The blow instantly knocked the long sword out of Rocks' hands.

He turned around to pick it up without hesitation, but the Blackscale Corpse King Dragon tried to stop it but failed.

Because the size of the Blackscale Corpse King Dragon is a bit too big, it is a bit in the way in this cave.

So it failed to rush out.

And Rocks grabbed his long sword, and then slashed backwards, just right on the body of a rotten titan, causing not too much damage.

And the moment its attack hit, a large amount of rotten flesh suddenly fell from the rotten titan's body. This kind of extremely corrosive attack caused a very strong danger to the opponent on the spot.

Ke Rocks sensed a dangerous aura, and immediately raised his hand, a purple-red light shot out, attacking the black-scale corpse king dragon head-on.

At this time, the Blackscale Corpse King Dragon also raised his hand, blocking the opponent's attack with his claws.

Then it also broke out a roar.

The dragon's roar instantly affected Ke Rocks' actions, and he rolled again, rolling a distance on the ground. At the same time, the long sword in his hand was also attached by a divine power, causing certain damage to the body of the Black Scaled Corpse King Dragon.

However, this damage is still very small after all.

There were almost no wounds on the body of the Blackscale Corpse King Dragon.

Immediately afterwards, it grabbed Rocks' weapon and said: "Although you look so small, since you meet the conditions required by the master

Then I will not kill you, I will bring you back to the court of God..."

But at this time, all of Ke Rocks' tricks were easily resolved by the opponent, and now he is in a state of fear and despair.

So Ke Rocks turned around and ran without hesitation, crying while running, as if he found that his previous efforts were too ridiculous.

"Want to run?"

But at this time, the Blackscale Corpse King Dragon had killed too many people, and suddenly felt that his body seemed to be a little out of control.

A rather berserk force appeared in its mind, seeming to be affecting its will.


Raising his head and roaring, the body of the Blackscale Corpse King Dragon suddenly changed again, and a large number of strange things appeared from its body.

Runaway state!

In order to enhance the strength of this guy, Lin Tai deliberately added a passive skill to him, that is, he can absorb souls by killing, and then use the souls to ignite the undead on his body.

Yes, after the Blackscale Corpse King Dragon was transformed by Lin Tai, his body is no longer just his own bones.

In addition to his own corpse, Lin Tai also forcibly transformed the bodies of a large number of dead people into the power of the Black-Scaled Corpse King Dragon.

But at this time, Lin Tai's help made the Black Scaled Corpse King Dragon fall into a state of rampage.

This is the first time it has felt this kind of feeling, every part of its body seems to have its own consciousness.

However, the control of the Black Scaled Corpse King Dragon has been weakened a lot.

These bones seemed to want to kill, and the continuous killing gradually began to eat back the soul of the Blackscale Corpse King Dragon, making it even crazier.

"Kill, kill... what I have to do is... kill!"

In an instant, the Blackscale Corpse King Dragon lost control.

Then it suddenly chased in the direction where Rocks was fleeing.

But at this time, Ke Rocks was already terrified, he ran all the way out, and escaped without hesitation.

"G Rocks!"

And the boss of the space pirate group saw that the number one expert beside him ran away like this, he was also a little puzzled, and wanted to follow up to see what happened

But before he could move, suddenly the Black Scaled Corpse King Dragon rushed up. The current Blackscale Corpse King Dragon has entered a runaway state, and at the same time, its strength and appearance have undergone considerable changes.


In an instant, the bodies of hundreds of lower gods lying in ambush here were all blown to pieces, and those whose heads were not damaged turned into undead.


Immediately afterwards, it slapped countless interstellar pirates directly into the air.

Then he walked step by step to the place where Ke Rocks escaped.

Unexpectedly, when I came over to take a look, the people here (the ones who won the king) had completely disappeared.

"Damn it, it turned out to be a random teleportation array!"

The Blackscale Corpse King Dragon uttered a cry of unwilling anger.

Although it has gone crazy at this time, Lin Tai's order is still deeply remembered in its brain.

Lin Tai said that he needs to secretly capture some middle gods for experiments.

But now, because of the sudden madness of the Black Scaled Corpse King Dragon, the target of Ke Rocks escaped, and now the task Lin Tai set for himself could no longer be completed.

When Lin Tai thinks of his superior master, Lin Tai will give him a contemptuous look, and he just feels quite painful and unwilling.

"The shame of this time must be washed away!".

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