At this time, the Holy Thunder King Katok had already entered the innermost place.

And right in front of him, the so-called patrol captain who had come to find fault with him was conducting a dirty and boring business.

The Holy Thunder King Katok was deeply disgusted by this.

So while the patrol captain was speaking, Saint Thunder King Katok stepped up, grabbed his collar with one hand, and lifted the man's body up.

"You, why are you here?"

He immediately let out a howl of disbelief.

But before he finished screaming or something, Katok had already slapped him, and immediately shut his mouth.

"Shut up, bastard, believe it or not, I'll let you die right away!"

As he said that, Katok took another step forward, and at the same time his palm turned into a huge sickle-like weapon, which immediately cut off one of the opponent's arms.

"You, how dare you treat me like this!"

The patrol captain let out a growl.

You must know that he is a Viscount-level figure, even in the royal city, he is a nobleman with a high status. Otherwise, he would not be the captain of the patrol team in the imperial city.

But in the view of the Holy Thunder King Katok, a mere galaxy that doesn't even have a high-ranking Shendu, no matter how high your status is, you are just a piece of meat on the display board.

So he didn't pay any attention to it, just sneered and said, "Why, can't it?"

"Of course not, I am a great and noble nobleman, Master Oribus, it is against the law for you to treat me like this, the galaxy will definitely sanction you, and let you die without a place to bury you!"

As he spoke, he immediately raised his head and shouted loudly: "Come on, someone here has attacked me, a nobleman, come and kill him!"

But it shouted many times, but no one responded.

Because (ceca) this time, the people who were with him were actually killed by the Holy Thunder King Katok.

"How is it possible, where are my subordinates? Where are the phantoms? Come and help me!"

"Hmph, those people of yours have been killed by me now." Saint Thunder King Katok looked at him and said in a rather disdainful tone.

"It's impossible, you damn old man can't have such a powerful calendar!"

At this moment, the captain of the patrol team wailed, and at the same time stood up abruptly, and ran towards the rear while rolling and crawling.

His only thought now is to get away from this terrifying monster as soon as possible.

But before he ran far, the body of the Holy Thunder King Katok suddenly appeared in front of it in a flash.

And at this time, the patrol captain looked at the Holy Thunder King Katok in front of him and didn't dare to move at all. He said in a panic: "You, don't kill me, I can give you money, I can give you a lot of money…………"

"I don't want money." Saint Thunder King Katok said without hesitation.

In fact, money means nothing to him.

"Then why did you attack me?" The whole person uttered a question in disbelief.

"Hmph, think about what you have done during this time, don't you understand?" Saint Thunder King Katok shouted angrily.


The captain of the patrol, that is, Viscount Oribus, asked ten questions.

That's right, it's unknown until now, Orebus still doesn't know why the Holy Thunder King Katok wants to attack him.

As a guy who inherited the title of his ancestors, Oribus has always believed that there is nothing wrong with what he did. As a nobleman, he can exploit the common people, which is their right.

But Holy Thunder King Katok doesn't think so.

Katok is a Zerg, and it is also a very powerful Zerg. It has accepted the concept that everyone is equal since childhood. Even if the female insect controls everything, she is only a part of the huge system of the Zerg.

After getting in touch with Lin Tai, Katok's thoughts became even more serious.

Because Lin Tai is a modern earth person, although his ideas have gradually changed as he became a god, but he still likes everyone to be equal, and never treats his subordinates as subordinates.

This is his charm to people, and because of this, so many heroes are always willing to be by his side.

While this nobleman was suffering, Lin Tai was partying, dancing and enjoying life with many other noblemen.

It has to be said that although the development of the King Saros galaxy is still quite backward, the food and wine in this galaxy are really quite good.

Just looking at these things, Lin Tai felt like his saliva was about to flow down.

"Hahaha, enjoy it a lot!"

At this time, Leonard walked up to Lin Tai and said: "Mr. Shura, although our King Saros galaxy is poor and weak, we are rich in all kinds of spices, and they are all natural and quite beneficial to the body. Good thing."

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