Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1756: The Battle Of One's Own

At this time, Lin Tai also returned to the planet of Naran Yar.

Then Lin Tai saw some people, who were gathering together, chatting or something.

Lin Tai immediately walked into the headquarters of the Adventurer's Guild in front of him, and then saw several senior people talking in front of him.

"Oh, the senior adventurers are in a meeting."

Lin Tai immediately walked over and said, "What are you talking about?"

"Well, actually, we found a rather powerful monster here, and we are discussing how to attack it."

"Oh, it's a monster."

Lin Tai probably knows about "163" now, and it is basically certain that it is the Black Scaled Corpse King Dragon.

And the current state of the Blackscale Corpse King Dragon is not very good, so if Lin Tai is killed, it will be considered a big loss, which is absolutely not possible.

So Lin Tai said: "I also have a little understanding of this matter."

So Lin Tai also told the people in front of him what he knew, embellished and embellished.

"Oh, I didn't expect it to be such a horrible event."

So Lin Tai also said: "Leave this matter to me."

"What? Leave it to you?"

Immediately, the people around were a little surprised and said: "This is a monster with extremely strong power, maybe it is an existence that only diamonds can match it!"

"Yes!" At this time, a person said rather disgustingly: "How can such a thing be entrusted to a newcomer like you?"

"Hehe, I have a trump card."

As he said that, Lin Tai took out what looked like a crystal cluster from his backpack.

Name: magic crystal

Type: Props

Tier: none

Effect: Seal a skill

Description: The magic-sealing crystal itself does not have any ability and energy display, but when you seal something suitable in it, you will get part of the opponent's level and effect.

At this time, this thing also looks a bit strange, and there is a strange thing attached to it.

Lin Tai held it and said: "This is a magic-sealing crystal that seals an attack from the upper god. No matter what kind of opponent it is, it can cause heavy damage, and then let it be slaughtered."

As he said that, Lin Tai also summoned his own power, slightly stimulated this power, and began to release it around everyone.

"This is impossible!"

Immediately, a person said: "This is the strength of the legendary king level. How can a guy like you have that kind of power?"

"Hehe, you can just go and appraise this kind of thing."

As he said that, Lin Tai took out the magic-sealing crystal and handed it to the president of the Adventurer's Guild.

"Okay, I'll take it for identification."

The president is still quite respected and trusted. After all, he is also a middle god and has quite a reputation. Lin Tai is not afraid that he will embezzle this thing and escape.

After all, a blow from a high god is just an attack, and when it is used up, it will be gone, and Kronos, the president of the Adventurer's Guild, is a person of considerable status and reputation.

Cronus also has a considerable status in the King Saros galaxy, and there is no need to do so.

At this time, Kronos immediately took this thing to appraise it.

Identification is still very fast....

Soon, Kronos came back with a heavy face and brought the magic sealing crystal, and put it on the table without saying anything.

"Hahaha, I just said that this thing must be fake?"

At this time, a person stood up directly, picked it up casually, and wanted to throw it on the ground.

"Wait, don't!"

At this time, Kronos suddenly let out a scream, and quickly slapped it on the face, and then snatched the magic-sealing crystal.

"President, what are you doing? Could it be..."

"I'm just asking what you want to do!"

As he said that, Kronos also placed the magic crystal on the table very carefully, and said: "This is a fetish that seals the power of the high god, and you want to destroy it? Are you really with me?" As in the rumors, there is collusion with monsters in the wild, do you want to reduce the power of our adventurer's union?"

"No, no, I definitely don't have that idea!"

At this time, this person also quickly waved his hand, and said flatteringly: "I just don't believe that a newcomer will have such a thing. 4.6 is definitely afraid that he will brag about himself, and then be killed when challenging monsters. I am What a sincere kindness!"

"Hmph, who knows." Another person who didn't deal with him very much said immediately.

And at this time, another person hurriedly said: "But having said that, Mr. Shura's strength is really strong. Not only is he very strong, but he also has such powerful props. Presumably, ordinary monsters are no match for you at all." Bar?"

"Yeah, it's really too strong. I really didn't expect you to have such a trump card! How can someone who can have this kind of thing be only silver-level?".

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