Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1748: Destructive Power

"Thanks, but no need."

Lin Tai also said with a smile: "However, Master Stark, you should still remember your promise?"

In fact, what Ed Stark promised Lin Tai is that if the truth is what Lin Tai said, then Lin Tai can successfully rescue Thor Stark, then the Stark family will join Lin Tai's men.

This point, in fact, is not only because of the relationship between saving lives.

More importantly, Ed Stark discovered Lin Tai's strength, and he may be the upper god who has not appeared in the entire Saros galaxy for a long time.

It is said that one upper god can fight against hundreds of middle gods at the same time, or even more.

But now, there are very few median Shendu in the entire King Saros galaxy, and this galaxy is very remote, so Ed Stark thinks that if Lin Tai is really the upper god, then the Stark family can become the opponent. vassals, then the development will be more rapid.

In other words, a superpower came to another galaxy, what is his purpose? Maybe he really came to do good things, right?

So what Ed Stark did, he actually chose to stand in line in advance. He chose to stand on Lin Tai's side and help Lin Tai deal with his matriarch.

In fact, Eddard Stark has no concept of belonging to the so-called galaxy, because a galaxy is too big.

You can’t be born in this galaxy and really fall in love with every inch of space in this galaxy, right? If you have your own planet, that home will be the end of it.

So at this time, Ed Stark sold the King Saros galaxy without hesitation. In fact, as a medicine refiner, he was usually squeezed enough.

As a kind-hearted businessman, Ed Stark has always tried his best to make most of the medicines available to the people, and the profits can be as little as possible. Only the medicines specially sold to the strong can earn a good salary.

But the ruler of the Saros galaxy, the king and his nobles, are all spending money lavishly, and when they have no money, they will search for the people's fat and anointment. As a relatively rich businessman, Ed Stark is exploited Naturally, there are quite a lot.

After all, Eddard Stark is an apothecary, not a businessman.

But now, he felt that Lin Tai seemed to be quite an enlightened person, at least not worse than the current king, maybe the galaxy ruled by him would be even better.

In fact, it is true. The galaxy ruled by Lin Tai can’t be said to be politically sound and harmonious, at least it can be said to be mediocre. At least in terms of tax rates, Lin Tai is still very comfortable.

He hasn't gone crazy to collect 70% of the tax.

And now, Lin Tai has not chosen to expose himself, so he did not let Ed Stark take refuge in him immediately, but said: "Don't move things for now, you live as usual, take your grandson home first 々々."


At this time, Ed Stark nodded immediately.

Then the matter was thrown on Lin Tai's head again.

Now he has too many things to do, but there are too few super powerful monsters in this galaxy, Lin Tai still needs a higher reputation, so that he can quickly become a diamond extreme adventurer .

So, it's time to implement a brand new strategy, let yourself play the leading role, and let your reputation quickly spread throughout the galaxy.

So far, Lin Tai has collected some of the belongings left by the Somali pirate group, and then handed over the rest to the guards of Naran Yar City, and then went back quietly.

And at this time, Lin Tai's divine court has been built in the depths of the universe.

In fact, it was originally the hometown of Lin Tai from another universe.

And Lin Tai in this universe is also a player, and he is the last player, but he is completely opposite to Lin Tai in this universe.

He is a deity of light attribute.

Therefore, after Lin Tai came to this universe, he would awaken the attribute of light, because in the judgment of the game, Lin Tai from the two universes is actually one person.

Only now, Lin Tai in this universe is dead.

That's right, it's dead.

All the players in this universe were killed in a different universe invasion, and only a few hidden strongholds remained.

And here, it is another Lin Tai's home Shen.

It is also because of this that the teddy bear that Lin Tai met clung to him.

This teddy bear is another Lin Tai's pet, and its strength is quite powerful. Now, it has signed a contract with Lin Tai. Although the owner has changed, it is still Lin Tai, which is also his greatest wish.

As for the fusion of the two divine courts, it is basically completed.

Lin Tai in this universe is also a highgod, and he became a highgod earlier than Lin Tai on Earth, and he also has four midgod-level heroes under his command.

The first is the holy mantis Guwalido. .

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