Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1683: The Battle Begins

As for the lightning giant dragon and the green dragons, they all turned into gigantic phantoms of giant dragons, only with changes in body shape, and the rest of them had very little difference.


But King Longwei doesn't have this ability at all.

Although the zombie army is powerful, their will is too chaotic, and it is impossible to become a battle formation as the power of the lord.

So now, King Longwei is in a very dangerous situation!


As soon as Lin Tai gave an order, the Thunder Blade slashed out in an instant, attacking King Longwei viciously.

Facing the attack at this time, King Longwei also reacted instantly, and punched Thunder Mantis's joints fiercely with his huge fist.

But at this moment, Thor and Linglong launched attacks from two other directions at the same time!

Faced with this dangerous attack, King Longwei had no choice but to give up the attack on the Thunder Blade, chose to retreat suddenly, and then attacked Thor and Linglong with his left and right arms at the same time!

These two people are still lower gods now, even though they gathered a lot of power, they were still knocked out on the spot.

However, their existence still attracted King Longwei's attention.

At this time, the Thunder Blade suddenly advanced a certain distance, and the sharp blade directly saw a wound on King Longwei's chest.

Originally, the Thunder Mantis was a unit that gave up defense against specialized attacks. At this time, the Thunder Blade of the middle god level has gained a lot of power, and it is no longer something Dragon Might King can block.

The wound from this blow was almost bone-deep, and the health value was greatly reduced.

Before it could react, Thunderblade's body suddenly disappeared in place.

In the next second, the Thunder Blade appeared behind King Longwei, and once again slashed at King Longwei's back, creating another huge wound.

"Damn guy 々!"

Letting out a roar, King Longwei immediately turned his hand and hit the Thunder Blade.

But at this time, Thunder Blade's body instantly dissipated and appeared on the battle formation again. Just as King Longwei turned around to attack, it slashed with two knives again, causing a cross-shaped wound on King Longwei's chest .

King Longwei's body was immediately repelled by two steps.

But at this moment, Linglong and Thor attacked at the same time, and two extremely thick lightning bolts fell from the sky, slamming on King Longwei's body.

Immediately afterwards, a strange layer of energy appeared, King Longwei's will was confused by the power of the dream, and he began to sway.

"For the first time, this ability is really strong."

Just when King Longwei was controlled by the power of the dream, Lin Tai, Thunderblade, Linglong, and Thor rushed forward at the same time, and then the attacks landed on King Longwei at the same time

King Longwei spit out a mouthful of black blood immediately!

Zombies generally don't have blood, and this little bit of blood is an important substance that supports their bodies enough to exist.

At this time, King Longwei spurted black blood, indicating that he had been seriously injured by Lin Tai.

"The life value is less than 10%, go to die."

After finishing speaking, the precepts turned into a huge guillotine knife in Lin Tai's hands, and slashed fiercely at King Longwei's head.

But at this moment, suddenly a figure appeared behind Lin Tai, and the ten claws attacked Lin Tai's back!

"It's really bearable, and finally came out!"

Lin Tai tilted his left eye back and noticed the opponent's existence, but there was no reaction on his hand, but continued to chop down fiercely towards King Longwei's head.

Realizing that the other party did not act according to his plan at all, that existence was also a little surprised.

But also being a high god, he responded immediately, causing a huge wound on Lin Tai's back with his paw.

However, Lin Tai's actions were still not affected in any way. He still slashed fiercely at King Longwei's neck, and immediately chopped off its head.

"--I am immortal, I am Longwei..."


Before King Longwei could finish his last words, Lin Tai slashed at its head again, splitting its head in half.

Before its soul wanted to leave the body, Lin Tai stretched out his hand again, activated the skill, and the soul died.

Immediately, King Longwei's soul was smashed to pieces [it disappeared completely on the spot.

And at this time (Li Zhao), the dragon horn appeared in Lin Tai's hands.

"Hahaha, it's too late for you to do anything now!"

The guy behind him was very happy, and said loudly: "The power of the undead is irreversible, and you will soon become our kind!"

"Oh, it really is a weak god born by the power of the undead. I'm afraid you haven't seen the real high god before."

Lin Tai also sneered, then turned around, the commandment in his hand turned into a giant metal python, and bit down on the opponent's body with one bite.

At this time, Lin Tai also looked at the name on the top of the opponent's head, and as expected, it was another one of the three kings, King Longdan. .

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