Soon, several spaceships arrived at the cemetery on the planet Naranyel

Lin Tai walked up and said strangely: "I feel a very strong force, you guys may not be able to bear it, wait a minute and don't rush too far.

None of these people agree with what Lin Tai said.

Because in the Saros galaxy and the heart galaxy, there has not been a strong person who has reached the level of a high god for a long time.

Therefore, they all believed that the middle gods themselves were hard to find opponents, and even if the opponent had middle gods, they would still be able to run away.

So they are very dismissive of Lin Tai's statement, thinking that Lin Tai is just sensationalizing and wanting to take more credit.

And since they think so, Lin Tai is too lazy to take care of it.

After all, the life and death of these people has nothing to do with him.

And at this time, when the spaceship landed on the ground, several people walked out of the cabin, and happened to see that several soldiers were fighting an escaped undead.

One of the soldiers with demigod strength rushed forward, and stabbed the opponent's chest with a spear in his hand, and then the twelfth-level warrior next to him rushed forward, slashing at his body with the knife in his hand.


Soon, the undead was killed by their joint efforts.

And Lin Tai looked at the people around and said: "We are adventurers, and we are here to help you~||.


After the death of the tomb guard, the commander here became another demigod. The strong man who saw the other side didn't want to come out immediately, so these little soldiers didn't escape.

They guard here conscientiously, killing the escaped undead monsters, waiting for support.

"Adventurer? Are you an adventurer?"

There were bursts of cheers behind him, but the demigod who took over the command took a look at the plaque on Lin Tai's chest, and said, "It's only a Bronze rank, and it won't be of much use at all, you'd better leave quickly! "

"What are those spaceships behind you? If you're not even at the Bronze level, then don't approach them. This is not a place for guys of your level to come!"


Lin Tai smiled, although the other party's attitude was not very good, but he was really a good person, and what he wanted in his heart was to keep Lin Tai and others from dying.

But can the current Lin Tai go?

The answer is of course no.

"Look behind you." Lin Tai said suddenly.


Several people immediately turned their heads to look, and found a very huge monster crawling out of the cemetery. It possesses quite powerful strength. It is not weak at all.

"This, isn't this the war horse of His Majesty the first generation king? Is it hard to find the crossbow that died on the interstellar battlefield? It has also been resurrected?"

For a moment, these people all felt an inexplicable chill on their bodies.

You must know that Nuzi is hard to find, but it is a monster of the middle god level, and its strength is extremely strong. Even after such a long time, it has rotted a lot, and the strength of the lower god cannot escape.

In the King Saros galaxy, the ranking of strength is generally linked to the level of adventurers, because most people don't know or understand the level of gods.

In the eyes of the vast majority of ordinary people, a god is a god, and there is no difference between a lower god and a higher god.

At this time, Lin Tai also said: "This guy is not weak, but!"

The moment he said these words, a very dazzling light appeared in Lin Tai's hand!

Sun Spear!

The Sun Lance is a special skill obtained by Lin Tai after in-depth exchanges with Sophie after he acquired the light attribute. Because of the serious conflict between the light attribute and the dark attribute, Lin Tai did not have the light attribute skill before.

Sun Spear: Consume a certain amount of light attribute divine power to create a Sun Spear. The attack power of the Sun Lance is related to the amount of divine power consumed.

This skill doesn't look very strong.

Although the manufactured weapon has high attack power, it does not have any special effects. As a blank board, it is basically meaningless.

But Lin Tai has more than just this skill.

The matching skill is Goblin Throwing!

Goblin Throw: Throw out the weapon in your hand, destroy it directly (by promise), and cause super huge damage to the target related to the attack power of the weapon itself.

This skill was originally used to throw explosive weapons, which can greatly increase the damage of explosives, but now the Sun Spear in Lin Tai's hand is basically the attack power of a first-class artifact. If it is consumed, the damage caused is very high. horrifying.

-- Inject a little less, so as not to arouse suspicion. "

As he said that, Lin Tai injected very little divine power of the light attribute, barely allowing the Sun Lance to reach the attack power of a medium divine weapon.

Then Lin Tai waved his hand and activated the skill Goblin Throwing. In an instant, the Sun Spear pierced Nuzi's hard-to-find chest fiercely, bursting out a dazzling holy light. .

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