But just when Lin Tai was wondering, a thunderbolt suddenly fell from the sky.

Lin Tai raised his hand subconsciously, and a black mist appeared above his head, blocking the opponent's attack head-on.

Then he retreated a distance abruptly, and at the same time he put the blood-stained battle flag in his backpack, and the commandments appeared in his hands.

It turned into a sniper rifle one after another.

He aimed at the enemy in the air and fired a bullet.


The bullet hit the target, but did not cause any damage. The opponent blocked this attack just like Lin Tai just now.

Looking up, Lin Tai saw that it was a humanoid monster with a gray aura floating in the air, and it was staring at him.


Both Lin Tai and the other party have noticed the strength of the other party, and they are the same gods as themselves!

"Physically strong, but I can win!"

They all said this in their hearts.

In the next second, both of them moved.


The commandment in Lin Tai's hand turned into a long knife, and he slashed backwards, only to be blocked by a long spear.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai's hands suddenly exploded with an extremely fast speed, and countless phantoms appeared around him, and then suddenly stabbed at the person in front of him.

At this time, Lin Tai took two steps back again, and at the same time, bursts of terrifying power appeared, and he struck out again, hitting the opponent's body head-on.

The two forces collided together, and a terrifying explosion erupted immediately, directly blasting a big hole in the ground around the two sides.

Both sides retreated a certain distance at the same time, this time no one had the upper hand in the collision, Lin Tai was hit with a wound in the abdomen, while the opponent had a piece of flesh chopped off by Lin Tai on the shoulder!

The zombie virus on the wound began to try to infect Lin Tai's body, but Lin Tai, as the upper god of the dark attribute, is also very powerful, and to some extent is not much different from zombies.

"Hmph, next time I will definitely eat you up!"

The other party snorted coldly, then turned around and disappeared here on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai also failed to catch up.

He stretched out his hand and pressed on his abdomen, and suddenly a layer of dark divine power appeared, expelling these gray undead powers from his body.

Then, Lin Tai took out a tube of potion from his backpack, drank it on the spot, and the wound on his body healed immediately.

"Go back and have a look."

Heaving a sigh of relief, Lin Tai also took back Sophie, and flew back towards Hope Town.

Only this time, Lin Tai suddenly noticed a problem while flying.

That is, in Hope Town at this time, there is actually a very powerful force!

"what happened?"

Lin Tai didn't go back immediately, but flew over Hope Town, monitoring the whole Hope Town through the dark power he released.

He saw that Exodes was holding some kind of ceremony in the center of Hope Town at this time, and a group of residents of Hope Town surrounded him, making actions that he didn't know what happened.

Then, the blood energy released by those people killed by Lin Tai was actually gathered at this time, and began to gather continuously in front of Ethodes.

Their souls were also gathered together, began to control the actions of these blood energy, gathered together, and finally all gathered in the corpses of these life dragon gods.

……ask for flowers……

"What is Exodes doing?" Lin Tai also looked at the other party's situation with some doubts. He didn't act immediately, but waited for a while on the spot.

I saw that the corpses of these life dragon gods began to absorb the blood energy of these people crazily, not even letting go of their souls.

After they were completely absorbed, they immediately became crystal clear and translucent, not as if they had been contaminated by a zombie virus before.

"It seems to be alive, this is really interesting, let me see what you will do in the future."


Smiling, Lin Tai also didn't expose the other party directly, but pretended that he had just come back and knocked on the door.

Having seen Lin Tai's strength, the remaining survivors of Hope Town naturally did not dare to stop him, and immediately rushed forward to open the door for Lin Tai.

"Well, what happened here?" Lin Tai asked casually.

"It's nothing, just cleaned up the blood and corpses." Esodes's face was a little pale, but he still insisted.


Lin Tai pretended to be indifferent, then walked up again, and said, "I killed two more zombie lords. "I also brought back the remains of the Dragon God of Life."

"Very good!"

Esodes said happily, his originally pale face turned a little bloody.

Soon, the two returned to the hut again.

Lin Tai handed him the things he had just obtained, and Esodes also said: "I still need a certain amount of time to purify the remains of the gods, and I can't help you for the time being."

"In addition to the remains of the gods, I also obtained eight other ten things."

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