At this time, the body of the Lava Tyrannosaurus King was hit by Lin Tai, and both sides fell rapidly in the air!

Of course the Lava Tyrannosaurus King wants to fight back, but this time Lin Tai's burst of power is too powerful, and his skills can't resist at all!

Now it can only watch Lin Tai lead him down at high speed.


Immediately, Lin Tai took the lava tyrannosaurus king and smashed it hard on the ground, as if a meteorite hit the earth, creating a super huge crater on the ground!

"Papa papa......."

The meteorite beside Lin Tai also quickly shattered, and then Lin Tai turned over and fell to the ground, wiping the sweat from his head.

"Phew, this move is really refreshing! The power feels quite impressive, and it can be used as a move I often use in the future."

And when I was thinking like this, suddenly the ground around me cracked open~!

At the same time, terrifying magma began to erupt from here, aiming at Lin Tai and attacking crazily-come!

"Still so alive?"

Lin Tai froze for a moment.

After experiencing the previous situation, now Lin Tai does not dare to resist the magma.

The moment he saw the magma rushing towards him, a spatial rift appeared beside Lin Tai.

Then Lin Tai got in quickly and disappeared here on the spot.

The terrifying magma collided together, creating a violent flame vortex on the spot.

And Lin Tai suddenly appeared in the distance at this time, and at the same time put the judgment in his hand into the backpack, and then he took out a button from his backpack.

After pressing the button, a huge boomerang appeared in his hand.

Name: Virtual Boomerang

Attribute: None

Level: Legendary

Type: Weapon

Damage: high


Fire extinguishing: When the virtual boomerang is thrown, the surrounding flames will automatically avoid it.

Description: The virtual boomerang is a technological product. When attacking, the surrounding fire elements will automatically avoid it.

At this moment, Lin Tai flicked it suddenly, and the virtual boomerang in his hand flew out directly, and rushed to the center of this vortex of flames!

In an instant, these flames began to fly around and disappeared in front of Lin Tai.

But this time, a figure appeared in the fire scene!

That's right, this is a figure, not the figure of the Lava Tyrannosaurus King!

Lin Tai took a look immediately and found that this guy is indeed the Lava Tyrannosaurus King, but the Lava Tyrannosaurus King was hit hard just now, and the first life was killed by Lin Tai. "Now switch to

At this time, the lava tyrannosaurus king in the second form did not launch an attack immediately, but waved on the spot, and a large number of lava tyrannosaurus appeared behind it!


Tens of trillions of lava tyrannosaurus roared at the same time, and suddenly a terrifying air wave spread rapidly towards the surroundings.

And in the surrounding area, all the volcanoes affected by this air wave erupted in an instant, and countless magma shot up into the sky!

"The summoning of the arms has already begun..."

Lin Tai also had a thought, wanting to summon his own troops.

But at this time, he found that all his arms were gray, which indicated that they could not be summoned!

"Strange, what's going on?" Lin Tai wondered in his heart.

[System prompt: Player Lin Tai, you are currently in a special game mode, and you can and can only use the local units of b-Dinosaur Star. 】


"Oh, so it is like this, that is to say, I need to lead these dinosaurs to fight the dinosaur god, and my arms are temporarily sealed."

Nodding his head, Lin Tai also summoned the Desert Horned Dragon King.

At this time, the desert horned dragon king has fully adapted to Lin Tai's identity.

"How many arms do you have?"

"There are thirty-two trillion." The Desert Horned Dragon King said: "These are the direct forces that I can mobilize, and the other combat power [is in the hands of some dinosaur lords who are weaker than me.


"Well, thirty-two trillion. The quantity is less than the opponent, and the quality is also weaker than the opponent. It is indeed difficult to fight. But I am here."

Lin Tai nodded and said, "I will support the lava tyrannosaurus king, and you lead your people to defeat the rest of the lava tyrannosaurus, should there be no problem?"

"Of course, master!"

"Okay, the battle begins!"

Lin Tai also rushed up suddenly, the Chaos Commandment in his hand suddenly burst out with a burst of power, driven by Lin Tai, it turned into a black giant dragon, and attacked the Lava Tyrannosaurus King fiercely.


With a roar, a huge ax suddenly appeared in the hands of the Lava Tyrannosaurus King, burning with terrifying flames that would make people feel stinging at a glance.

"It turned out to be a first-class artifact!"

Lin Tai nodded, but the attack in his hand still didn't stop!

At this time, the big ax in the hands of the Chaos Law and the Lava Tyrannosaurus King collided fiercely.

Then, Lin Tai's body turned on the spot, and at the same time, Discipline pierced obliquely, and launched an attack on the lava tyrannosaurus king's neck with!.

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