On the other side, the distribution of tasks has also begun.

The ten princes and Lin Tai's surprise attack on the lone wolf coincided almost perfectly, and both of them walked towards the lone wolf's stronghold at the same time.

At this time, Crom was in a group with Rocks, and with them was one of Leonard's subordinates, named Dosan, a gold-level adventurer with dual talents of thieves and fighters. .

Although he is not a diamond-level opponent, but the ordinary three or four gold-level opponents are not his opponents, and he is a very reliable teammate.

"Get ready to go!"

Ke Rocks said, and then the three of them went to the base where they were in charge of the "830" investigation.

However, this stronghold seems to be a bit problematic.

"Here, there are many auras of strong people!" Ke Rocks said suddenly.

If he can be called a strong person, then at least he is also an existence at the level of a god.

And although he is also a middle god, it is really troublesome to deal with so many with his own strength.

"K Rocks, lend me your strength."

"My strength?" Hearing Dosang's words, Ke Rocks was also stunned at this moment, completely unaware of what was going on.

And Duo Sang also said: "That's right, I have a special skill that can temporarily borrow the power of others to make my rank temporarily reach diamond, so that diamond-level existences will not be able to detect my existence."

"So that's how it is."

Ke Rocks didn't think much about it, after all, Dosan in front of him was just a relatively strong lower god, even if he could absorb his own power, it wouldn't be too much.

Thinking of this, Ke Rocks also stretched out his hand towards Duo Sang, and suddenly a burst of energy entered Duo Bao's body.

And at this time, Duo Sang's body also gradually exuded bursts of aura belonging to the middle god, and at the same time, he also began to restrain the power in his body, gradually becoming transparent.

Then he walked forward at a fast speed for a certain distance, and quietly sneaked into the opponent's stronghold.

Soon, Dosang came back.

And at this time, Dosang came back with a frown all over his face, looking quite distressed.

And at this time, Ke Rocks on the side also asked strangely: "What's the matter, why do you show this expression?"

"The problem is really big!"

Duo Sang couldn't help but said: "I found one thing, that is what these people look like, I, I have seen them all!"

At this time, Duo Sang also confirmed his thoughts, and immediately said: "If I remember correctly, there are seven leaders in the Lone Wolf organization, and six of them are here!"

"What? Six!"

This time, even Rocks was stunned.

Even though he is a relatively strong fighter among the diamond ranks, he is confident of winning against two of the same rank, but against three, he can barely delay the time, and against four, he will undoubtedly lose.

But here are six!

"Damn it, I can't deal with six diamond-level powerhouses!" Rocks said in his heart.

"This is good news, but it doesn't seem very good to us." Crome said: "If the leader of the Lone Wolf has six people here, the other strongholds can be captured easily!"

"but we....……"

"It's impossible to win with us!" Dosang on the side also said...

But at this moment, K Rocks and Krom suddenly saw the Holy Thunder King Katok walking towards here.

The Holy Thunder King Katok also looked around, and happened to find two familiar auras.

"Yo, Rocks, Crom, you two are here too, what a coincidence." Saint Thunder King Katok said.


Rocks nodded.

Then Crome asked: "Then what is the purpose of Master Katok coming here?"

"I was called by them," Katok said. "They left provocations in my house, so I came to see."

"Ha, since that's the case, how about Master Katok fighting with us this time?" Rocks said suddenly.

Ke Rocks knew Katok's strength, so they immediately decided to hug their thighs. With Katok, they can basically be sure that they can easily win this stronghold.

"Then if this is the case, I will go in to attract their attention." Saint Thunder 2.3 King Katok said: "And the three of you, sneak in from other directions and go in to investigate."


At this time, the Holy Thunder King Katok walked towards the gate, and immediately a person checked its identity behind the gate.

"That's right, it's him!"

Open the door and let Saint Rekatork in.

And when the door was opened, the other three people also followed in.

With the help of the power of Ke Rocks, now Dosan can use the effect of group invisibility, and it is almost impossible to be discovered by the existence below the middle god. .

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