Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1766 Lin Tai's Prestige

At this time, Xie Wangzhi said: "Just now, the adventurer named Black Shura has returned to Naran Yeer, he destroyed a planet, and according to the battle report he submitted, he killed at least Three powerful monsters with diamond-level strength!"

"Three? Two of them?"

"No, it's him." Xie Wangzhi shook his head, and then said: "And according to the news from my intelligence network, this matter seems to have been approved now

"It turned out to be like this!" At this time, Stallone was also stunned, "There is such a strong strength, I am afraid that it is already stronger than "720" Ashara?"

"I don't know if Ashara can do it."

Xie Wangzhi shook his head, and then said: "But one thing is certain, that is, the opponent passed this rating, and his points have increased a lot again, "one step closer to the master level."

"Grandmaster level, that is a title that can only be obtained if you make a huge contribution or complete a very difficult task. Until now, I didn't dare to think about it.

Stallone said: "For general missions, depending on the accumulation of points, it is basically the limit to reach the diamond level, so our king Saros galaxy only has diamond-level powerhouses."

"Yeah, but..."

At this time, Xie Wangzhi still wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say it, but stopped what he said.

"I am very aware of the strength of everyone [the Flaming Roses will never lose to this newcomer, Crom immediately showed his demeanor of licking dogs.

"Haha, thank you for your compliment." Although Stallone said this, he didn't smile enough. It seemed that he also thought that his strength was probably not as good as Lin Tai's.

Yes, what Lin Tai is doing now is no longer something that the middle god can do, but it seems that there are many high-god powers that can be used in the Saros galaxy, so it is possible to do this. Not surprisingly, so far, Lin Tai's achievements have not been questioned.

Most of the people gave him praise for this new strong man.

"So, we are now going to do something that Captain Credson ordered."

At this time, the cheek of the evil king also said to Crome in front of him: "Crome, you go back first, remember to be careful. If you come into contact with us, you may be targeted by the lone wolf."

"yes, I got it!"

Crom nodded immediately.

With the departure of the two diamond-level adventurers, Crom also left the bar, and walked back towards the royal city from another road.

However, he didn't notice one thing, that is, several people in strange robes followed behind him.

They are sneaky, and their strength is all around the gold level, which happens to be the opponent that Crom can't beat at all.

But at this time, he was still walking on the road and didn't know anything.

After completely destroying that planet, Lin Tai also returned to the planet Naranyel, and told the Adventurer's Union what he had done and what he had seen.

Lin Tai concealed some of these things, but Lin Tai revealed all about the slime's strength and plans, as well as the Storm Dragon King inside it...

After hearing Lin Tai's report, everyone was dumbfounded.

They never expected that a monster with only the strength of a gold-ranked adventurer would hide such terrifying power and ambition.

"Yeah, it's really thanks to Master Shura this time, otherwise we might suffer serious losses."

The president of the Adventurer's Guild wiped off the sweat from his forehead, and said, "But this time, it may be difficult for us to evaluate your points."

"Difficult to do?" Lin Tai asked a little puzzled.

"That's right, because an ordinary diamond-level adventurer is already the highest evaluation we can give." The president said with some confusion: "If you want to be promoted to the grandmaster level, you still need to put these things in order now." Report to the royal family and wait a long time."

"Oh, since this is the case, then I will leave it to you, the president, to handle 1.9."

"Eh? Really?"

Hearing Lin Tai's words, the president was also taken aback.

Because this is a good job, basically it can give people an illusion that the relationship between the adventurer Shura and the guild president is quite close, and he can even use Lin Tai's name to cheat outside.

"It doesn't matter, I think the president is a respectable person, so I leave this matter to you.

"Okay, I didn't expect Lord Shura to be such a new me!"

The president was also a little moved, and then said to Lin Tai: "Okay, then leave it to me!".

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