Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1811 Enka Star Expedition

At this time, Lin Tai once again summoned his subordinates to discuss matters in the conference hall.

At this moment, Lin Tai said: "This time, our plan in the King Saros galaxy is going very smoothly, I think you must also have some ideas about my behavior and some measures.

"Yes, Lord Master."

At this time, Lin Tai also suddenly looked at Thor, the evil dragon king of hell, standing in the front.

After mutating, Thor has a terrifying wisdom, and he will not even lose to Zhuge Liang in the novel. He is a terrifying existence of "Qiqisan" with enough strength and brain power to bear the title of devil.

At this time, Lin Tai also said: "Tor, come and tell everyone present your plan and what you know about my plan."


At this time, Thor was still human, and he walked to Lin Tai's feet with his huge demon wings, facing a group of Lin Tai's subordinates, and said: "After a series of battles in the King Saros galaxy In manipulation, our master, Master Shura has completely occupied the underground world of this galaxy!"

"From now on, even the emperor of the Saros galaxy wants to find a prostitute, he needs to ask us if we agree!"


Lin Tai is a bit embarrassing, because Cao Cao Geng really has a bit of a bad taste.

Then without giving Lin Tai time to speak, Thor directly spread his arms and said to the people in front of him: "At this point, our master, Lord Shura's great plan, the first step to rule the world, has a foothold.

That's right, it is to rule the world, and it is not to rule a small planet.

The world mentioned by Lin Tai refers to the entire universe!

He wants to say that all the galaxies and all the planets in this universe are all under his command, making himself the only and only supreme ruler that exists.

This goal is boring.

Yes, Lin Tai also knows that as a high god, the goal of ruling the world is actually quite boring, and he himself is not particularly keen on power.

But just like a game that has been played for a long time, what this game brings to Lin Tai is no longer passion, but repetitive work like clocking in at work.

According to what he does every day, Lin Tai finally set a goal, which is to conquer the entire universe.

Perhaps this goal seems to be more interesting. After all, although Lin Tai is strong, the goal of ruling the universe is still very challenging for him.

"Yes, now we have completed the rule of the underground world of King Saros Galaxy!"

And just when Lin Tai was thinking, Thor also began to say loudly: "And now, we are ready to fully incorporate the goal into our territory! But now, we lack one thing!"

"Lack of something?"

Several cartoon characters below expressed their doubts.

Their IQ is not enough to think in this situation, except for Bug Bunny, these guys are still quite confused.

There was a hint of pity in Bu Bunny's eyes. He knew that once Meng Hao really planned to do something, there would undoubtedly be massacres on a very large scale in these galaxies [planets].

Countless human lives will be taken away by Lin Tai like worthless things......

But it doesn't say anything.

Because now he has chosen Lin Tai, the Creator of Light and Darkness, as his lord, Lin Tai's interests are what he really needs to consider.

"What we need is righteousness!"

"If we lack the support of righteousness, then when ruling the Saros galaxy, other external forces have a reason to intervene! What we need is to make other forces have nothing to say and cannot mobilize the people to oppose our righteousness!"

"So, how do you get righteousness?"

At this time, Sophie also completed the integration of the Holy Demon.

She also stood up and asked: "Do we need to secretly manipulate the lone wolf to rebel and turn our rule over the Saros galaxy into a war of resistance?"

"No, the King Saros galaxy really doesn't have any charm right now. I think it's best for us to borrow the power of the heart-centered galaxy!"

"Heart-geocentric galaxy?"

Many people are confused, because they don't know what Thor means. From their point of view, the heart-centered galaxy seems to have nothing to do with the 1.1 Saros galaxy.

"So that's what you thought!"

Lin Tai nodded suddenly, and then said to Thor in front of him: "Your idea coincides with mine, if that's the case, then tell me your plan exactly, and I will follow your plan." , to confirm how it works in the end.”


With that said, Thor also came to Lin Tai very happily, and said: "First of all, this plan requires your personal cooperation, only you as a master-level adventurer

to do it. "

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