At this moment, the cartoon dog made a wish to the magic lamp: "My all attributes are strengthened by a hundred times!"

Seeing it, his body suddenly swelled up.

And this time, the side effect caused by the cartoon dog is a catastrophe.

"That's right, it's a catastrophe."

At this moment, a terrifying thunder fell from the sky and struck the cartoon dog fiercely, scorching it black all over.

Ordinary middle gods are already dead with this blow, and they don't even need to be within the range, as long as they are nearby, they will be killed directly.

But the cartoon dog and the evil king's cheeks present are not the ordinary middle god "Eight Eight Seven". They all used their own power to prevent the power of this skill.

After the cartoon dog was struck by lightning, its body was directly burnt in the air, and at the same time, its flesh became transparent, and the bones under the skin were clearly visible.

But the evil king's cheeks retreated rapidly, and at the same time, streaks of blood-colored energy appeared around, resisting the aftermath of this catastrophe.

"Being hit by this kind of attack is absolutely impossible to survive!" Xie Wang said: "The battle is over, we have won!"

But right after he said these words, the cartoon dog in front of him stood up again, and although his body was scorched black, its HP was full!

This is the effect of his passive play.

Contempt: When the cartoon dog receives damage from nature, other worlds, and all targets without malicious intent and active attack consciousness, ignore the damage and convert it into pain.

That's right, it is precisely because of this damage that the effect of the Arabian magic lamp is judged to be damage from nature, so the cartoon dog is immune to it although it is painful.

"Hey hey, I'm invincible!"

With a loud laugh, the cartoon dog suddenly rushed in front of Xie Wang's cheek, and a sky hammer appeared again from it.

But this time, the display on the sledgehammer turned out to be: ∞ tons.


Seeing this attack towards Xiali, Xie Wangzhi suddenly panicked, and he activated his skill in an instant: Bloody Explosion!

Terrifying blood light entered his body, and this time, the Xie Wang's cheek instantly turned into a blood-red titan, soaring up to the sky on the spot!

And on his body, there were countless blood-red lines that looked like human heads, and they kept wailing!

"I see!"

At this moment, Lin Tai clapped his hands suddenly and said, "So that's how it is!"

"what happens?"

The Hell Evil Dragon King looked at Lin Tai in front of him, and asked with some doubts: "Master, what did you see? Why can't I understand it at all?"

"Hey, that's the difference in perception."

Lin Tai smiled immediately, and then said: "This guy is not a human, or any human-like life form. He is an undead, a vampire!"


"That's right, a vampire!" Lin Tai looked at the cheek of the evil king in front of him, and explained, "If I'm not mistaken, his body is probably the soul of life that has sealed an entire planet!"


Hell Evil Dragon King Sulton immediately widened his eyes and said: "How is this possible? Even if it is me, it is impossible for me to rely on my body to absorb the soul of an entire planet. I must use it It needs to be digested and absorbed!"

"That's right, it is indeed impossible under normal circumstances. As the strangest thing, even the legendary Supreme God cannot directly control the soul, and can only take it for his own use through indirect means... .”

"But what about him?"

"His situation is not ordinary."

Lin Tai looked at the cheek of the evil king in front of him and said, "According to my guess, this guy was probably born on a living planet that turned into a vampire!"

"This planet itself is a living life, and it has been turned into a vampire, and the life born on it is also inevitable" will become the same thing.

"And this guy is the son of destiny chosen by that planet! This planet uses its own soul to absorb the souls of other beings on it, and then seals itself in the opponent's body, so as to carry out ultra-long-distance voyages .

"That's how I get it."

Hell Evil Dragon King Thor nodded, and then said: "In this way, this guy will naturally be able to perfectly seal it in 1.0's own body, and make it subject to himself.

"That's right, and this person seems to be a kind guy, so he probably violated the contract between himself and the other party. In this way, the planet that has become a vampire will naturally hate him to the bone and become an antagonistic existence gone."

As Lin Tai said at this moment, he also suddenly had an idea, that is to take Xie Wangzhi as his subordinate, and then slowly study the mysteries of his body.

"Since this is the case, then I need to show my strength in front of him, and at the same time make him think that I am a friendly army."

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