Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1774: The Assassin Attacks

"Then how shall I arrange you?"

Looking at Yuga Trashi in front of him, Lin Tai also frowned.

If it is still here, then after I go back, the task must not be handed over casually, and I will be questioned.

And Lin Tai has no way to take him out of here.

"I do have an idea." Suddenly, Ugatrashi said.

"Oh? Tell me, what do you think?" Lin Tai immediately asked curiously.

At this time, Yuga Trashi said: "I can temporarily let myself enter another phase space, and stop what I am doing now, the inadvertent aggression.

"Well, if that's the case, then you can indeed handle the inspection." Lin Tai nodded.

But soon, Lin Tai asked again: "But how long can you exist in other aspects?"

"Probably, less than one cosmic month." Ugatrashi said hesitantly: "After all, 630 is a completely different aspect, and I can't be active in it all the time.

"Well, that's enough, just do as you said." Lin Tai said: "Wait until you enter another aspect, and then I will record it. After you go back and deliver the task, I will bring someone to review it."

"And now we have a contractual relationship, so I can notify you at any time, and when we are about to arrive, you will enter the phase again."

"Okay." Ugatrashi said immediately.

At this moment, Lin Tai has reached an agreement with Ugga Trashi, and then he needs to fool those adventurers on the planet Naranyel.

But this is still very easy for Lin Tai.

Afterwards, Ugatrashi entered another phase, and Lin Tai took his own things and continued to return the same way on the spaceship.

He also needs to make up some lines on the road.

But in the royal city of the King Saros Galaxy, the Holy Thunder King Katok suddenly looked at Ke Rocks, and said, "Master Ke Rocks..."

"No, you don't need to call me by honorific title, just call me Ke Rocks."

"Well, then you can call me Carker, too.

Saint Thunder King Katok said: "Then, K Rocks, you take Krom away now, it seems that some unpleasant people have come to me!"

As he said that, he saw two people wearing black clothes standing ahead who used special props so that the enemy could not see their identities.

They all held sharp knives in their hands.

And on the other side of the road, there are also.

"Did these guys block all the roads?"

At this time, the Holy Thunder King Katok looked at the other party and said: "Three mid-gods, fifteen low-gods, more than a hundred demigods, and one trillion god-level troops, you really think highly of me. "

"Let me help too!" Crom stood up a little ignorantly, and at the same time raised the sword in his hand high and placed it in front of him.

"Let me fight with you!"

(cede) "Rocks would be fine, but Crom..."

The Holy Thunder King Katok was a little worried about him.

"It doesn't matter, I'm still watching." Ke Rocks said, the big knife has completely appeared in his hand.

"Well, since that's the case, I'll leave it to you."

Saying that, Saint Thunder King Katok walked towards the three middle gods.

These three are the most dangerous on the field, and they are the only three guys who can pose a threat to Ke Rocks.

And those demigod-level guys, in front of Ke Rocks, I'm afraid it's not surprising, it doesn't matter how many they come.

"Then, let you die first."

As he said that, the Holy Thunder King Katok's eyes suddenly moved, and three lightning bolts fell directly from the sky, instantly killing the three middle gods in front of him.

Then it waved its hand casually, and a terrifying electric light burst out directly, destroying all the trillions of god-level arms in an instant!

"It's really powerful!"

Crom looked at the other party in disbelief, and then rushed forward, and You Zhong's big knife suddenly slashed at a lower god.

However, as a demigod, it's still a bit too much to fight a lower god.

The other party saw the problem in an instant, and raised his hand to kill Crom.

And at this time, the Holy Thunder King Katok suddenly burst into a burst of momentum.

This terrifying aura instantly made this lowgod-level assassin tremble all over and dare not move, while Crom, who had just experienced it once, was only trembling.


Without hesitation, he launched his strongest blow, beheading.

Beheading: According to the situation of the target, make a beheading judgment.

At this time, the lower god controlled by the Holy Thunder King Katok is completely a weak chicken who has lost his will, and Crom's blow really judged that the beheading was successful!

"finally came back."

But in the royal city, when several people were fighting bloody, Lin Tai returned to Naran Yeer.

Seeing Lin Tai come back, several people came up to meet him immediately. .

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