At this time, Lin Tai rushed up with his three middle god heroes.

They are all fast.

Before the monster reacted, several pieces of flesh had been forcibly cut off and thrown into the black hole.

And at this time, Lin Tai launched another attack without hesitation, hitting the monster's body quickly and mercilessly.

What I didn't expect was that this time, the monster suddenly let out a rather ear-piercing howl.

At the same time, several middle god heroes started to lose blood!

"I wipe, so strong?"

Lin Tai was also taken aback for a moment.

He used the skill without hesitation, and an invigorating roar rang out, immediately offsetting the surrounding roars, but the effect of Lin Tai's invigorating roar skill was not successfully activated.

At the same time, Lin Tai also rushed forward again, stabbing the monster several times with the commandment in his hand, picking up the rotten flesh on its body.

At this time, the three god heroes next to him also gathered together, Sufier, Thunderblade, and Linglong gathered their power together at the same time.

Originally, the three powers of holy light, thunder and lightning, and power of life were difficult to integrate.

But all three heroes have contracts with Lin Tai.

Taking advantage of this, their power merged together in a relatively extreme way, and then formed an irregular ball, flying towards the monster in front.

"Although the power is good, there are still some things missing."

Seeing this irregular energy ball being thrown, Lin Tai took a step back suddenly, and then he mobilized his planetary will, and also sent out a ray.

This ray is composed of the power of the undead, the power of darkness, and the power of evil, and it happens to refute each other with the three attributes of life, holy light, and justice.

The moment the energy ball hit the monster's body, Lin Tai's ray also hit the energy ball head-on.

In an instant, there were six kinds of forces in this energy ball that were intolerable to each other and completely refuted by the three teams, and a quite terrifying explosion broke out directly!

Lin Tai immediately summoned a shield, blocking himself and the three heroes. ,

Although this explosion was terrifying, its residual power was not enough to hurt the high god, so it was easily blocked by Lin Tai.

At this time, his three heroes also relaxed a little, as if they felt that it was impossible for that monster to survive such a terrifying explosion.

But Lin Tai naturally would not make such a mistake.

"Don't relax, this guy is not dead yet."

Lin Tai stared at his system prompt column, he could see very clearly that there was no kill prompt displayed here.

In other words, this monster is still alive!

"Damn it, my rebirth!"

Suddenly a voice sounded.

Almost at the same time, a figure appeared in the smoke in front of him, he rushed towards Lin Tai suddenly, and at the same time slammed towards Lin Tai's shield fiercely.


The shield on Lin Tai was easily destroyed!

At this time, Lin Tai retreated a certain distance without hesitation, and at the same time used a skill on the broken shield in front of him, and the shield exploded.

Shield Explosion: Detonate a shield, causing AOE damage to surrounding enemy targets according to the defense and vitality of the shield.

At this time, the shield summoned by Lin Tai exploded directly, and then instantly knocked the monster into the air.

...asking for flowers...

At this time, Lin Tai finally saw its appearance clearly.

At this time, the lump of minced meat has been completely blown away, and this is a humanoid creature with a tall and thin body and sharp claws.


But at this moment, it made a sound again, as if it was a roaring monster, but the sound was relatively low and not too harsh.

So at this time, Lin Tai also rushed forward again, swung the sharp blade in his hand fiercely, and slashed heavily on the opponent's chest.

In an instant, the monster flew upside down, and then fell heavily on the ground.

Almost at the same time, Lin Tai also took back his three heroes. This guy is a bit strong, and he feels like a guy at the upper god level, so his three middle gods are easy to die.

Name: %¥#

Race: unidentifiable

Tier: Undetectable

Grade: can't show

Skills: Unclassifiable

Description: The living dead from another universe, it seems to have a special ability to absorb nutrients from the living body, kill it!

[System prompt: Player Lin Tai, you have triggered an emergency campaign mission, the invasion of another universe, call other players and forces to block the invasion of another universe. 】

Urgent Campaign Mission: Invasion from Another Universe

Mission Level: Positive Infinity

Task Difficulty: Positive Infinity

Task rewards: Depends on task contribution

Mission objective: Repel the forces invading the universe

Mission description: We do not welcome any invasion from other universes, and the laws of physics must not be changed in any way.

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