Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1759: Changes In The King Saros Galaxy

For Crom, the current situation is too problematic.

Because even the light blow of the middle god Ashara was an earth-shattering blow for Crom.

At this time, Crom took a step back without hesitation, gave up using the shield to resist the physiognomy, and dodged the opponent's attack.

At this moment, Ashara's attack landed fiercely, attacking Crom again.

This time, Crom felt that the opponent's attack was weaker than before, so he tried to block it with a shield.

It turned out to be this gear, and suddenly Ashara kicked it out, immediately sending Crom flying.

Then Crom also suddenly flew upside down and fell to the ground.

Without hesitation, Ashara rushed forward, and the sword in her hand fell forward, pointing at the tip of Crome's nose.

"Although you have a sword in your hand, you can't concentrate all your energy on the sword, because your enemies may attack with different moves at any time.


"One more time after so long!"

As he spoke, he swung the sword in his hand again, and landed on Chrome in front of him.

And Crom also picked up the weapon to block.

"Unfortunately, this time it is exactly the same result."

With a sneer, Ashara immediately raised her foot and kicked Crom.

And Crome activated his skill at this moment, the iron wall, and a layer of shield energy appeared in front of him, blocking Ai Suanla's attack.

"Giant Slash!"

At this moment, after parrying Ashara's attack, Crom immediately jumped up high, and then directly fell with a knife, slashing towards the opponent.

This blow suddenly exploded (cebe) and issued a rather powerful attack.

"Oh? The attack this time is quite good."

But to Ashara, this blow was really useless, this time the compliment was just to praise his ability to respond to this blow.

Immediately afterwards, Ashara also exerted her strength again, immediately throwing Crom flying, hitting a wall.

"Well, this move of yours is quite good, and you will also think about how to make subsequent connections when you fight with others. Now this move is still not good enough.

"Okay, I will remember your suggestion!" Crome said immediately.

"Well, the training time is over now." Ashara said to herself.

"Yeah, the training time is over, I should go back to protect His Royal Highness

Crom also immediately recalled his responsibilities.

Then he immediately bowed to Ashara in front of him, and said: "Sorry, I have to go to the prince's side for protection now."

After speaking, Crom ran away directly.

Although Crom had many scars on his body and was very tired, he didn't care about it, and ran towards the prince without hesitation.

"Is he talented again?"

At this moment, a figure appeared beside Ashara, asking curiously.

"not at all."

At this time, Ashara also shook her head, and said: "Although he is very hardworking, he is quite weak among the fighters I have seen.

"If he goes to be an adventurer, his strength will be at the silver level at most, and he may not be qualified to become a gold level in his life."

"That's it."

The people on the side nodded.

But Ashara didn't die, he continued: "But there is a limit to talent, but no experience. If he is only protecting the prince in the palace, his current strength is enough..."

At this time, Lin Tai's work did not stop.

Because in the court of God, Lin Tai has another hero who has completed his own fusion.

This time, Tai's added helper of the upper god is Jing Tian Sanlei Thor.

But now Lin Tai has not checked its data card.

Because now he is trying to find a way to let a person go to the capital of the King Saros galaxy.

"Let who go, and in what name?"

These are all questions that Lin Tai must think about.

But soon, Yutai came to a conclusion.

That is, the person he will send this time is the Holy Thunder King Katok.

Because the human image that Katok turned into was an old man with white beard and hair, and the human images of several other people were not particularly suitable.

An old man walking in the royal city is the least likely to be suspected. And he is very calm now, in Lin Tai's view, Katok is also the only one who can take on this big task.

"It's been decided for so long!" Lin Tai imitated Pokémon's tone and said, "Now, Katok, I'm going to give you a very difficult task!"

"Please issue an order!"

"Yeah!" Lin Tai said with satisfaction: "I'm going to send you to the king capital planet in the king Saros galaxy. You need to find any clues of the lone wolf in the king capital and report to me. At the same time, you also need Form cliques and establish an intelligence network of your own!".

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