"And at the right time, he used his son to imprison the prince, and wanted to kill the king to usurp the throne.

"So, is this boy the current Blood Emperor Hestis, or someone else?"

When these words were spoken, Lin Tai's body had gradually become opaque.

He casually grabbed the cabinet at the side and opened it, just in time to find that there were a few things that looked like children's bracelets, which were woven with a kind of flower and had withered.

Lin Tai took it out and put it in his backpack.

Then I emptied the cabinet and found nothing.

At this time, Lin Tai walked up to the armored soldiers and looked at their wounds.

"All were killed by one weapon, one man 24, as evidenced by the energy left in the wound."

As he spoke, he touched several armored men, and found a fragment on every soldier.

Name: Marquis' Secret Order Fragment 1

Description: Collect all seven fragments to form a completed Marquis Order.

"Well, there were five people in total, and three fragments were found. Are the other fragments hidden?"

As he spoke, Lin Tai looked around and found a strange safe placed in the corner.

This thing is obviously not something that can be had in this era, but an easter egg specially left by the system for gameplay. Some evidence of being destroyed by people can be found in it.

Lin Tai walked over and saw a Chinese character "fire" on the top of the safe, and its password was five digits.

Lin Tai entered the five numbers 69175 without hesitation.

In fact, this password is the four numbers corresponding to fire in English, which are 6, 9, 17, and 5 respectively.

Then Lin Tai opened the password.

But the contents of the safe made Lin Tai's face suddenly change, because the contents turned out to be a small safe.


Take this small safe in your hand, and this time, the small safe says the five Hanchens of gold, wood, water and fire.

"Well, seven eight six nine five."

Lin Tai entered it again.

78695 is the number corresponding to metal, wood, water, fire and earth as the five elements.

And in this small safe, there is a stack of photos.

Lin Tai took it in his hand and looked it over, and found that most of his guesses were correct, but one of the problems was that the adult inside was not the king's brother or minister, but the boy's guard.

But how could a bodyguard attack the emperor? Coupled with the betrayal of the same age the boy was playing with, Lin Tai was more sure of his mind.

This guard must have been instigated by someone, and who this person is, Lin Tai does not know yet.

However, after getting this stack of photos, Lin Tai's body almost completely became a reality.

Although people in this time and space still cannot see Lin Tai, Lin Tai can already do some things relatively easily.

Then Lin Tai continued to walk forward, and found a large number of maids in the palace chatting together.

You must know that even the most inferior people in the palace cannot be civilians.

And these court ladies are even all the daughters of nobles. Their purpose in the palace is to manage the relationship with these princes and princesses, and at the same time monitor some important information.

But now, they are saying: "This time the emperor is finished, and the Marquis of Filmut chose to attack at this time!"

"That's right! The queen and all the princes have been taken away, and now the emperor is in a passive state no matter what.

"What are we going to do now? Shall we please the Marquis of Firmut immediately?"

"Let's stay far away, what if the Marquis will kill us?"

With that said, everyone fled in a panic.

As for Lin Tai, he just heard an important piece of news, that is, the person who caused the rebellion to kill the emperor was the Marquis of Filmut.

Then Lin Tai has become a complete 190 entity at this time and can be seen.

He continued to move forward, but was soon stopped by a group of people in golden armor.

"Stop, we are the Royal Guard, who the hell are you?"

"Royal guard? Even they rebelled, this emperor is really unpopular.

Thinking this way in my heart, but Lin Tai's hand didn't stop.

He took a step forward suddenly, and at the same time, the light in his hand flickered.

In an instant, the heads of all the royal guards in front fell to the ground and turned into dead bodies.

Lin Tai got what he needed again from the corpses of these people, that is, the remaining four, the fragments of the secret order of Marquis Filmut.

When these seven fragments are combined, they become the secret order of Marquis Felmut:

Everyone, I will launch an attack on June 13th to seize the throne and become the new emperor...

There is no need to write out a lot of things after that, such as various action plans, goals and the like. .

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