Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1816 Cave Exploration

After doing all this, Lin Tai is ready to explore the bottom of the cave.

Although the man-eating insects hidden in the ground along the way were very troublesome, Lin Tai was a high-ranking god no matter what, he directly showed his aura, and these man-eating insects were immediately suppressed underground and did not dare to come out.

Then Lin Tai and Bubble Rabbit continued to walk forward.

Since no other creatures dared to approach and attack, Lin Tai and the loophole soon came to the deepest part, where there are densely packed things left by humans

But Lin Tai didn't care, but continued to look for it.

Soon, "407" Lin Tai found a huge treasure chest here. As for the other things around the treasure chest, most of them can't even reach the level of a lower god, so Lin Tai directly ignored them.

After all, this is also a game, and it seems that some good things are placed in the deepest part of a level.

Lin Tai went up, stretched out his hand on the treasure chest and opened it with one touch.

What appeared in front of Lin Tai turned out to be a strange blueprint with a very special structure on it.

Lin Tai didn't expect that this turned out to be a blueprint for making a grenade, and the grenade produced was still a low-level artifact-level consumable.

Name: bug flash

Type: Consumables

Lethality: extremely strong

Effect: Causes explosion damage and a very high blinding effect to all targets within a large range. The blinding effect is invalid for the user, but the explosion damage is effective.

Description: On a planet where Zerg is the main intelligent creature, this weapon was manufactured to fight bugs with eyes.

However, bugs whose vision has greatly degraded will not be affected by it, and it is also one of the killers of these bugs.

"There is such a good thing?"

Lin Tai was also taken aback for a moment. You must know that the consumables of the inferior artifact level are hard to come by, and this kind of blueprint is an artifact among artifacts.

Its own value is definitely not lower than a high-grade artifact, and even high-grade artifacts other than weapons may not be as valuable as it.

"It's really a good thing. A low-level artifact-level blinding item is enough to affect the upper god. I have another hole card."

Thinking in this way, Lin Tai also put it into his backpack, and then checked the treasure chest, and found that there was nothing else in it, so he left with a loophole.

And after that, Lin Tai and the loophole conquered the rest of the forest with fast and terrifying speed, and after entrusting everything to the explosive scorpion, they walked towards the middle.

He was going to see what it was that could make the midgod into a pseudo midgod.

The Explosive Scorpion is also very happy, because there were originally three lords in this place, but after the Cosmic Demon Spider left, another opponent appeared.

But now, this place has completely become the domain of the Explosive Scorpion. Although they have surrendered to Lin Tai, their status has actually risen instead of falling, which makes the Explosive Scorpion very happy.

Soon, Lin Tai came to the deepest part of the forest, where the terrifying energy was stored.

What appeared in front of Lin Tai was a super huge crypt.

Lin Tai walked down, and even found a special thing here, that is a terrifying pool of blood...

There is no doubt that this thing that can increase the strength of the middle god is definitely not a real benefit, but a trap.

But even if it is a trap, this bait is really tempting.

Lin Tai walked over and took a little look [I can find that this is the power of the high god like him.

But this force is stronger than Lin Tai.

"Is this, the energy of ancient times..."

Lin Tai thought about it in his heart, and then immediately stepped forward, unleashing all his divine power, and began to explore the situation here.

Perhaps feeling Lin Tai's ability, suddenly the red pool in front of him evaporated, and then a piece of red paper came out of it and fell into Lin Tai's hand.

"this is...………"

This is an invitation.

That's right, invitations.

It is full of strange characters and patterns that humans can never understand. Even the loophole rabbit on the side began to feel dizzy in an instant, and had to leave this place for a while.

But Lin Tai could understand.

This 5.6 is not because Lin Tai is stronger than the loopholes. In fact, it is La Laiye's Lihuang who really allows Lin Tai to understand these characters and patterns.

That's right, R'lyye, the creator of darkness, is also one of the ancient gods, even if he is also a high god, but Lin Tai can only be crushed in front of R'lyye.

This is the difference between the ancient gods and the new gods. In the age of the ancient gods, the rules were quite imperfect. To become an ancient god, you need to pay a huge price!

And if the new god wants to fight the ancient god, then the upper god is definitely needed, without the strength of the upper god, even the whispers of the ancient god can't resist. .

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