Originally, Crom wanted to tell the Tenth Prince what happened today, but for some reason, the Tenth Prince seemed to already know.

The tenth prince said slowly: "Today you defeated the phantom's underground assassination organization, which will definitely arouse the other party's vigilance, so in order to prevent the other party from discovering more problems, Creedson and I decided to change the time of the attack to tomorrow .

"I'm so sorry, because of me..."

But before Crom could finish speaking, the Tenth Prince interrupted: "However, it is precisely because of your actions that you have hit the opponent's forces, which allows us to send a little more troops, and also gives us confidence."


Crom nodded, but didn't say anything.

And in another place, one of the people Lin Tai focused on, Ashara was drinking with Rocks at this time.

Rocks deliberately reduced his output of divine power at this time, instead of expelling the alcohol from his body, he said to Ashara in front of him: "At that time, Crom had already pushed the phantom to a desperate situation, although he was also The injury was serious, but it was just the last bit."

"Really? I didn't expect this kid to be able to do this." Ashara nodded.

"Yeah, this guy is not very good at fighting. When I saw him for the first time, I thought Crom was just a brat blindly pursuing power.

"However, he relied on his own will to block that desperately powerful momentum." "

"In a sense, he's even stronger than me."

Seeing Ashara who was in a daze and didn't say anything, Ke Rocks said again: "Are you a little unbelievable?"

"No, I do."

Unexpectedly, Ashara shook her head at this time, and said: "There are still many things in this world that we don't know, and what we see is just the tip of the known iceberg.


These two people were once hailed as the two strongest people in the King Saros galaxy, but since meeting Lin Tai, these two people have lost their former pride.

Because they all know that these strengths of their own are actually not strong now, and they simply cannot bear the title of strongest.

Yes, they all feel lost.

But at this time, Lin Tai has also temporarily left the capital, and went to a very important planning location, preparing to implement his ideas.

At the same time, there is another very powerful guy who has been secretly watching.

"Huh? What is this?"

Lin Tai looked at this guy and suddenly felt as if he had seen him somewhere.

"Huh? The strength is probably a high god, isn't it, is it a fake high god?" Lin Tai also suddenly appeared in his hand the commandment of light and darkness, and then said: "Come out and let me see who you are."

"Hey, it's still discovered!"

A voice suddenly sounded, and then Lin Tai saw a rather strange-looking black figure coming out from behind, walking towards him.

"Well, if I'm not mistaken, you should be a dragon, right? Level 15..."

"You are so wise."

The black figure also lowered his head and bowed to Lin Tai, and then said: "In the Black Demon Shadow Guard of Xialong Kingdom, I heard that you have more than one dragon god under your command [so I was sent to check it out."

"Dragon Kingdom..."

Lin Tai narrowed his eyes and looked at the information of the black figure in front of him.

Name: Shadow Dragon King

Attribute: dark

Rank: middle god

Skills: slightly

Description: The king of the shadow dragon clan, not strong, but possesses powerful stealth and control abilities.

At this time, Lin Tai didn't say much, but walked straight towards the other party, and said while walking: "~So, what do you mean?"

In fact, Lin Tai already knew what the other party was thinking, but he still asked knowingly.

The Shadow Dragon King also knew Lin Tai's thoughts, so he said: "What we mean, of course, is to hope that you can return the freedom of several dragon gods. Our kingdom must have..."

But before he could finish speaking, Lin Tai released an extremely terrifying aura.

At this moment, the Shadow Dragon King almost felt suffocated.

It can't even imagine what will happen to him if Lin Tai (Qian Lizhao) really wants to attack him.


"Hmph, they have surrendered to me and become my heroes, so I naturally have no possibility of letting them go. Of course, if they want to leave, I will not forcibly stop them."

"But, do you think they would be willing? To leave me and go to your dragon kingdom?"

Faced with this momentum, the Shadow Dragon King was unable to speak originally, but at this moment a ray of light suddenly lit up on its body, and at the same time a loud dragon roar sounded.

After that, the Shadow Dragon King's body straightened up suddenly.

"This is what you have, the power of the upper god...".

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