And at this time, in another place, the battle between the evil king's cheeks, the loophole rabbit and the sonic hedgehog has completely begun.

At this moment, there is a small pool of blood next to Xie Wang's cheek, turning his body into a translucent liquid, which can ignore the attacks of all existing entities.

At the same time, a huge sickle also appeared in his hand.

The weapon in this state can ignore the collision of the weapon and cause soul damage to other creatures.

With the combination of these two skills, even if the Evil King's Cheek does not have the will of the planet in his body, he can completely jump repeatedly in front of most of the middle gods.

In addition to these things, the power of his attacks is also super powerful, all physical attacks have blood-sucking effects, and they are 100% converted [no damage will be wasted.

At this time, Xie Wangzhi directly swung the huge sickle in his hand towards the loophole rabbit in front of him.

But loopholes can't be selected by Lin Tai, so naturally it can't be a weak one.

Seeing 293's blow coming towards him, suddenly his body was severed.

It was as if it had been cut off by the cheek of the evil king.

But in an instant, the cheek of the evil king noticed the problem.

Because Bunny Bunny's body didn't bleed.

The disconnected part of the Bunny's body is as empty as a black hole, without any injuries at all.

"Hey hey."

Loophole Rabbit gave a weird smile, and then, under the stunned gaze of Xie Wangzhi, he suddenly reached out and grabbed his broken lower body, and connected it to the wound as if pulling up his pants.

"What is this?"

The evil king's cheek was shocked, but it swung the sickle in its hand again, and attacked the loophole in front of it.

But this time, the loophole was not taken the initiative to be beaten.

Seeing the opponent's attack coming, the loophole rabbit suddenly took a step back to avoid the opponent's attack, and at the same time he directly took out a huge big hammer from his pants.

The difference from the cartoon dog is that at this time, the hammer of Bunny Bunny is not written ∞, but ?.

That's right, the loophole can adjust the weight of its hammer at will, while the cartoon dog and cartoon cat can only make their hammer hover in the four positions of one ton, ten tons, one hundred tons and infinity.

As long as the loophole wants to, he can even turn his infinity into a higher-order infinity, crushing the joint attack of cartoon cats and cartoon dogs.


At this moment, Loophole's iron hammer hit the sickle on Xie Wang's cheek fiercely.

Although Xie Wang's cheek can ignore most physical attacks, but at the moment when the two sides came into contact, a very special aura suddenly released from his side

And nearby, Linglong was chatting with the cartoon cat and the cartoon dog.

They looked at the battle of the few people in front of them, as if they didn't care about it.

"This guy is really strong." The cartoon cat couldn't help but said: (ceaj) "I can even feel that he has a power very similar to Master Juggernaut, although it's still very weak."

"Yeah, I was almost killed by it last time. I could feel the terrifying coercion from him, and it was thanks to Lord Thor who rescued me in time."

"This is the will of the planet." [084412124 Fei 403091]

Linglong explained at the side: "The planet's will is a must to become a high god, and this guy, by chance, got the will of a planet, but he couldn't subdue it."

"Is that so? But the will of the planet, how do you get it?"

"Don't think about it." Linglong waved her hand and said: "You who have gaps in dimensions will not be recognized by the planet at all, or in other words, everything you do will not actually affect reality. , is just a special illusion.”

"That's right, guys like us may be able to advance in other ways. We have this idea in our brains." Cartoon Dog said suddenly.

The cartoon cat also nodded.

And now, Lin Tai and Thor have also negotiated thoroughly.

Under Lin Tai's instruction, Thor has also selected seven demon subordinates who directly belong to him as the strongest thugs under his subordinates, who will share Thor's work when he is no longer.

They are: Pride, Jealousy, Rage, Laziness, Greed, Gluttony, and Lust, these seven demon generals, respectively divide Thor's area, and each has part of the power bestowed by Lin Tai and Thor.

But now, these seven people have another mission.

That is to pretend to be the existence of Thor, and carry out destruction in various areas, and although they are completely different from Thor, they are also making other creatures think that this is just Thor's transformation.

As for the hell dragon that Thor turns into later, he will not become the devil king that others think, and can also carry out activities everywhere as Lin Tai's subordinates. .

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