Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1739: Back To The City

After finishing everything that needs to be done, Lin Tai and the rest of the people boarded the spaceship again, and returned to Naranyel with the herbs they needed.

It's just that on the planet, Lin Tai didn't act immediately. Instead, he split up with the others and took the King of Destruction Cosmic Spider to the alliance headquarters to register.

Because the King of Destroyer Cosmic Demon Spider is a recorded evil monster, after Lin Tai subdues it, he needs to go to the headquarters to register and erase its bad record and wanted list.

Otherwise, it is very likely to be attacked by other adventurers on Naran Yar.

"Oh, it turned out to be such a powerful monster!"

Along the way, a large number of civilians looked at the King of Destruction Cosmic Spider, and couldn't help but let out bursts of exclamation.

And the current King of Destruction Cosmic Demon Spider already knew that Lin Tai's strength turned out to be a terrifying upper god, so he didn't dare to argue with him.

In addition, Linglong's strength is not weaker than her own, and even the powerful life force makes the King of Destruction Cosmic Spider a little afraid, so now the King of Destruction Cosmic Spider is still very obedient.

And just when they came to the alliance headquarters to register, South Stark and the four members of the ancient family adventure group had also returned to his store on this planet.

Because Naran Yeer is a place where there are often wars around, but the wars rarely spread to this planet, so it is quite profitable to sell alchemy potions here.

So South Stark's home is also quite huge. What you can see is a super tall building with 35 floors, and every ten miles is as high as 20 meters.

"Let's go, I invite you to taste the best food, wine, and beauties I brought from other planets!"

"Hahaha, we are so lucky to be able to enjoy the hospitality of South Stark!" Gu Yi said with a smile.

"That's right, the Stark family is so rich, one (cebc) will definitely not be stingy." Gu San also said.

While several people were teasing each other, South Stark opened the door and led everyone in.

But here the lights were suddenly turned off.

"what happened?"

Gu Si subconsciously wanted to open the door, but found that the door had been locked by some force at some point, and they couldn't get out with their current strength.

"No, something happened!"

"Hey, hello, everyone!"

Suddenly a strange voice remembered.

Then they saw that a person came out in front, and immediately after that, dozens of people walked out behind him.

"who are you?!"

With a roar, the three lower gods, the ancient one, the ancient two, the ancient three, all rushed forward and stood in front of Sous Stark.

And South Stark's bodyguards of the lower gods who were hiding in the dark also rushed out.

As the young master of the Stark family, Soth Stark naturally has a middle god by his side, but not long ago, he stayed in Kajila because of something.

So now, there are only these low gods around Soth Stark to protect him.

"Hahaha, who are we? Have you forgotten, your greatest enemy?"

With that said, this guy directly showed his face!

It turned out to be the third leader of the Greedy Wolf Adventure Group, the musician Ackerman, a middle god-level master!

"Hahaha, didn't your Stark family always want to cultivate an electric insurance group that can fight against our greedy wolf adventure group? You chose the car melon split date of these city families? It's ridiculous!"

As he said that, he swung his guitar directly, and slashed at the few people in front of him fiercely.

"Damn it!"

The Gu family and the Greedy Wolf Adventure Group had a deep hatred, and it was impossible for them to surrender, so Gu Yi directly blocked it at this moment.

The power used by the opponent is not considered strong, at best it is at the level of the mid-god's playfulness, so the strength of the high-god below the ancient one is still taken over.

But at this moment, a terrifying force suddenly came from the guitar, Gu Yi spit out a mouthful of blood, and then flew out of the body...

Just when these people were facing a strong enemy, Lin Tai had just registered the identity of the King of Destruction Cosmic Demon Spider, and then rode it away from the alliance headquarters.

At this time, Lin Tai happened to see some spaceships suddenly appear and flew towards South Stark's shop.

"No, something happened!"

Lin Tai immediately sensed something was wrong.

In fact, the four members of the Gu Family Adventure Group are a powerful and friendly vehicle for Lin Tai to convey himself to the world, so they are somewhat important.

And South Stark is the local force that Lin Tai needs to befriend, so if something happens to him, it will be quite troublesome.

So now seeing such a thing happening, Lin Tai will be a little nervous.

After all, he is still in a relatively weak place in the universe now. Lin Tai doesn't know what kind of strong and masters are watching secretly in other regions. .

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