Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1605: Promoted To The Middle God

At this moment, Sophie firmly nailed the opponent's body to the ground.

Then, she burst out with a burst of attacks, inflicting damage from the body of the Seraph Statue.

Immediately, the HP of the Statue of Seraphim suddenly decreased by a short amount.

And almost at the same time as the attack hit, Sufier's body suddenly appeared at a position a hundred meters away, and the attack of the statue of Seraphim was in vain~.

The original Seraph Statue's speed is 500, after the passive reduction is 100, and the recovery is - an increase of 400.

But now, once this passivity is reversed, after deducting the 400 images of the seraphim, he can't move immediately, and has been standing stupidly on the spot.

And Sophie needs to bear one-third of the negative effects, so her speed is reduced by 133.

But the speed reduction of 133 is too easy compared to the complete immobility of the image of Seraphim.

Sophie directly started a long-range attack from a distance, consuming the HP of the Seraph Statue little by little.

And when Sophie's health was lower than 30%, she immediately regained blood, restoring her health to full.

Finally, amidst the roar of the Seraphim Statue, its stone body crashed to the bottom, turning into a pool of rubble.

And at this time, Lin Tai's mission was finally completed.

The Seraph's blade broke away from Sophie's hand, flew into the air, and then burst out a faint golden light, shining on her whole body.

Immediately afterwards, Sophie's body gradually floated into midair, and began to gradually fly towards the Seraph's blade.

A burst of destructive light flashed from Sophie's body, and then Lin Tai saw that the Seraph's blade turned into a long bow, which was carried by Sophie on his back.

That's right, the Seraph Blade has the ability to change its shape according to the owner's wishes. Although it can't change attributes and data like a commandment, it's not bad.

Then, new wings appeared behind Sophie!

The original Sufiel had eleven pairs of wings, but now, she has obtained a brand new twelfth pair of wings, which means that she has finally been promoted to become a middle god.

According to Lin Tai's understanding, when an angelic creature becomes a high god, the twelve pairs of wings will all merge into one, becoming her only pair of wings.

This is the so-called same goal by different routes.

But at least for now, Sophie still has an extra pair of wings, but this pair of wings is quite small, just at the bottom "It doesn't look very useful.

"Okay, now that the task has been completed, let's go." Lin Tai said indifferently from the side.

"No, we, I can't go yet."

Sophie said so.

"Huh?" Lin Tai was taken aback for a moment, and then asked strangely, "Did something happen?"

"Well, the will of this planet has chosen me, and it needs me to become a new great lord, to help this planet regain its vitality...

"That's it."

Lin Tai nodded, and then said: "Alright, after all, you are my hero, and you have been recognized by the will of the planet, so stay here for now.

Yes, Lin Tai agreed to let Sophie stay here.

Because for one thing, Lin Tai has special skills, and can summon his heroes to help him fight in front of him anytime and anywhere.

……ask for flowers……

In this way, he does not have to carry these heroes with him.

Secondly, with the will of the planet, or the will of the planet with the same attributes as his own, Sufier's combat power can also be greatly improved.

Although Sufiel could only help Lin Tai fight with the combat power of a mid-god when she removed the badge of the great lord, but having a planetary will at least means that her strength is definitely stronger than without it.

Of course, because the planet was severely damaged, and many powerful combatants died in the chaos just now, Lin Tai also left behind his one hundred trillion slashing angels.

This trillions of slashing angels are enough to make Sufier the overlord of this generation of star field.

"Then take care, I'll leave first, and I'll call you if there's anything to do." Lin Tai waved at Sophie, and then left on his own.

After Lin Tai left, Sophie began to restore the broken planet.

However, not long after Lin Tai left, Lin Tai received another call request from a player, this time, the call request he got was from Lei Zhen.

"Well, what's going on?" Lin Tai asked a little strangely.

"Xiu, Lord Shura, Mei Chuan Yifu, he has rebelled!"

"What? Reverse?"

Lin Tai also asked a little strangely: "Then don't you want to kill him quickly? I gave you so many units, it's impossible to kill the chief executive of a small planet, right?

"This, this is not only Meichuan Yifu alone, he also signed a contract with a strong man from another planet, and now things are very troublesome!".

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