly, its chest was pierced by a very sharp tooth, and blood spurted out from the wound.

But the one who died was just one angel slasher, and the number of angel slashers was ten trillion, and each angel slasher (Qian Zhaozhao) killed at least hundreds of dark spiders.

Soon, all the dark spiders were killed by Lin Tai's angel slasher, and none of the lord-level monsters appeared.

Soon, Lin Tai walked a certain distance forward, and almost at the same time, the other nine players also came here.

Here, these monsters will not appear, because they are now very close to the heart of the dark creator R'lye.

The strength of this terrifying monster is also quite troublesome. At this time, drops of sweat are oozing from the forehead of a middle god.

The coercion of the powerful upper gods made these middle gods very uncomfortable. .

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